Chapter Nine
    The campus trajectory of TianYueyue was broken by Liu Yong.

    Although the dormitory, cafeteria, classrooms (practice rooms), and library are still there, there are now more tree-lined paths, an added track and field, an additional theater, a new swimming pool, and many more ‘spots’ that cannot all be listed. What’s even more important is that on all these ‘spots,’ there is one more person.

    Liu Yong’s appearance caused Tian Yueyue to cast aside her former title as a ‘lone wanderer’ into the distant sky. A smile adorned her face, and her light footsteps transformed her into a playful deer. In front of Liu Yong, Tian Yueyue once again became a dependent little bird.

    On the campus tree-lined path, with Liu Yong, there was now the presence of Tian Yueyue, this ‘little bird,’ and their fellow students didn’t find it particularly strange. The ‘Little Prince’ was always accompanied by new heroines, not to mention the deep impression they left on the faculty and students during the school’s freshman performance. The marks they had etched were equally profound. The ‘Prince of Love Songs’ and the ‘Ballet Fairy’ being together was perfectly normal.

    What puzzled the girls was that Liu Yong had completely changed at this point.  He was no longer their ‘Little Prince.’ Overnight, he transformed into Tian Yueyue’s  personal bodyguard and flower protector, becoming TianYueyue’s ‘private property. ’ How could they tolerate this? As a result, a group of flower butterflies who used  to be around Liu Yong transformed themselves into a flock of chattering magpies,  incessantly chattering and chirping, never letting go of Liu Yong.

    A usually haughty and domineering Little Prince, in order to be with the dependent Tian Yueyue, lowered his head and begged for mercy from a group of girls. He said, ‘This young master has already found his heart’s desire. In this lifetime, I am willing to be Tian Yueyue’s personal attendant. I beseech all the elder sisters to spare me and grant me a way out.

    At a tavern near the campus, Liu Yong obediently “bled” by treating his usual followers to a meal, in order to express his sincerity. At the drinking table, he delivered a piece of opera-style eloquence that the girls were quite skilled at.

    “No, no, we can’t just believe you based on your empty words alone. We’re not that gullible.”

    “Yes, yes, you’re right. Empty words are not enough; there must be witnesses.”

    “Come clean, have you two ever been ‘intimate’?”

    “What ‘this’ and ‘that’? This young master knows nothing about that. What kind of proof do you all want, elder sisters?” Liu Yong lightly embraced Yueyue, afraid that this group of chattering magpies might chirp about her.

    “Alright, alright, whether ‘that’ or ‘not that,’ we won’t pursue it today. Consider yourself let off the hook this time, giving a bit of face to Sister Yueyue.”

    “No, it’s not enough. Since you two have ‘privately decided on a lifelong commitment,’ show it in front of us.”

    “Yes, give each other a kiss, a kiss.”

    With a few beers down, these girls were getting a bit wild. Even the usually popular Liu Yong couldn’t handle the situation. Not to mention Tian Yueyue, who had no intention of getting involved in this chaotic situation in the first place.

    The girls’ collective teasing seemed to trigger something in Liu Yong, awakening certain memories within him. They say alcohol emboldens the spirit, and at this moment, that saying applied to Liu Yong. Before Tian Yueyue could even react, a pair of burning lips pressed against the delicate and small lips of the girl he cherished.

    Tian Yueyue didn’t even have time to react; the words “you scoundrel” were stifled before they could leave her mouth. She felt Liu Yong’s tongue passionately exploring her mouth, a search imbued with a sense of longing. This exploration held a meaning of yearning, causing her blood to rush, her heart to race, and a feeling of recklessness to take over. What had been dormant and sealed away was awakened and unleashed by Liu Yong. Tian Yueyue held onto Liu Yong tightly, tilting her head back to engage in a heated kiss, transforming her tongue into a playful little fish. Sometimes it danced closely with Liu Yong’s tongue, sometimes it flipped and turned, and at times, it playfully chased back and forth. It was a joyful and exhilarating experience, one she didn’t want to end.

    The once chattering and noisy cafeteria had now fallen silent. The chattering magpies were stunned. The deep and passionate embrace and kiss of the couple touched them deeply. This unexpected scene surprised them; the girls had never expected that a playful jest would trigger such a genuine outpouring of affection between the lovers.

    In the eyes of Tian Yueyue and Liu Yong, nothing else existed. Their numerous playmates, the space they occupied, and everything tangible before them vanished. After their tongues touched, their bodies became ethereal, floating. Something seemed to transcend their beings, leaving their bodies and ascending.

    An endless expanse of a brand-new world unfolded before the two lovers. Boundless and serene, tranquil and ethereal; the turquoise waves lay still, soft and enduring. Liu Yong disappeared. Tian Yueyue disappeared. In this fresh new world, they each left behind their hearts. Thus, only heart leaned upon heart, hearts intertwined, free from upheaval and tumult, flowing back to tranquility, returning to serenity.

    As Liu Yong and Tian Yueyue descended from the heavens and returned to the mortal realm, the cafeteria was now completely empty, devoid of any presence.

    The days of love are sweet, and the longing in separation is tantalizing.

    Liu Yong and Tian Yueyue were, after all, not in the same major, so occasional separations were inevitable. Fortunately, the field of telecommunications had made remarkable advances, and the mobile phone penetration rate in the country was among the highest in the world. On the streets, one could often see even ragpickers or beggars pulling out mobile phones, proudly talking loudly, unable to discern exactly what they were saying or who they were talking to. However, one thing was for certain: they were using their phones.

