Chapter Two
    The Beijing Olympic Building is located at the northwest corner of Xueyuan Bridge on the North Fourth Ring Road, adjacent to the Olympic Green, and is a modern 19-story intelligent office building.

    At the top of the building, the six characters “ 北京奥运大厦 ” (Beijing Olympic  Building) are prominently displayed, each measuring about four to five meters in  size. They shimmer and shine in the glow of the night, and radiate brilliance under  the sunlight. These six characters are like the title of an article, instantly “jumping” out of the densely packed skyscraper landscape. They are striking, eye-catching,  and convey a clear and meaningful theme. People passing by the building can’t help  but admire it. After a century of longing, generations of effort, and generations of dreams, the moment has finally arrived for Beijing to host the Olympic Games. The  building before them seems to bear witness to people’s aspirations. All affairs are  carried out within this building. The Olympics have truly arrived.

    The front of the building is adorned with a prominent red “ 中国印 ” (Chinese seal), and the logos on the east and west sides further strengthen the role of enhancing people’s Olympic dreams.

    The “ 京 ” character from over 2200 years ago, transformed into the “ 中国印 ” (Chinese seal), has taken on an extraordinary quality. It exudes vitality, pulsating  with a sense of life, and in people’s eyes, it becomes an agile athlete. Of course, this  showcases the ancient and profound Chinese seal script, leading people to imagine  it as a Chinese athlete. As for the red and blue “Beijing 2008” lettering on the east  and west sides of the building, made of satin cloth, the combination of the specific  geographical concept “Beijing” and the modern time concept “2008” imparts a  unique significance. Not only does it emit a distinctive modern flair, but it also  radiates a brilliant splendor, illuminating the hundred-year Olympic journey of a vast  Eastern country with a population of 1.3 billion, resplendent and magnificent.

    When the group of four led by Wu Shimang arrived at the front of the Beijing Olympic Tower, it was a morning bathed in sunlight, and the Olympic Tower was gleaming brilliantly in the early rays. Standing before this building, they were filled with astonishment and pride, momentarily forgetting the purpose of their visit.

    However, waiting is a remedy that brings clarity. The polite obstruction by the armed police served as a reminder to Wu Shimang that this place was not the guard post at the entrance of the Moon City Municipal Government. Sometimes, even if he worked late and arrived early, the armed police stationed at the gate would still offer him a standard salute. This “salute” made Wu Shimang, the Deputy Secretary- General of the Municipal Government, feel appreciative; he sensed a certain level of courtesy extended towards him.

    The armed police in front of him also saluted, but this “salute” was different from the previous one. The current “salute” was merely a basic form of courtesy. After the “courtesy” was extended, they carried on with official business, without any flexibility. Waiting. Patiently waiting. In order to establish connections with the relevant departments of the Beijing Organizing Committee as early as possible, Wu Shimang had requested everyone to get up early. Beijing’s traffic was notorious for being congested; who could predict how bad it might be today? The word “congestion” really lived up to its reputation.

    Unlike the long wait before starting work, once the staff began their workday, Wu Shimang andhis team were unexpectedly well-received in the reception hall. This made him suddenly take young people like Liu Yong more seriously. After completing the necessary registration procedures, a service staff member escorted them to a designated area to rest, informing them that Minister Cheng Quan had sent someone downstairs to receive them. At this point, Liu Yong had no choice but to explain to Director Wu that Minister Cheng Quan was his “Uncle Cheng,” a former colleague of his father.

    It turned out that the previous night, to facilitate their work the next day, Wu Shimang andhis team had arranged to stay in a non-star-rated small hotel near the Beijing Olympic Tower, arranged by the Moon City Office in Beijing. Given the special task and urgent timeline, and the need to return to Moon City promptly, Director Wu wasn’t concerned about the hotel’s star rating. However, Chief Editor Qin felt that Director Wu was being somewhat neglected. Regardless, as the Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Government, Director Wu was also the full representative of Mayor Wen at this moment and should have enjoyed the treatment befitting a municipal leader. However, Wu Shimang had taken a high-minded approach by complying with the arrangements of the Beijing Office, choosing to stay nearby and prioritizing work needs above all else.

