Chapter Sixteen
    Before his careful arrangement to take the cultural propaganda team to do performances at Director Wang’s house in the commune, the acting secretary Tan

    was changed back to the position of the accountant. He was not only transferred to the full name of the secretary, but also lost his position of acting secretary. The commune leaders commented on him very objectively, as an accountant, he did a very good job, but didn’t dowell as a secretary because he didn’t have governing power. Accidents always happened in Xianghe while he was on the job, whereas nothing special happened while Xiangyuan was on the job.

    The commune decided to stop Xiangyuan from being suspended from work while the case was being investigated, restored to his post of party secretary. The news was broadcast in the speaker at the Brigade Department to the whole village by Xiangyuan himself. Many people were too happy to fall asleep on hearing the familiar voice of Xiangyuan from the speaker. Xiang Dashao was one of them. While Tan was on the job, he was regarded as Xiangyuan’s man, not used as much as possible. While the other leaders were put in an important position. Xiang Dasho suffered negligence, wasn’t happy to call out the villagers to get up, have breakfast, go to work.

    Although Shuimei’s incident was always a great trouble to him, Xiangyuan was grateful when he could return to the position of the party secretary. The new director Li of the commune asked about it when he came into power. He heard of Xiangyuan from the neighboring commune of Xiangyang that he was an excellent secretary, but didn’t know why he was suspended and investigated. As soon as he was assigned as the director in the commune, he found out the reason that was because of the incident of the new base of rural residence in the village, which was not complicated. At the meeting of Commune Revolutionary Committee, Director Li took the lead in expressing his opinion about Xiangyuan’s incident. Director Li said that Xiangyuan was a good leader who dared to adhere to principles. Imagine who would be willing to build a new house on the newly developed earth. Even if you were willing, what about the commune members? Even if they were willing, would those new houses be solidly built?Who could assure of no problems? If something happened, who was to blame and be responsible for? I thought the leaders of the commune at that time were not realistic and down to earth. But Xiangyuan insisted on his own opinion, suffered unfair treatment. This was unusual, must be corrected as soon as possible. Please have a good consideration, express your opinions.

    Director Li was at high level at work. Xiangyuan heard those words afterwards from others, although he didn’t completely understand all he said, he knew it was Director Li who put him back to the position of the secretary. He thoughthe would work harder with great achievements to report to Director Li. Xiangyuan also heard from others that Director Wang was downgraded and transferred from his duties because he fucked the relationship between men and women. Several female educated youths jointly wrote letters to the County Revolutionary Committee accusing him of taking adultery with women.

    Anyway, it was Director Wang who put himself through all this misery. Forget about him since now Director Li was on the job, trusted him. He decided to band himself closely with Director Li. If it weren’t for Director Li, he would not be the secretary again. If he were not the secretary again, the Xianghe Village would suffer more loss. Imagine, if Xiangyuan didn’t insist on not building new houses on the newly developed bases of rural residence, what would have been the results? No one could even conceive of that.

    The returning secretary Xiangyuan was very active and aggressive at work. At the first meeting of the Brigade, he called on all the leaders to launch winter fertilizer-making campaign. He put all together including dredging, slagging, fishing for water grass, digging grass manure ponds, any farming work associated with fertilizer-making. Xiangyuan called on in the speaker, “From now on, we will vigorously and actively produce natural fertilizer, lay a good foundation for the spring ploughing production.”

    Xiang Dashao became energetic again. His voice could be heard in the Dragon Lane before daybreak, “It’s time to get up, to cook breakfast, ——” Although he was busy calling, Xiang Dashao didn’t forget his next sex target among those new wives. He began to calculate whom he should get first.

    This time in Xianghe, the compost to make fertilizer campaign was gigantic and vigorous. Every household took an active part in it. Xiangyuan ran from one production team to another, asking the leaders to go door to door for mobilization, requiring all the people, man and woman, old and young, to act together. So, the tofu shop stopped its business, Anran couldn’t handle it by himself. Chunyu, Xuehua and Cuiyun were all assigned to work in the dredging slagging boats. The couple worked on a small boat, Chunyu was dredging while Xuehua was moving the boat with a pole.

