Chapter Eight
    Chunyu went home from the elementary school. He couldn’t be the substitute teacher any more. The secretary told everyone in the village about this in the

    speaker. “Dear commune members, I am broadcasting an important decision. Owing to the fact that Chungen was in contempt of both the party branch and leaders in the village, privately went out to work without permission, which discredited our village and the commune members. So we decided that Chunyu in this kind of family was no longer fit to be a substitute teacher. From today on his teaching job was canceled. He was assigned to go back to do farm work.”

    People in the Dragon Lane all raised their ears and listened when “Commune members” came out from the speaker, sometimes they even discussed animatedly, “Something happened.” “What’s happened?” “Listen, the secretary is speaking in a different tone.” As expected, Anran’s became a family of “privately going to work outside the village”, which was looked down upon in the eyes of the rural people. All the benefits from the Brigade and production team would be reduced to a lower level, compared to ordinary members. How was it possible for a family member to be a substitute teacher in that kind of household? So it was natural that Chunyu couldn’t be the teacher any more, just like nasal mucus running into the mouth.

    Chunyu knew why Xiangyuan canceled his job, he was ready for that. To be honest, for some time,he liked his daughter Shuimei. But at that time, she was not in the village, learning to be a doctor in the County Hospital. But Qin Yatou was lively running round before him every day, which made his heart itch, his legs soften, later, …… he couldn’t stay away from her. Under this circumstance, it’s impossible for him to break up with her, to be the secretary’s son-in-law. He couldn’t do it. On the other hand, Shuimei fell in love with another man. As the secretary, he was very capable of doing anything, why not find that man and bring him to Shuimei to marry her? That sounded reasonable. If he tried to find a fall guy, Shuimei was not happy, neither was the other man. That guy took advantage.

    However, Chunyu had never thought that Xiangyuan would be so nasty, not only canceled his teaching job, but also gave his family a bad name of “privately going out to work”, which sounded so justifiable and impeccable. The whole family suffered because of himself…… So nasty. Xiangyuan was so bossy, almost free to do what he liked. Who gave him so much power? Chunyu felt sorry but angry. He wanted to scold, but didn’t know whom to scold.

    Chunyu fell on evil days, but someone else became lucky. This was what materialist dialectics of development of things looked like. This lucky guy was no one else, but “Black Vegetable Melon” in Hunchback Tan’s family.

    “Black Vegetable Melon” was his nickname, his real last name was Tan, the same as his father’s. In the village, no one called his father’s real name, but always talked about him as Hunchback Tan. He never got angry with this. Who knew that his son got the same treatment, similar as his father. All the villagers called him nickname instead of real name. He never became angry just as his father did.

    His skin was really black. In the villagers’ words, he couldn’t be found out if he fell in the coal piles. Although exaggerated, it was basically true. Hunchback Tan didn’t know why his son was so black. His wife and he were not that white, but not as black as a vegetable melon. Why did they give birth to such a variant?

    Not right at supper, as he became so excited after drinking too much, Hunchback Tan grasped his wife in the vital part, “Say, whose child is this black vegetable melon?” “You are drunken now, are you mad? If I had sex with other men, you could bring him over, let me have a look.” Xiangyu was nasty, she didn’t fear Hunchback Tan’s scaring words. “What do you want me to bring forward?”

    “Evidence!” Xiangyu didn’t expect he could do that. Next she would give Hunchback Tan an counterattack, instead. Hunchback Tan was playing his long dick like a snake, rocking hard. He wanted to have sex with her, but she turned back to him coldly, thinking he could not doing anything.

    As the saying said, a dog would jump over the wall in desperation.①   What’s more, he was a man. Now he was very anxious, learned how to do it like a dog. He put her in bed, undressed her, putting his dick into her vagina from the back, fucking hard, almost the same as the dogs did for sex.

    Nobody knew by what postures Hunchback Tan and Xiangyu did sex, then had “Black Vegetable Melon”. “Black Vegetable Melon” was not as tall as Chunyu, but finished his junior middle school as Chunyu did. He always had a pen in the pocket of his jacket, looking as proud as a peacock, but he hadn’t had a wife yet. In the early years, “Wawaqin①” was very popular in the village. If he hadn’t had a girl friend in his early twenties, he was on the edge of being single. In each village, five or six single men at least could be found. “Black Vegetable Melon” was twenty-three years old, short and black, as anxious as an ant in a hot pot. This time, Chunyu was canceled as the substitute teacher, Hunchback Tan would catch this good opportunity.