    In this situation, Qin Xiaoyue had only to remind Qian Tao to consider Director  Wu’s needs in other aspects. She also urged Liu Yong to contact “Uncle Cheng” to facilitate relevant connections so they would have a better understanding of the  situation. After settling in, despite the late hour, Liu Yong immediately called “Uncle  Cheng” to explain the situation. Much to Liu Yong’s gratitude, “Uncle Cheng” didn’t  hesitate and assured him that after they left Moon City, Liu Yong’s father had already  contacted him. He also reassured Liu Yong that he would do his best to ensure the  success of their endeavor. All the key individuals involved had been contacted and  informed.

    Although the group of four, including Wu Shimang, entered the Olympic Building as directed, they did not immediately meet the “Minister Cheng” as mentioned by the staff or the “Uncle Cheng” that Liu Yong had referred to over the phone. However, the meeting and conversation with the relevant department responsible for legal affairs at the Beijing Organizing Committee turned out to be relatively smooth, much smoother than Wu Shimang and Qin Xiaoyue had anticipated.

    In a relatively small office, Deputy Minister Niu, responsible for legal affairs at the Beijing Organizing Committee, received the group of four from Moon City’s Municipal Government, including Wu Shimang, the Deputy Secretary-General.

    Wu Shimang, having spent many years in the political arena, understood the importance of presenting his role as the Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Government. He knew that his identity carried more weight than that of the Director of the Municipal Legal Affairs Office. On this trip, he represented both the Moon City Municipal Government and Mayor Wen, and it was necessary for him to provide a statement and explanation regarding the “May 1st Olympic-themed Concert” on their behalf.

    It should be noted that Deputy Secretary-General Wu Shimang’s presentation was well-balanced and his attitude was sincere. This allowed Vice Minister Niu, responsible for legal affairs at the Olympic Organizing Committee, to see that the Moon City Municipal Government’s intention behind hosting such a large-scale concert was genuine. The purpose was to boost spirits and show support for the centennial dream, and to cheer on the Olympic athletes. However, the “official response” from the Beijing Organizing Committee attached to this concert was a fabricated document. It is clear that certain entertainment companies in Beijing exploited the Olympic name for their own unlawful profit, and both the Moon City government and the event organizers were unaware of this deceitful activity. In light of these circumstances, we kindly ask for the understanding and leniency of the Olympic Organizing Committee’s legal affairs leadership.

    During the conversation, Vice Minister Niu, responsible for legal affairs at  the Olympic Organizing Committee, explicitly stated that the Beijing Organizing  Committee supports and welcomes proactive promotion and engagement with the  Olympics from various regions. Activities such as “Olympic-themed concerts” are acceptable as long as they are registered with the relevant departments of the  Olympic Organizing Committee, serve a charitable purpose, and do not involve  profiteering or illicit gain.

    Of course, Vice Minister Niu also pointed out the seriousness of the issue regarding the “May 1st  Olympic-themed concert” organized by Moon City. Regardless of the entity, impersonating the Olympic Organizing Committee and issuing false correspondence constitutes a grave matter. Moon City had no knowledge that the “response letter” was a forgery, and this incident serves as a profound lesson. It is necessary for Moon City’s municipal government to provide an explanation of the situation and conduct a written examination to address the matter.

    Due to the prior communication with Minister Cheng, Vice Minister Niu did not insist on the immediate cessation of the “May 1st  Olympic-themed concert.” After all, over 30,000 concert tickets had already been distributed to the public. The key focus now is to ensure the proper organization of the concert and avoid any issues. Additionally, it is crucial to respect and not infringe upon Olympic intellectual property rights during the course of the performance.

    Perhaps some readers may wonder why the “May 1st Olympic-themed Grand Concert” in Moon City, with over 30,000 tickets, was said to be “distributed” to citizens’ hands when it was reported to have been “sold” out a week ago. Such thinking would be overly rigid.

    As the saying goes, adapt, adapt, and through adaptation, you achieve understanding. How can there be understanding without adaptation? This change in wording is a small “adaptation” that Deputy Secretary-General Wu Shimang made

    in his statement. It’s not easy to directly tell the Deputy Minister of Legal Affairs, who is responsible for the legal affairs of the Olympic Organizing Committee, that the “May 1st  Olympic-themed Grand Concert” in Moon City, although organized by the municipal government, is essentially a commercial performance where both organizations and individuals are profiting. That would be undermining one’s own position, wouldn’t it? It’s better to complete the task assigned by Mayor Wen first, and ensure that the concert proceeds as planned. As for whether the “concert” is a charitable event, that’s a matter for the future. Wu Shimang, as a Deputy Secretary- General, can’t be too concerned about such matters at the moment.