    As Chunyu hadn’t done this before, he asked for help from Sangouzi, who was very skilled and experienced. With his instructions, Chunyu and Xuehua could get dredge from the marsh three times a day, taking them to the grass manure ponds. However, it didn’t work with Genshui and Qin Yatou. Genshui was the agricultural technician, he didn’t used to do this kind of manual labor. Most of the time, Xiangyuan didn’t encourage him to do farming work, but concentrated more on the science and technology. This time, it was different. He was asked to join the campaign. So he quickly went on the boat, but what could he do?

    Then Qin Yatou suffered. Taking over the pole from Genshui, she was dredging while Genshui was punting the boat. Not many women in the village were stronger than men to do this hard work, Qin Yatou was not supposed to be, besides, she got pregnant a few days after the wedding, which made Lai Tizi so happy. She was going to be a grandmother.

    Xiangyu was an emotional woman. Since Black Vegetable Melon became the teacher, she never stopped meeting Xiangyuan. She was grateful to him. Without his help, Black Vegetable Melon wouldn’t become the teacher. Without being the teacher, no one would come to do the matchmaking. He might still be a single man. Then how could she get such a clever and lovely daughter-in-law like Agui?

    Xiangyuan was suspended, not the secretary for a while, but she still remembered his kindness and help. She had been nice to him, never tied of getting together with him. Every time he went to her, he would sure get satisfied, comfortable by having sex with her. “I am not the secretary, why do you still let me sleep with you?” Xiangyuan asked her after smoking his cigarette for a break. “I am a human, not an animal.” She said so emotionally that Xiangyuan hugged her tighter in his arms.

    No kidding, Xiangyuan couldn’t remember how many women he had sex with. But one thing he was clear, as long as he helped her out with the things she wanted, she would stop meeting him for sex, one time business, no more. Let alone talking about emotions with him. Xiangyu was an exception. He was surprised at it, But one thing was clear that Hunchback Tan was not at home, he was still in prison. Otherwise it wouldn’t be so convenient.

    Xiangyu didn’t expect that Xiangyuan would become the secretary again after a few months of suspension. He was even more popular, liked, respected by the new Director Li in the commune. She had an idea in her mind for some time, but wasn’t sure of whether to tell him or not. Thinking again and again, if she didn’t tell Xiangyuan about it, there would have been no turning point, let alone a resolution.

    “All members, Attention, please, I am broadcasting an announcement: The situation of the whole country is very good. So it is with Xianghe Village. At present, the campaign of composting is bustling with activity. All of you are having unprecedented enthusiasm. Sangouzi from the first production team collected five boats of dredge every day, setting a good example for us, making great contribution, I hereby announce my praise for him. And call on everyone to learn from him. Over.” Xiangyuan got to know about this from Xiang Dashao when he was asking for information from one team to the other. He thought this was what he wanted. He not only praised him in the speaker, but also went to visit him at his house. Sangouzi was so surprised, pleased with it.

    “It’s terrible. Your father was severely beaten and suffering in the prison.” For many nights, Xiangyu couldn’t sleep well as she dreamed horrible dreams. “Help me. Ask Xiangyuan to help your husband out. Otherwise it will be too late. I am dying.” Since she had this idea, she felt scared, couldn’t calm down at sleep.

    On hearing his mother getting nervous and jumpy at night, Black Vegetable Melon and his wife would come to her bed, asked, “What’s happening? Did you have a bad dream?” “No, nothing serious. I think too much in the day.”” Go back to sleep. You will do dredging tomorrow.” Next she would tell her son not to work rashly in case he might get hurt or wounded.

    After the couple left, Xiangyu got too excited to sleep. “No, I will have to talk to Xiangyuan about this. Otherwise it will be too late. I will feel sorry for my husband.” Once she had decided, she offered to make a date with Xiangyuan to have sex. He thoughthe could do both at the same time, composting and having sex. As long as the composting campaign was going on well, he would have more warmth and energy to have sex with women. The more he fought, the more spirited he became. Now, before he got high-spirited, Xiangyu turned over, rode on him, holding his head, nose to nose, eyes to eyes, without saying anything. “Do you want to have a new pasture?” Xiangyuan kept fucking as he asked, “I have something to ask you for help.” Xiangyu said,softly fell on him, with her nipples rubbing his chest. “What are you joking about? Tell me about it.” “Will you help if I ask?” “Sure, why not?” He wanted to finish talking, to concentrate on having sex.