    Thus, carrying two Crucian fish of two jin as gifts, he went to the uncle of the same clan, asked with a smile, “Uncle, please help my son.” His uncle was a respected person in the village. He was an accountant of the Brigade. Hunchback Tan thought over, he was the right person who could speak for his son with Xiangyuan. But he was surprised when the uncle said, “You don’t have to ask me for help with this. Your wife is the best and right person. By the time at the meeting, I will say some good words about your son. That will work out.” “Uncle, are you joking with me?” “Do as I say, it will sure be right.” “Ask your wife to go there alone tonight. It will make trouble with many people in the day. Remember, in the evening.” The uncle patted him on the hunchback, repeatedly advised when taking him out to the door.

    In the evening, Hunchback Tan told Xiangyu what the accountant said. Xiangyu scolded him like a ghost, “If you listen to him, salt would be sold like gold. Why do you want me to go the secretary’s house since I am only a woman? What do you do as a man? I won’t go.” Hunchback Tan carried three jins of barley alcohol, with a pack of cigarettes of “Daqianmen②”, was going by himself. As the saying went, better depend on yourself than ask for help from others. His back was hunched, but he had regular legs. He was leaving the house when he was dragged back by Xiangyu, “Did his Uncle really say so? Not spoke ill of me?” He wanted to go ask for a favor with gifts himself, which showed he was very serious. Xiangyu thought that the uncle was of the same clan and the accountant, he would not do harm to her, but she wanted to protect herself for her evils, oversensitive/ suspicious. Hunchback nodded. “Then let me go. I won’t be scared by his dick even in a mountain of swords and a sea of flames.”. Xiangyu had heard of those rumors about Xiangyuan’s romance that he was fond of stripping the crotch of other men’s wife. Xiangyu wanted to see she was not that kind of frivolous woman like other wives.

    Xiangyu took over the stuff from her husband, came to Xiangyuan’s door,  knocking liberally, “Is the secretary in?” “Who is it?” “Hunchback Tan’s wife.” “Come in.” Xiangyu entered the hall-room, saw Xiangyuan was washing his feet,  said, “Going to bed? Not the right time to visit you.” Turning to leave. “No, no. I  am not. Shuimei went with her mother to see her grandma, who was not feeling  well because of old age. But I am too busy to go with them.” Xiangyuan said as  he raised his feet, looked for the foot cloth, pushing aside the foot basin. Xiangyu  was a careful woman, thinking that she came here for a favor, so she humbled,  without saying anything, went to take the foot basin out to the yard, emptied it.  “How could I trouble you with that, Xiangyu?” Xiangyuan was surprised, looking  up at her, with her hair beautifully combed, two big eyes with their corners warped,  intriguing him. Her upper gown was a little bit too tight, making her chest bulging.  “Today I come to ask you for a favor.” Xiangyu put back the foot basin against the  wall, getting to the point. “Oh, what is it about?” “Ask you to arrange our son to  be the substitute teacher instead of Chunyu .” Xiangyu said as she put the gifts on  the bedside cupboard. Xiangyuan didn’t stop her, taking the cigarette in his hands,  looked at them, “I don’t smoke such good cigarettes. What if I get addicted to it?” At this moment, Xiangyuan’s eyes started to shine. Xiangyu could realize this. She  was quite experienced with this kind of man. Then she suddenly thought of those  rumors, this woman had affair with the secretary, that woman had affair with the  secretary. Why not her as she was not worse than any of them? Xiangyu didn’t hide,  looking into his eyes. “As long as you help our son with the substitute teacher, I will  give you that kind of cigarettes if you are addicted to it.” “Ok. Do you mean what  you say?” “No. What a woman says is not as good as her vagina in the crotch.” She  realized that was not a good curse because she was a woman herself.

    Xiangyu looked at this kind of man like Xiangyuan, of course Xiangyuan would like to look at this kind of woman like Xiangyu. Now Xiangyuan saw what she meant in her eyes, thought she was sure a bitch. “Your husband is really stingy. He wants to have his son as the substitute teacher with such few gifts?” “Yes, he is. I don’t knowhow to say him. He doesn’t knowhow to handle things.