    Everything went unexpectedly smoothly.

    When they received Mayor Wen’s instructions, even the young men, Liu Yong and Qian Tao, who were considered inexperienced and not very reliable, sensed that the situation might be difficult to handle. Even Wu Shimang and Qin Xiaoyue, who had dealt with challenging issues in their daily work, felt uneasy. The interaction with the Olympic Organizing Committee in Beijing seemed daunting. Just looking at the stern official seal on the notice to suspend the concert, along with the seemingly inflexible and impartial attitude, made it appear challenging to negotiate.

    However, the smooth communication with the Deputy Minister with the surname “Niu,” who was responsible for legal affairs at the Olympic Organizing Committee, eased their concerns. If they could successfully proceed with the “May 1st Welcoming the Olympics Grand Concert” as planned, it would be a good report to Mayor Wen. With this thought in mind, Wu Shimang felt the weight on his shoulders suddenly lighten. As the burden lifted, his mood improved. In moments like this, a man, if he were to be emotionally moved, would naturally raise a certain part of himself; or if it were at a drinking table, he would raise his wineglass. Don’t believe it? Just watch as Wu Shimang stands up at this moment and proactively raises his glass for a toast.

    This meal was deliberately arranged by Cheng Quan. He made a reservation at a restaurant he was familiar with, called “Yun Teng Tavern.”

    Despite its unassuming exterior, “Yun Teng Tavern” was a pleasant surprise for the four visitors from Moon City once they entered the establishment. The winding path led to a serene setting with pavilions, terraces, lush trees casting shade, murmuring streams, swaying lanterns, and a rustic mountain village atmosphere. It felt as if they had stepped out of bustling Beijing and into a picturesque village in the Yun-Gui plateau. This creative setting was unexpected and sparked their interest, setting the tone for an enjoyable dining experience. There was a sense of anticipation lingering in the air, as their taste buds were awakened and a certain excitement began to build.

    As they entered the restaurant, it seemed that Minister Cheng Quan noticed Wu Shimang’s curiosity. With a smile, he explained to him that this establishment aimed to bring the authentic Yun-Gui style to Beijing. Not only was this reflected in the interior design, but also in the menu selection and even the choice of service staff. Every aspect, down to the smallest detail, bore a distinct Yun-Gui character, making the restaurant stand out from the rest.

    Earlier, when reporting to Director Wu and Chief Editor Qin, Liu Yong had mentioned that his “uncle” was planning to host them for a meal. The purpose was twofold: to celebrate the successful resolution of the “performance suspension incident” and to apologize for not being able to host them at the Olympic Tower due to his involvement in “major event” preparations. At first, Director Wu didn’t agree, stating that regardless of the circumstances, they should be the ones treating him. Minister Cheng had provided significant assistance this time, genuinely lending a helping hand. Your resourcefulness and connections are truly remarkable, young man. It was evident, and also audible, that Wu Shimang’s attitude towards Liu Yong had changed dramatically compared to their encounter on Flight MU2861.

    Indeed, Qin Xiaoyue, being more attuned to subtleties, agreed to Minister Cheng’s arrangement, allowing the roles to be reversed when the time came. She discreetly handled the bill, secretly settling it. Additionally, she prepared a present of proper quality as a gesture of gratitude to Minister Cheng. This way, the sentiment of appreciation would be conveyed without explicitly expressing it. Moreover, inviting Minister Cheng might not necessarily be feasible, considering the time constraints. Besides, the countdown to the “May 1st  Welcome Olympics Grand Concert” in Moon City had already begun by the hour, so they needed to return promptly.

    With this arrangement, the gathering hosted by Minister Cheng commenced in  the open hall of “Yun Teng Jiusi,” adorned with the hanging sign of “Dai Village.” The meal adopted a fashionable approach, mirroring the current trends in the  entertainment industry – a fusion of styles. The choice of alcohol was “Niulanshan” baijiu, the type that comes in blue and white porcelain bottles. Being knowledgeable about liquor, Wu Shimang was aware that although this baijiu wasn’t as prestigious as “Maotai” or “Wuliangye,” it still held considerable value. Before the cold dishes were served, each guest was presented with a large bowl of Yunnan specialty, “Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles.”