    “You help me get Hunchback out of the prison. I will pay for all the cost.” “Oh,  my gosh, that is a prison, how can I help you?” “I know you can’t, but Director Li in  the commune can. You said he valued you very much. He will sure help if you ask.” “Well, that might work out. I am surprised that you are so attached to him.” “After  all, he is my husband.” “So tell me how do you thank me if I give you such a big  help?” “I have given myself to you, what else do you want me to do?” “Don’t you  have another woman at home now?” “You wicked ghost, you want to have sex with  my daughter-in-law Agui?” “What’s the matter? Now she is your son’s wife, not an  unmarried girl. Not a big deal to fuck her.” “My son will kill me if he knew about it.” “Tell him, just once. He will benefit from it. He can’t always be a substitute teacher.  As a young man, he should pursue more progress.” Xiangyu’s interest was aroused  by what he said. Agui could be secretly fucked by Xiangyuan, then Hunchback  could be set free from the prison. Besides, Genshui might obtain some post with the  government. That would give his mother and wife dignity.

    After a day of tugging, the thin and short Agui became very tired. At supper time, she fell on the bed, was reluctant to get up. No matter how hard Black Vegetable Melon tried to persuade her, it didn’t work. He was still enthusiastic right after the wedding, wanted to stay more with her. “Get up. Only one day of hard work. I did the same. No fun for eating without you.”

    “You are too young, don’t knowhow to take care of your wife. Go and eat at  the table.” Xiangyu came to her bed with the porridge. “Agui, just eat in bed if you  don’t want to.” “Let me get up.” Agui didn’t expect her mother-in-law cared for her  so much, feeling a little bit ashamed of. “Well, I have brought it over. Eat in bed.” Agui had to take over the porridge and chopsticks from her. Xiangyu put the pickles  on the bedside cupboard.

    After supper, Black Vegetable Melon started to check out the tools for dredging, to see if they were still ok. Agui wanted to get up and help wash dishes. “You are tired today. Let me do it. Stay in bed, take a good rest.” She said to Agui as she turned to her son, “Stop checking out the tools. Go and buy a bottle of soy sauce in the shop. You worked too hard these days, I want to cook some tasty dishes for you to eat.”

    As soon as he left home, Xiangyu came to Agui’s bed, with a bump, fell on her knees and cried, “Agui, I have something to ask you for help. Please help me. Only by your help can your father-in-law be set free from the prison.” Her tears and nasal mucus made Agui puzzled. She didn’t know what’s happening at home. Thinking it must be a big issue. “As long as I can, I will sure help you. Why not?” She thought she was lucky to marry a teacher, felt happy with the marriage. She was grateful to her mother-in-law.

    “Please get up and tell me what to do.” Poor Agui jumped on the floor with her shoes on, took her mother-in-law up, looking at her so sadly, so she agreed to help before her mother-in-law explained. Xiangyu stopped crying, carefully told Agui about her idea. Agui said only one sentence, “Don’t ever tell your son about this, otherwise he will kill me.” Then she knelt down before her.

    The mother-in-law wanted to save the father-in-law, they needed my body, Couldn’t I agree with her? Since I am your wife, to save your father, I had no choice but to agree. Mother-in-law was right. Since I became your wife, I hadn’t seen the father-in-law. Take it as my filial duty. Agui thought it over and again, trying to persuade herself. Besides, what else could she do?

    Hunchback Tan was home now. His waist was more bent, thinner and whiter than before. He was shut off in the room all day long, eating and drinking less. There was only one small window in the room, he felt so stuffy. The first ceremony he had was arranged by Xiangyu, sitting at the very head in the center of the hall-room, she had their daughter-in-law bow and kneel before him, to make up for it at the wedding. This rule and etiquette couldn’t be omitted.