    Please forgive him. We will make up for the gifts later.” Xiangyu thought he knew what he wanted since he was a goat. But she would not let him get it so easily, playing with him for some time. “No problem. No more gifts. I only want YOU!” With his cloth shoes on, Xiangyuan ran to put her in bed. “I was told that the secretary was very reasonable, but now you are not. It’s common for a leader to accept gifts, why do you want a woman?” Xiangyu was really a coquettish woman, talking as if she was hard in heart, but actually her body became soft like mud, lying on all foursin bed. Xiangyuan was anxious at heart, but didn’t take action. So Xiangyu didn’t know what he would do with her, couldn’t help asking, “Why not come up and fuck?” Xiangyuan didn’t listen to her, grasping her two fleshy nipples, rubbing and touching, then he glared at her lower part of the body, continuously breaking her two legs to the side, he saw a black piece of fluffy hair, with red in the middle, some mucus flowing out. Xiangyu could hardly stand this tossing, crying out, “Don’t waste such goodtime. Fuck me now. Then I will go home.” Xiangyu became so hot and excited, raised her body up, made a joke. Xiangyuan’s face completely got into her pudendum, making a close contact. “I don’t believe I can fuck you, “Xiangyuan became annoyed. So he put his hard dick into her vagina with strength, it might be too hard, so Xiangyu cried with pain, “Oh, my God, you fucked too hard.” “I will let you know if you are coquettish or not. You got your stuff all over my face, bringing me bad luck.” The woman came to be fucked, why not do it? Xiangyuan was thinking like this. If he didn’t make full use of it, when would be the best time? After some crazy twitching, she looked at the man on her, his face went twisted with hard fucking, looking ugly. Thinking of the dramatic scene just now, she couldn’t help laughing, “I gave you a gold ingot, but you didn’t appreciate it.” “Fuck your gold ingot.” “Come. You will become a dog if you don’t.” “Your husband is a dog. I want to fuck you, this female dog, coquettish dog.” These two sex masters became so happy that they were free to say what they wanted. Now they didn’t bother about what they had said, because they knew they would forget all about them after finishing it. What they said at the moment was just for flirting without any practical meaning.

    Hunchback Tan and “Black Vegetable Melon” couldn’t fall asleep until Xiangyu came home. How could they go to sleep without an answer? He glared at her with his fishing eyes. He saw Xiangyu enter with satisfaction, then sat at the big table in the hall-room without saying anything. She asked “Black Vegetable Melon” to bring her a glass of water. Hunchback Tan knew it was successful. Then he asked, “What did the secretary say?” “Go to Xiangyuan in the Brigade Department tomorrow to register.” Xiangyu said, taking over the glass from her son. She was surprised that she always said secretary instead of his name in ordinary days. Human beings were so strange.

    “Black Vegetable Melon” deserved goodluck. Duck Li came to his door for matchmaking only a few days after be became the substitute teacher. It was true that she was fond of eating and matchmaking. Seeing that he was only a man following his father to catch fish and shrimps, “Black Vegetable Melon” suddenly became the substitute teacher in the school, his identity immediately changed. Then she offered to be the matchmaker. “Is Xiangyu in?” Her husband “Er Kuazi” was much younger than Hunchback Tan, so she called Xiangyu sister-in-law in order to show more intimacy, a kind of close relationship. “Well, it’s you. What brought you here in our house?” Xiangyu laughed,but ironically. Duck Li knew Xiangyu had asked her for a favor when she did matchmaking for Chungen. “Duck Li, please introduce a girl for my son, too.” She said yes, but never did anything, thinking, “Your son is only a fish catcher, whose daughter will like him?” Duck Li would not waste time to do such an useless thing.

    But now, “Black Vegetable Melon” became different. She had to come even Xiangyu didn’t ask her. Thinking so, Duck Li didn’t bother about what Xiangyu said, apologizing by saying, “Hey, I am sorry about it, please do not get angry. I will make up for my mistakes this time, introduce an excellent girl to him. You will sure be satisfied.” “You don’t know as a mother I am so worried about him, already twenty- three years old without a wife. I said something that made you angry, Please do not take it to heart.” Xiangyu brought a cup of sugar tea to her as she said. “Oh, no. I won’t. What’s wrong with being black? White is not food.” Duck Li said, taking the tea from Xiangyu. They both showed their modesty, sat down at the table. “Please take trouble to help finding a nice girl for my son.” “Don’t say so. This is my part- time job. I like it. No worries.” Duck Li was chewing the red sugar, maybe it didn’t melt because the water was not hot enough. Xiangyu saw it, quickly went to the kitchen, brought chopsticks to stir it. “It’s ok now. You are so considerate.” Duck Li stood up for an apology while Xiangyu was stirring the sugar.