    In a graceful procession, a group of Yunnan young lasses, adorned in ethnic costumes, glided toward the table, each holding a tray with steaming bowls of soup emitting delightful fragrances. The sight was enough to stir the hearts of the gentlemen seated at the table. Amidst the wafting steam, these Yunnan maidens were not only resplendent in their vibrant attire, but their youthful visages resembled freshly peeled boiled eggs – smooth, radiant, and irresistibly inviting. The ambiance was so alluring that it tempted one to reach out and touch.

    While others might openly desire and admire without consequence, it wouldn’t matter much to Qin Xiaoyue. However, when one person crosses the line, goes beyond reason, and completely disregards Qin Xiaoyue’s presence, that’s unacceptable. This is excessive, beyond all bounds, and displays a lack of respect for Qin Xiaoyue. How dare you? Liu Yong, you little rascal, remember the time when you begged this lady for help.

    Thinking of Liu Yong’s “little rascal,” Qin Xiaoyue’s heart fluttered. That “little rascal” frolicked freely in her cozy haven, bounding joyfully without constraints, as if in a realm untouched by others. Qin Xiaoyue, defenseless, was utterly defeated. In front of Qin Xiaoyue, Liu Yong wasn’t just a brave warrior, he had transformed into a triumphant general.

    At this moment, “General Liu” raised a “white flag” to the group of Yunnan youngsters with their distinctive hair in front of him.

    In fact, it wasn’t just Liu Yong who raised the “white flag.” Even Wu Shimang, who had seen quite a bit of the world, Deputy Secretary-General Wu, and Director Wu couldn’t take their eyes off, unable to maintain the same composed posture as they did on flight MU2861.

    “Secretary-General Wu, please take a moment to savor the Yunnan specialty  dish, ‘Crossing the Bridge Noodles.’ I’m sure you must have had ‘Crossing the  Bridge Noodles’ more than once before. However, the ‘Crossing the Bridge Noodles’ at ‘Yun Teng Jiusi’ are truly unique.” As the host, Cheng Quan courteously promoted  the “Crossing the Bridge Noodles” from “Yun Teng Jiusi.”

    First and foremost, the emphasis is on the broth. It’s prepared by simmering a combination of chicken, duck, and pork bones, which is then ladled into a bowland covered with a layer of pork fat to retain warmth. At this point, the broth should be handled with care to avoid any splashing onto the hands. It’s brought to a vigorous boil,reaching temperatures of at least 100°C (212°F) and possibly even as high as 170°C (338°F).

    Furthermore, the order of eating is of utmost importance. If the  order is incorrect, the flavors won’t develop properly, and the authenticity may be compromised. This is something that most restaurants won’t specifically point out. First, you place the raw quail eggs, slices of meat, and liver into the bowl. Then, add ingredients like magnolia petals, green onions, ginger, and garlic chives. By this point, the bowl is already filled with an enticing aroma that can make one’s mouth water. Take a moment to compose yourself, then gently stir the contents with chopsticks. Afterward, you can add the rice noodles and in a moment’s time, you’re ready to savor the dish.

    Just as those gathered around the table thought they had grasped Minister Cheng’s secrets and were about to start eating, Minister Cheng added a third point. He said, “And perhaps the most noteworthy of all is this third point. Ladies and gentlemen, when it comes to ‘Crossing the Bridge Noodles,’ you only have the ‘privilege’ of enjoying it, not the ‘obligation’ of preparing it. All of these procedural tasks are handled by the Yunnan girls before you. They have been carefully selected from the mountains, pure and simple as jade, far beyond the mere phrase ‘pleasing to the eye. ’”

    Minister Cheng Quan, feeling quite pleased and with a hint of mystery, took  the opportune moment to introduce the distinctive features of “Yun Teng Jiusi.” The charming young women gracefully placed the bowls of “Crossing the Bridge  Noodles,” along with the ingredients and rice noodles, onto the table, initiating a  “one-on-one” service.

    This was just the “prelude” to the meal. Following the “prelude,” the young women began pouring drinks for the guests, marking the formal start of the banquet. As a prominent figure representing Moon City, Wu Shimang naturally raised his glass to toast Minister Cheng Quan and Deputy Minister Niu. Today, Liu Yong managed to earn some face in front of Wu Shimang once again. Even during these exceptional times, Deputy Minister Niu, who rarely accepted invitations, made an exception to grace “Yun Teng Jiusi.” While it was in honor of Minister Cheng Quan,it still left Wu Shimang and Qin Xiaoyue pleasantly surprised and flattered.