    The family was reunited. Hunchback Tan was so delighted, looking at his beautiful daughter-in-law, grinning from ear to ear. Xiangyu asked him whether he was convicted of crime. He told the family about everything. It wasn’t an arrest at all, only locked up in the commune police station, never been into prison. Let alone conviction. The real crime was made by the leaders of Yang’s Village. He was only a scapegoat. But in those days, Director Wang in the commune was their back- up, no one could change, the members were struggling against it. So they could do nothing but catch and lock up Hunchback Tan. But when reported to the County, word came that Hunchback Tan only went fishing as agreed upon, the name of theft was grudging. Not enough to get convicted. But Director Wang didn’t listen, still kept him locked up. But now things were different. Director Wang was transferred to work in another place. It didn’t take much trouble for Xiangyuan to ask Director Li to set him free.

    Agui thought that it was over, only worried that her husband would look down upon her if he knew about it. But she couldn’t imagine her fear was unnecessary. Because he not only knew about it, but also benefited from it. Agui knew nothing about this.

    The school term began. The closed classroom doors in the school opened one after another. On the playground the newly selected headmaster Black Vegetable Melon was standing in the corridor, speaking to the twenty pupils. Thanks to Xiangyuan for the help with the post of headmaster in the village primary school. Leaders of the Central Primary School didn’t have deep impression of Balck Vegetable Melon. Xiangyuan had many methods, inviting the leaders to inspect a few times, before the new term began, finally got the decision of having Black Vegetable Melon as the headmaster. So the originally to be promoted Teacher Sun had to be transferred to another school, leaving Black Vegetable Melon alone in the school.

    Whatever, he looked like a headmaster, every day, he combed his hair glossy and shiny. He always wore that dark blue Zhongshan suit as he wore at the wedding, stiff. He liked it very much. Before leaving home, he would look at himself in the mirror, with an air of headmaster, then went out with a few books in his arms.

    “Good morning, Headmaster Tan.” “Good morning, boys and girls.” Some pupils took the initiative to greet him when he got to the school, which gave him a feeling of satisfaction and pride he never had before. But you didn’t know how much efforts he made to have those kids to say “Good morning, Headmaster Tan” to him. In the beginning of the school term, he talked about this in the classes when he was telling them about conducts and disciplines. Later he learned how to use pupils teach pupils. So he selected some representatives from each class, trained them himself, then asked them to make presentations and explanations in the classroom. It did work out very well.

    Since he became the headmaster, Black Vegetable Melon had a well developed sense of his own superiority, yelling at the newly married wife Agui. At first, she didn’t care much,thinking that as a husband, who wouldn’t want to have a little prestige? Just satisfied him, nothing to care about, her own husband, not a stranger. But later she found she was wrong. Ever since then, Black Vegetable Melon had completely changed. He used to give her a hand, no matter how busy he was outside, But now, he didn’t do anything, on the contrary, he asked her to do everything for him, such as getting rice from the cooker, bringing hot water to wash his face, almost like a young master of the rich family. He enjoyed having Agui to serve him as a servant. Agui became angry with him.

    Finally, one morning, when Agui brought him a bowl of porridge, he complained it was too thin. Then when she brought him another one, he complained it was too thick. So Agui put the bowl heavily on the table and said, “You really think you are a headmaster, but did you knowhow you got this position?” Then she ran to her room, locked herself in, burst into crying, so sad and terrible.

    What Agui said surprised him. He didn’t expect she would say like that. Because he knew how he had got the position of headmaster. Was she trying to put the shit in his face? But the fact was that Agui didn’t know he had learned about it before. She wanted to show that she was not a soft persimmon, letting people pinch on her. So she decided to get tough. She didn’t worry about who was going to talk to her.

    Before Black Vegetable Melon spoke, Xiangyu went to knock at the door, “Open  the door, Agui. Listen to me. I will teach him a lesson, ask him to apologize to you.” Xiangyu said honestly, Agui was moved, opened the door. Now, Black Vegetable  Melon came to the door, too. “Ok,Agui, I went too far, lost my head. I won’t do like  this later on, I promise. Will you forgive me?” “You are a great headmaster, do you  mind if I forgive you?” “Ok. Agui. Listen to me, forgive him this time. Forget it. But  we will punish him hard if he does this next time. Go to the school now.” Xiangyu  yelled at his son, pushing him out of the door. So she sat down to have a hearty talk  with Agui.