    “Black Vegetable Melon” ’s marriage was quickly decided. The girl’s family was in Yang’s Village. Her last name was Yang, but not Xuehua, it was Agui. People who had seen her would say that she was elegant, with two large and beautiful eyes.

    Agui didn’t finish her elementary school before doing farm work. In her mother’s eyes, she was an obedient girl. Take her marriage with “Black Vegetable Melon” for example, she said only one sentence, “It’s all up to my parents.” In fact, she heard from the adults that the man was a teacher, which made her satisfied. It’s not easy to be a teacher. He must have had great knowledge. Agui admired people with good knowledge.

    Then the parents had arranged her marriage. After the engagement,Agui didn’t look different, only with a pair of silver wrist rings, small but exquisite, it’s a good match on her hands. Agui worked with the rings, running up and down on her wrists, itching. She always felt someone was touching her wrists, tantalizing. Thinking that she would go and live together in that man’s house, be his wife,Agui became unspeakable panic.

    “Will they live like this for a whole life?” Agui asked herself.

    After Chunyu wasn’t the teacher, Qin Yatou went more often to his house. Grandma Three didn’t try to stop her. Who was not young before? If she had fallen in love, nobody could stop her. But she didn’t hope she would have a bad ending. She would never forget all the hardships she had when young. However she would not talk about this any more, even with her own daughter. She wanted to warn Qin Yatou as a woman who had gone through it all that never let herself suffer in the end.

    “Where are you going so early?” Asked Grandma Three, seeing Qin Yatou putting down her rice bowl and running out of the door. She left her half finished porridge bowl on the table. “To Chunyu’s to help him sell Tofu.” Qin Yatou answered, with one of her feet walking out of the gate of the store. “Aren’t you going to do farm work in the team?” “I asked for a day’s leave from the leader yesterday, but didn’t tell him I was going to sell tofu.” The leader she mentioned was not Xiang Dashao who was the leader of the first team. Qin Yatou was from the fourth team with another team leader. “Don’t leave so fast. Listen to me for a few words.” “What do you have to tell me? We have to be early to sell tofu.” “Do not talk me back. Don’t leave so fast as I tell you.” Qin Yatou didn’t get what Grandma said, so she raised her voice a little bit. Qin Yatou knew now she had to sit back. Her mother seldom talked loudly like this to her children. She didn’t talk to the couple of her second son, even not to Agen Huo, who always wandered about all day long. Everyone in the village knew that she indulged Qin Yatou. Today her mother must have something to say, she had to listen to it.

    Although her heart already flew to Chunyu, Qin Yatou had to sit back to the table. “Ok. I will listen to you, my dear old mother.” Qin Yatou said as she helped lifting up the porridge bowl, bringing it back to her mother. “You are not too young now. As a girl, you are always running round. Nobody will want a girl running like a horse. What’s more, I agree that you want to be Chunyu’s girlfriend. Chunyu has an outstanding character. I still think highly of him even he is not a teacher now. But everything has its rules. No one should break these rules, otherwise she will suffer losses in the end.” She paused as she was ashamed to tell her own bad experience in the early years. Grandma Three said sincerely, but Qin Yatou was absent-minded. Grandma Three stroke the edge of the bowl with chopsticks, “Look at me.” Qin Yatou got ashamed with her mother’s yelling. “I am listening.” “Naughty girl, I know what you are thinking about. I tell you this for your benefit. Don’t be too nice to Chunyu, otherwise it will be too late when you want to stop.” “Your daughter is not stupid, no one will eat me up. Be rest assured. I am leaving now.” Qin Yatou rose up, rubbing her head on her mother’s shoulder, then left home.

    “A grown-up girl can’t be kept at home for too long, otherwise they will become enemies.” Grandma Three murmured to herself. She wanted to meet face to face with Anran, discussing the marriage between the two young people. The earlier, the better.

    “We are selling tofu and pigments, ……””Tofu and pigments——” On the River of Xianghe, while the mist was not completely gone, Chunyu and Qin Yatou were rowing their small boat, peddling along the way.