    “I raise this first toast to our gracious host, Minister Cheng,” Wu Shimang spoke with the authority of representing the Moon City government. “We’re thankful to Minister Cheng for not only personally overseeing the successful hosting of our ‘Welcome the Olympics’ concert but also for hosting this banquet for us, the grassroots comrades. Your thoughtful gesture truly moves us.”

    “Secretary-General Wu, for this first toast, you should actually raise your glass to Deputy Minister Niu. Giving your Moon City the green light does come with certain pressures. Thankfully, Deputy Minister Niu and I have been comrades and brothers for many years. Just like my camaraderie with Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Comrade Liu Chengyin, we share a bond of comradeship and brotherhood. We’ll delve into these stories later, but for now, go ahead and share a toast with Deputy Minister Niu.”

    As soon as Wu Shimang finished speaking, Minister Cheng quickly picked up the conversation and redirected Wu’s first toast towards Deputy Minister Niu, who seemed somewhat captivated by the allure of beauty.

    “Minister Cheng is indeed my former superior. What you might not know is that before being seconded to the Olympic Organizing Committee, Minister Cheng was my department head in the district. It’s only fitting that I do my best to fulfill the requests of my former leader. Secretary-General Wu, I believe it’s more appropriate to follow orders than to merely show respect. How about you and I share this toast first?” Deputy Minister Niu spoke as he stood up and raised his glass toward Wu Shimang,appearing to be a straightforward individual.

    At the dining table, Qin Xiaoyue was accustomed to being a spectator when the men performed their rituals. However, now she felt that she couldn’t let these men overlook her presence any longer. So, she lifted her wineglass, turned her delicate face towards Minister Cheng, and softly said, “How about it, Minister Cheng? Would you honor me by allowing me to raise a toast to you?”

    “It’s a great honor. I’ve heard of Editor-in-Chief Qin’s beauty and reputation from others before, and to have this opportunity to meet in person feels like fate. Interestingly enough, we could even consider ourselves half-countrymen. My hometown isn’t far from Moon City, and it borders with Chuxian County where you, Secretary Liu, used to govern. Back in the day, my affinity with Secretary Chengyin was somewhat due to our shared connection to this ‘local spirit.’ So, come on, the four of us together, let’s raise our glasses for a toast.” Minister Cheng’s words were eloquent, and his actions were even more skillful, as he created a harmonious blend for the first toast of the gathering. As a result, the four of them all “drank” together.

    After a few more rounds of toasts, it was time for the younger generation to take the stage. Liu Yong and Qian Tao began to offer their toasts. When Liu Yong toasted “Uncle Cheng,” he downed three consecutive glasses. Minister Cheng was quite pleased with the performance of the “nephew.” He reminisced at the dining table about the extraordinary camaraderie he shared with Liu Chengyin during their earlier years, emphasizing their exceptional bond as colleagues.

    More than a decade ago, Cheng Quan and Liu Chengyin both worked at the Agricultural and Industrial Department of the Provincial Committee. However, Liu Chengyin had already gained a significant reputation by the time he joined the department. “In the eyes of Shen Dachuan, who was the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Committee at the time, your father was truly a rare and promising reserve talent. Which young section chief in the department didn’t envy him? We also understand that moving Liu Chengyin from his position as the County Party Secretary to become a section chief at the Agricultural and Industrial Department was somewhat of a compromise for him. But as for political prospects, how much control do we really have over them?” Cheng Quan seemed to be slightly intoxicated, speaking of past events with some emotional sentiment.

    Cheng Quan certainly remembers those times. Back then, he was just an ordinary financial staff member at the Agricultural and Industrial Department. Because he was closely situated to Liu Chengyin’s hometown, with one being from Chuxian County and the other from Xingdong, they were almost like fellow villagers. It’s not just a saying, “When fellow villagers meet, their eyes brim with tears.” The meaning is quite clear – when fellow villagers meet, they can be open and sincere with each other, and truly connect. Moreover, Cheng Quan noticed that if you remove Liu Chengyin’s last name, it’s like they’re brothers from the same family. You know what, “Cheng Quan” and “Cheng Yin,” don’t they sound like two brothers? People, sometimes it’s subtle – details that didn’t really mean much suddenly become important, and things feel different. Cheng Quan’s realization led him to become closer to Liu Chengyin in their daily interactions, engaging in more conversations than with the average person, and being more willing to share thoughts together.