    After coming back from the school, Chunyu didn’t go to work in the fields. Anran didn’t force him to do so, arranging him to run the Tofu shop. It was originally Cuiyun who went out selling tofu, but now Chunyu took it over. Cuiyun and her father stayed at the shop, dealing with the business in their own village. Cuiyun thought this was a good idea. He would feel uncomfortable if staying home looking at those people. Besides it’s not enough to let their father deal with the business in their own village, as he was getting old. She found out more than one time that her father made a mistake in accounting when he sold things to the villagers. When no buyers, he smoked without saying anything. In fact, Cuiyun knew that father was worried about their elder brother Chungen who had left home some time ago without any updated news. He would become sick if he continuously missed him for a long time. It will be better for Cuiyun to stay at home talking with him. She also had to work in the team, otherwise they wouldn’t get rations by the end of year without enough work points. So she couldn’t stay with her father every day, busy at home and outside, getting no time to chat with her friends.

    Chunyu was grateful to Cuiyun for arranging him to sell tofu and pigments by boat. She was helping him and Qin Yatou. Now he was standing at the rear cabinet of the boat, rowing and shouting,” We are selling tofu and pigments——” Qin Yatou was sitting in the front cabinet, catching the shouting,” Tofu, pigments——” “Ah,Ah, are you competing with me?” “Yes, I am. What can you do about it?” Staying with her sweetheart, Qin Yatou was very happy, she was bantering with Chunyu on purpose. She didn’t know why she became so pleased since she fell in love with Chunyu. The sky was blue when she looked at it. The water was green when she looked at it. She would say hello to the hateful Agen Huo when she saw him, “Where are you going to get busy?” Agen Huo was surprised. He never expected his sister to talk to him politely because he didn’t behave himself nicely as he should, but he got pleased when she did so. “Hum, hum, you have changed a lot. Got a sweet mouth.” Although he was pleased, he didn’t understand why she had changed so much. How could he know about the girl’s mind?

    Qin Yatou rose up from the head of the boat, coming to the rear. “Can’t you stay  peaceful for a while without moving around like a rabbit?” Chunyu wanted her to  squat in the front cabinet. It’s not convenient for people to stand in the rear because  the boat was too small. “Ah, you are right. I am a rabbit. I have to move, move until  you get annoyed.” Qin Yatou tilted her head with a big smile on the face, looking  at Chunyu playfully, suggesting that he could do nothing about her. “Why are you  so happy?” Chunyu knew the reason, but just asked her on purpose to see how Qin  Yatou would answer him. “Give me the wood pulp to row the boat for a little while.” She stood beside Chunyu, asking for it. “No. You answer my question first, then I  will give it to you.” “No. I want it.” “No, I won’t.” “I will answer if you give it to me  now. Ok?” “Absolutely no. Otherwise, you sit back there.” “What do you expect me  to answer? I just want to laugh, laugh when I see you, laugh when I miss you, laugh  when I dream of you. Is that enough?” Qin Yatou leaned close to Chunyu as she  said. “Ah, ah, row the boat. Behave yourself.” Chunyu had to stop his wood pulp,  gently pinching her small nose. “Won’t let you row the boat! What can you do?” Qin Yatou simply held Chunyu tight, with her face closely against Chunyu’s ears.  Chunyu could clearly felt a rush of her breath, so gently whispered to her, “This is not in the classroom of the school.” Qin Yatou suddenly lifted up her head, “You are  bad, you are bad.” raising her hand to beat him. Chunyu said like a victory general,” Someone’s face went red.”, letting her sweetheart beating him in the heart. He had  never felt such a comfort all over his body. He would never forget this scene. That  was a regular and old classroom to others, but a great palace to him, the holy place  of improvement of life for his beloved girl and himself.

    “Chunyu, kiss me please.” “People will laugh at us if they see.” “I don’t care, just kiss me.” “Ok. You are too stubborn.“The one who finally gave in would sure be Chunyu. He gently kissed her in the forehead. “No, no, not enough. Are you coaxing a kid?” Qin Yatou shook her head, raising her lips. Chunyu was naturally teasing her. “Aren’t you afraid of me to bite off your tongue?” “No, I am not. I want to bite off your tongue, too.” Unconsciously, the two young people drew close, “Two fish”(*) swam together, back and forth, up and down, thoroughly delighted and attached. “Qin, what did you eat? It smells so good.” “Chunyu, I want you. I want you. Tell me what to do.” At the moment, Chunyu saw Qin’s face and neck went swelled and red.