    In this way, he managed to secure a rare opportunity for promotion. The department was selecting a Deputy Secretary for the Youth League Committee, and it was through Liu Chengyin’s connection with Secretary Shen, who was in charge of the Agricultural and Industrial Department, that Cheng Quan was able to vie for this chance. Perhaps being a Deputy Secretary of a department’s Youth League Committee isn’t a monumental achievement. However, for a young individual, the path to personal growth consists of just a few critical steps. If taken successfully, progress is rapid, and development is smooth. But if missteps are made, missing the mark, progress naturally slows down, and growth becomes far from smooth.

    “Your father, he saved me at a crucial moment. I will never forget this throughout my life,” Cheng Quan said, fueled by the effects of alcohol. He took out his phone and dialed Liu Yong’s father’s number.

    “Liu Secretary, it’s Cheng Quan here, I’m having drinks with Liu Yong and the others. You ,my elder brother can relax, the issue with the performance cancellation is sorted out. I really want to thank your nephew, giving me a chance to help out for you, my elder brother. When are you coming to Beijing? Let’s have a good drink together as brothers. If it weren’t for your help back then, how could I be where I am today!”

    “Thank you, Cheng Quan. You’ve not only helped me personally, but also resolved a crisis for the Yue City Committee and Municipal Government. Thank you! I’ve heard Minister Niu, who is in charge of legal affairs, also lent a hand. You’re like a brother to me. You must raise a toast to Minister Niu on my behalf and invite him to visit Yue City with you. That way, I can fulfill my duties as a gracious host!” Even from thousands of miles away, the voice of Liu Yong’s father remained remarkably clear, stirring a sense of excitement around the entire table.

    Cheng Quan’s phone quickly made its way to Vice Minister Niu’s hands, naturally sparking a round of gratitude and pleasantries. Following Vice Minister Niu, Deputy Secretary-General Wu took the initiative to take the phone, seizing the opportunity to express his regards to the Deputy Secretary of the City Committee. Qin Xiaoyue, due to a special relationship, wasn’t as eager as Wu Shimang to speak with Secretary Liu, but given the circumstances, she also took the phone, deeming it necessary. Qian Tao didn’t need to join in the commotion, and Liu Yong couldn’t ignore his dad’s call, even though their father-son communication was not usually very smooth. After this extensive cycle, when the phone returned to Cheng Quan’s hands, its body had become noticeably warm.

    After this phone call, it naturally led to another round of lively drinking, reaching a new climax – a “full bloom.” Liu Yong finally realized why his father’s relationship with “Uncle Cheng” was so extraordinary. Back then, Liu Chengyin not only set Cheng Quan on the path of political prospects, but also, when the ship of Cheng Quan’s career was about to run aground, he managed to steer it back on course and turn the tide.

    As it turned out, just a few years after Cheng Quan became the Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee in the department, he was designated as the candidate for the position of “Agricultural” System Youth League Committee Secretary. By that time, he had already become responsible for financial matters within the department. However, an issue arose when the organization demanded that Cheng Quan transfer the financial accounts. There was a problem with  100,000 yuan that couldn’t be accounted for. It was said to have been borrowed temporarily for a company owned by the son-in-law of a local leader, but what was meant to be a temporary arrangement turned into a long-term situation. Cheng Quan regretted his poor choice of friends. Over a decade ago, 100,000 yuan was no small amount. Anyone familiar with financial matters would know that if that  100,000 yuan couldn’t be accounted for, even if it wasn’t proven as embezzlement, it could still be deemed as misappropriation, which would lead to disciplinary action. How could he talk about promotion in such circumstances?

    At the critical moment, Liu Chengyin utilized his connections from his time as the County Party Secretary in Chuxian County. He not only patched up the discrepancies in Cheng Quan’s financial records but also mitigated the negative impact of the situation. This allowed Cheng Quan to smoothly step away from financial responsibilities and wholeheartedly focus on his work within the Youth League. Liu Chengyin also made it clear to him that he should avoid any involvement with financial matters in the future as it wasn’t suitable for him . Walking by the river often results in wet shoes; implying that being too close to certain situations can lead to trouble.

    Looking back now, it’s evident that Cheng Quan heeded Liu Chengyin’s advice and embarked on a path conducive to his own development, eventually becoming the “Minister Cheng” he is today. When tracing back to its origins, the organization’s planning for these “large-scale events” related to the Olympics can indeed be attributed to the foundation laid during Cheng Quan’s earlier work in the Youth League.

    The atmosphere in the “Dai Village” hall was warm and lively. During the banquet, both hosts and guests were in high spirits, and the “one-on-one” service was harmonious. Suddenly, a rich fragrance wafted through the air. Two Yunnan girls approached, carrying a large basin, which they placed on the table. Despite his slightly dimmed state due to the alcohol, Cheng Quan maintained his role as the host. He warmly introduced the dish, a genuine “Flower River Dog Meat.” Tasting this Guizhou Flower River specialty in the “Yun Teng Winehouse,” the experience was naturally quite different and full of charm.

    “Roll the dog meat around, even immortals can’t stand steady. As I’m smelling this aroma right now, I’m already feeling unsteady without even tasting it. When enjoying the dog meat, you must dip it into the boiling hot dog meat soup. The meat, which was originally about 80-90% cooked, will be fully cooked in an instant. Then, ladle some of the dog meat soup into the dipping sauce. You can dip and eat at the same time, and I’ll give you a five-word experience: scalding, spicy, numbing, fragrant, and refreshing. I won’t say much more, please go ahead and try it for yourselves.” (Note: This paragraph describes a traditional method of enjoying hotpot-style dog meat cuisine, emphasizing the dipping process and the sensory experience of the flavors.)

    After Cheng Quan’s slightly tipsy introduction, the waiter brought the dipping sauce. Don’t underestimate this sauce – it’s made from dozens of condiments, including ginger, pepper, scallions, cilantro, and monosodium glutamate. It’s so tempting that it’s hard not to be enticed. As everyone around the dining table sat down, it seemed like their appetites were suddenly aroused by the enticing aroma of the dog meat, and they all started to dig in.

    The eclectic nature of the feast is probably clear to you, dear readers. In fact, China’s culinary development has intertwined various regional cuisines for a long time now, making it not so easy to enjoy a specific cuisine in its pure form. As you look around, you’ll see that in the world today, how many people can truly focus on a single profession or field? As the saying goes, even a white pigeon flies toward the bright spot. Wherever there is gain, that’s where they’ll go, driven purely by profit, often forgetting principles and ethics. They’ll do whatever it takes to achieve their interests. Moreover, this culinary “mix and match” also stems from the concept of having a rich and diverse palate. (Note: This passage reflects on the diverse and often eclectic nature of contemporary Chinese cuisine, as well as the broader societal trends that prioritize profit and versatility over specialization.)

    From the start of the banquet until now, all of this had been orchestrated by Qin Xiaoyue. At this moment, Qin Xiaoyue gracefully and tactfully executed a “stealing the limelight from the host” move. Not only did she cover the bill for the “Dai Village” hall, but also, while raising a toast to the two ministers, she slipped a “card” into each person’s pocket, emphasizing that it was just a small token of her “appreciation” and nothing more. (Note: This passage describes Qin Xiaoyue’s strategic role in the banquet, including her hosting and generous gesture of providing the guests with a card.)

    Of course, this “appreciation” naturally extended to Deputy Secretary-General Wu as well. However, Deputy Secretary-General Wu didn’t seem particularly enthusiastic today. Compared to the alluring Yunnan girls who were out of reach, Qin Xiaoyue in front of him seemed much closer. Yet, when they exchanged hands during the card presentation, it appeared that Qin Xiaoyue didn’t respond to Deputy Secretary-General Wu’s implications. This left Wu Shimang feeling that his “trump card” for this Beijing trip had not been put to use, which was quite regrettable. He had originally hoped to conquer the Organizing Committee with this “trump card,” resolve the performance cancellation crisis, and even make the beautiful chief editor submit. (Note: This passage describes Deputy Secretary-General Wu’s disappointment at not receiving the response he hoped for from Qin Xiaoyue, which impacted his strategic plans for the trip.)

    Who would have thought that Liu Yong possessed such abilities, rendering Deputy Secretary Wu useless and causing him to feel a sense of regret.