    Without a word, Chunyu picked up the oars again, paddled desperately, straight  ahead. Someone shouted from the pier, “I want to buy two square pieces of tofu.” But no replies from the boat. That man saw the boat flew into the Coal Golden  Marsh like an arrow.

    What a large marsh! It was full of gray and white reed catkins, flying and dancing in the Autumn wind. The leaves became withered, rustling with the wind. Chunyu didn’t have time to put in the stake after entering the marsh. Carrying Qin Yatou in his arms, Chunyu murmured, “I am coming, Qin.” Qin was lying in the rear cabinet,waiting for her man to come for sex.

    The small boat was rippling with the rhythm of their sexing. Ripples spread from the side of the boat, turning into soothing water waves, melted into the marsh. The early sunlight shone gently on Qin’s white body, glistening. Chunyu couldn’t help licking all over her body. He couldn’t imagine that Qin’s skin was so smooth, tender and soft, which made Chunyu fascinated and suspended, fancied staying in a comfortable harbour, feeling he was at home. “Chunyu, Chunyu.” Qin Yatou was whispering to Chunyu, her tongue continuously licking Chunyu’s ears. Chunyu became soft all over.

    “Qin, let’s get married.” “Ok. I listen to you.” Qin Yatou became obedient and charming, lying in his arms like a little white rabbit, with reed catkins flying over.

    One of the catkins flew very low, floating about. Qin Yatou stretched out her hand to catch, but didn’t get it, after quite a few times, it floated away over the water. In a little while, it flew back. This time, Chunyu helped her catch. This flying catkin exactly fell on her red, round and moist nipple. “This is mine now. Don’t touch her.” Chunyu picked it up with two of his fingers, complaining, as if his beloved girl was taken advantage of by the catkin. This made Qin Yatou become ashamed. She quickly changed the subject, stretching out her white clean arms, pointing to the sky,” Chunyu, look at the blue sky.” Chunyu saw it was true, but he didn’t notice it. Some white clouds went by, making the sky look bluer. The Autumn wind made the water in the marsh gurgling. Once in a while some unknown birds were chirping, flying over the reeds.

    Anran knew that Grandma Three didn’t come to his house for nothing. She came to Liu’s house in person, must have important thing to discuss. “Is my elder brother①   at home?” Grandma Three called to the house. This elder brother was no one else, but Anran. If her husband were still alive, he was much older than Anran. She called him according to her husband’s age, which was a local custom.

    “Aha, my sister-in-law is here in the house. We shall be greatly honored by your presence.” Anran, with white beards, came out to the front yard from the Tofu mill in the rear to welcome her. “A man like you arranged your house in good order!” She stood looking around in the front yard. “Good. Good.”

    “Thanks for your comments. I am flattered. Would you please come in and sit in the living-room? We can talk as we drink tea. Ok?” He showed her the best seat at the table right under the shrine.

    “What important things do you want to talk about?” “Your hair and beards all  became white only after a while we haven’t seen each other.” She didn’t answer  him immediately but showed her doubt about his changes. “Each family has its  own problems.” He felt frustrated and knew his hair and beards became white just  because of his worries about children, especially about his first son Chungen, nothing  was heard from him up till today. How couldn’t he get worried as their father?  “To tell you the truth, Chungen hasn’t given any messages home yet, let alone  letters.” Talking about their children, the old people were getting more emotional.  “These debt collectors, they won’t let us off until we empty out heart and liver.”

    The situation of Grandma Three’s family was not much better than that of Anran’s.  The second daughter-in-law Duck Li went matchmaking all day, didn’t have a kid  when she was more than thirty years old. Her third son Agen Huo wandered about  everywhere with Xiang Dashao, doing nothing. Then her daughter Qin Yatou was  smart and beautiful, having impeccable manners. But she was a little bit silly and  crazy, getting so attached with Chunyu. She might become laughed at. Young people  were bound to get hot-headed. Thinking so, Grandma Three began to talk about the  real business. “Chunyu and Qin Yatou have fallen in love with each other for quite  some time. What do you think of it?” “Qin Yatou is a beautiful girl. All of us like  her. She gets along well with my daughter Cuiyun. She reminded me a few days ago  of paying you a visit, asking about your opinion. If you agree, we can ask someone  to be go-between, arrange an engagement. Then have a wedding at the New Year.” “Since you think of the same way, I am telling you straight to the point, you have to  warn Chunyu often that they can be attached well with each other, but do not break  the pattern①. I am not an old feudalist, but I don’t allow things out of line.②   It will  be ok for Chunyu, but too bad for Qin Yatou. I will lose my old face. I have come  today to discuss the wedding in the first month of the New Year so that we will be  rest relived. What will you say about my idea?” “Very reasonable.” The two masters  of the family didn’t argue much about the betrothal gifts. Hope there would no  problems. By then they would find a matchmaker, everything would be ready.

    It was thought that Chunyu and Qin Yatou would sure get married in the first month of the New Year, like a nail driven in the board, no more changes. Unfortunately, sudden changes had happened, as things were hard to predict.

    Someone came from Yang’s Village, saying that Xuehua was so sick that she had become so thin like a bone shelf, cried so much that she got fainted and recovered consciousness several times, insisting on seeing Chunyu once. She said her heart had gone with Chunyu after seeing the movie together in that evening, no way to turn back. Then she told people that she knew Chunyu loved the other girl. Since they had no fate in this life, she hoped for the next world. God wouldn’t keep eyes on her, taking pity on her strong affection. In the next life, she wouldn’t give chances to anyone else, she would love Chunyu, have Chunyu love her, love to death, love until the world was turned upside down. She wanted to gather all her love, use it onto Chun alone in the next life. Seeing one more time her beloved man before death was her only request. She hoped that Chunyu would give her this opportunity because of her love to him. Otherwise she would not die in peace.

    The man told about all these emotionally. All the families in Liu’s didn’t know what to do. He came here in an early morning, not being even a relative or friend of the Liu’s, repeated the words that a dying girl had said. He was really sorry for that, asking forgiveness, but he couldn’t attend to these old rules. Qin Yatou was getting ready to go out to sell tofu with Chunyu, but when she heard these, she burst into crying, tears all over her face. Xuehua was so pitiful. She wanted to visit this poor girl with Chunyu. Chunyu didn’t expect Qin Yatou was so emotional, reasonable and sentimental, he became moved. In front of the whole family, he hugged her in his arms, “Silly girl, don’t cry. Perhaps the man told us too severely. She is not dead yet, there is always a way out.” Qin Yatou couldn’t stop crying, tears kept tramping down.

    Qin Yatou didn’t make it to go and see Xuehua in Yang’s Village. The man said Xuehua was very grateful as long as Qin had this kind of heart. But Xuehua wanted to see Chunyu only, no one else. Qin Yatou showed a slight feeling of unhappiness, but then she calmed down. Soon, she urged Chunyu to go with the man to see Xuehua, who was looking forward to seeing him. Qin Yatou had decided that she would go and sell Tofu with Cuiyun today.

    Chunyu bought two boxes of tea snacks, a box of cookies from the store, it’s  not polite to see a patient empty-handed. This was what Anran arranged, Chunyu  did as he was told. Then he followed the man, left home. He said to Qin Yatou as he  went, “Don’t worry. I will just have a look at her, then come back home. Nothing  will happen.” He turned back after a few steps and said again, “Don’t worry, I will  come back after having a look.” The whole family understood how he was attached  to Qin Yatou. Qin Yatou followed them out of the village for some time. Chunyu said  to her, “Go home. It will be too farif you don’t stop. I will come back soon.” “I will  be waiting for you, Chunyu.” Chunyu knew that Qin Yatou was still worried about  him, so he turned back, hugged her in his arms, “Don’t worry, wait for me.” “Ok.” Qin Yatou nodded as she leaned against his chest.

    After arriving at Yang’s Village, entering Xuehua’s house, Chunyu had never thought that the girl he saw was so beautiful and vivid. That was Xuehua. He was thinking that he would feel embarrassed when he saw her, what to say. He thought if he had fallen in love with Qin Yatou, or even he did but not as good as it was now, he would fallin love with her. Xuehua was really beautiful, under the thin willow eyebrows, a pair of talking eyes flickering. Her melon seed shaped face was white and clean without any signs of being exposed to the wind and sun every day, he couldn’t help but wanted to bite(* kiss), so tender. She was tall with a sexy figure, full and round, looking very charming, everyone’s cup of tea. Chunyu was a red- blooded young man, how could he not show any interest and change minds?

    Up till now, Chunyu hadn’t talked with Xuehua, only met her with other people when the Yang’ families went to have the formal look in his house. At that time he was sincerely praying that she and his elder brother Chungen would get married soon so that his father would let go of a worry. He never thought that she would fall in love with himself. After that, word came from the Yang’s family that Xuehua had fallen in love with him. He rejected her without reason. But honestly he had two shadows fighting each other in his head. Now when herecalled, he was indifferent to Qin’s hint because he had the shadow of Xuehua in his head. It was understandable that Qin Yatou defeated Xuehua because she was a lively figure running in front of him every day while Xuehua was just a shadow. Sometimes, when Xuehua’s shadow came out of his head, he would ask, “What if I fall in love with you?”

    Well, thinking was thinking. It was impossible now. Chunyu knew that he couldn’t do without Qin Yatou, so it was with Qin Yatou. They both lost their minds, loved each other dearly, would feel heart-breaking even they didn’t see each other for a day, lost in another world, couldn’t help missing each other, or even some parts of their body reacting relatively. If it were not for the sad news from the man this morning, which made him feel sorry for her, he would have forgotten Xuehua. He came here just because Xuehua had such a request before she was dying. How could he satisfy her? Obviously he couldn’t. So he followed that man, came to Xuehua’s house. But when Xuehua stood right in front of him, Chunyu became boggled in his mind. Seeing Chunyu standing numbed in the hall-room, Xuehua couldn’t help laughing.

    Chunyu found out he was deceived when he realized he came with his honesty. He felt he was flirted. Then he became very angry. “How can you treat yourself like this?” he rose his feet to go out as he said. Suddenly, Xuehua knelt down with a bump before him, with tears coming down. “It’s not important how you think of me.

    You already have someone in your mind. I know you won’t accept me. But listen to  me before you leave. I won’t be able to keep you here.” “What else do you want to  say?” Chunyu was so surprised at her kneeling down before him. He stopped while  saying that. “Why should I torture myself like this? You don’t knowhow I suffered.” Xuehua cried with tears, “You didn’t care about showing yourself in our village,  but my heart went with you. In the past few months, I couldn’t sleep well, neither  had a good meal. I stood outside your classroom many times, listening to you for an  hour, was afraid of being laughed at if seen by you. Then I went back home, crying  and thinking this man was so good, but I am so poor. Why do I love him so much  while he doesn’t like me? Why should I torture myself? You stopped teaching in  the school. I saw you rowing the boat with your beloved girl selling tofu. I wished  it would be nice if I were with you. As an unmarried girl, I went to look for you in  your house, just to make myself feel better, but you hid yourself as if I would eat  you up. I am not a female tiger, why should you be afraid of me? I don’t know what  crime I made to love a man. Why should God punish me like this? Please tell me. I  can’t tell anyone else about my bitterness, only you. I don’t care about anything. I  only know that I love you, want to stay with you.” Xuehua cried as she said, already  choked with sobs.

    Chunyu was really stuck dumb by. Looking at this girl with tears before him, he didn’t know what to say. He went over, holding her up, hugging her closely in his arms, tears whirled in his eyes. Chunyu had never heard any girls talking to him so emotionally, never. His fire of anger was already put out by her tears. His sleeping heart began to reactivate, showing a tender affection for Xuehua. Now, Xuehua held him closer and closer. Her face began rubbing on Chunyu’s shoulders, gradually, her lips stopped on his. When Chunyu couldn’t hold out his tears coming down, she began to suck them, “Chunyu, I love you, love only you in my life. I won’t change no matter you do or not.”

    Chunyu’s blood was galloping all over, “No, Xuehua. You are so beautiful, all young men will like you. I am a man with feelings and emotion, too, like you, too. But I could do nothing about it. You were introduced to my elder brother Chungen by Duck Li. How could I do such shit thing to take his wife? I will be laughed at if this was spread out.”

    Qin Yatou didn’t close her eyes for the whole night, she was waiting under the old elm tree. When she saw Chunyu back, she ran over to him, kissed him without stop. To Qin Yatou, this night seemed too long like a year, torturing her. But Chunyu looked numb, no feelings. His head got confused, absent-minded. He didn’t know how he left the Yang’s Village. “Chunyu, what’s the matter with you? Is Xuehua seriously ill? Don’t be too sad.” Qin Yatou comforted Chunyu, but Chunyu didn’t say anything. He walked towards home, silently supported by Qin Yatou. Two shadows were fighting harder in his head, Qin Yatou for a while, Xuehua for another. He said to Qin Yatou while walking, “I am confused in my heart. It’s really hard.”