    Phone calls and text messages had once become the emotional bond between the two of them.

    After being apart for ten days or so, a problem arose. Tian Yueyue noticed that Liu Yong’s mobile phone expenses were skyrocketing, shooting up like a satellite. This was becoming unsustainable. Both of them relied on allowances from their parents to get by; they didn’t have any other source of income. Even if their families were relatively lenient about their monthly expenses, money shouldn’t be spent so recklessly.

    Like most  students, Liu Yong had already handed over his  financial responsibilities to Tian Yueyue. Their daily expenses were under her control.

    Therefore, Tian Yueyue laid down three rules for Liu Yong. When they were apart and not together, they could only communicate through text messages under normal circumstances. Breaking this rule meant even calls might go unanswered. In case of exceptional circumstances, a phone call was permissible, but only if necessary. During the periods they were apart, there were limits on the duration and frequency of their calls; these limits were not to be exceeded.

    Now, Liu Yong was left with no choice. As a “personal attendant,” he had no option but to obey Tian Yueyue’s three rules. Thankfully, his beloved Yueyue didn’t impose specific requirements for their text message communication, which gave him some room for flexibility.

    Yueyue: It’s been some time since we’ve been apart. I finally understand the feeling of “one day apart feels like three years.” It’s been over ten years since I last saw you, and I’m really starting to feel anxious. When you come back, that tall and handsome Liu Yong is nowhere to be seen. Instead, there stands a middle-aged man with stubble. I can’t even imagine, do you still recognize him?

    Yueyue, do you still remember how I looked over ten years ago? If you’ve truly forgotten my appearance from over a decade ago, I won’t blame you. After all, neither of us has seen each other for so long! But I can tell you this: I, Liu Yong, will remember your face for the rest of my life. Not just for over ten years apart, even if it’s been twenty, thirty, forty, or fifty years, as long as I have consciousness, thoughts, and a brain, I, Liu Yong, will surely remember you— my beloved Yueyue.

    Yueyue, do you still remember the wonderful times we spent together? In the practice room, we rehearsed; you corrected my pronunciation, and I corrected your posture. In the cafeteria, we shared meals; you always dipped that delicious marinated meat into my bowl, so I had to treat you to a big shrimp. On the tree-lined path, we strolled; you used to be shy and wouldn’t hold my hand for long, so I transformed myself into your ‘attendant’ and followed beside you. Sigh, can you still keep all those little moments in your heart?

    Yueyue, I truly don’t want to think about it. Over these ten plus years, how many admirers must have come into your life? Tall and handsome ones, charming and suave ones, caring and considerate ones, talented and  accomplished ones – you must have had your pick of them all. Were their  advances aggressive? I really worry that you might be overwhelmed. No matter  what, you have to stay strong, persevere! As long as you hold on, I’ll fight  to the death, never giving up! Otherwise, I’ll be in a tough spot. If someone  else manages to breach your ‘fortress,’ I’ll have no choice but to ‘surrender. ’ Please be honest with me, have you wavered? Have you ever felt something for  someone else?

    Yueyue, I really can’t take it anymore. Please come back soon, bring my yearning back with you, don’t let my love for you get lost in the vast sea.

    It’s been over a decade since I last saw you, Liu Yong.

    Faced with Liu Yong’s heartfelt and intricate confession, Tian Yueyue herself first broke their “three rules.” A phone call came in, “Liu Daolang, what nonsense are you talking about? It’s only been a little over 3 days since we last saw each other. Where did you get this ‘ten years of separation’ sentimentality? Also, you’re exaggerating a bit with your self-proclaimed ‘unwavering loyalty.’ Just because you’re ‘faithful and true,’ does that mean I can’t resist ‘temptation’ and left you? I command you to be at the train station to pick me up within half an hour. The consequences will be serious if you’relate.”

    Tian Yueyue had returned from her outing! After receiving a scolding, Liu Yong was delighted and practically skipped his way to the train station. Normally, he would have ridden his bicycle there, but this time, his “princess” had set a time limit, so he had to go ahead and couldn’t afford to be late. Taking a taxi was the safer option.

    Of course, Liu Yong’s text messages weren’t always so “unreliable.” There were times when his messages touched TianYueyue’s heart.

    One time, their school organized a group of top students from various fields like music, dance, and drama to go on a cultural expedition to Xinjiang. They experienced local life and conducted exchanges with local art groups. Actually, during that trip, they didn’t experience a separation; they went together. However, the days spent in Xinjiang were incredibly enriching. It led to some extremely intimate moments between them, beyond words, something they couldn’t share with anyone else.

    Liu Yong still vividly remembers that time. It was the Xinjiang local song and dance troupe that arranged a trip for their art school to visit Kanas Lake. For the girls and boys who had come from the mainland, the excitement was palpable. Kanas Lake’s reputation was widespread, yet very few of them had ever been there.

    Autumn at Kanas Lake is the most beautiful season of the year. However, as Liu Yong and his group approached Jiadengyu, they unexpectedly encountered heavy snowfall. This group of mainland girls and boys found it unbelievable – how could there be such heavy snow in autumn? The vehicle continued its journey on steep and winding mountain roads, and as Liu Yong gazed at the snowflakes dancing outside the window, his mood turned somber.

    Liu Yong was worrying when suddenly, as the vehicle entered Jiadengyu, the previously heavy snowfall abruptly stopped. This also left the group of young people astonished. Everyone cheered, and the once gloomy-faced Liu Yong finally found a glimmer of sunshine amidst the celebration.

    Seated on the tourist shuttle in the Kanas Lake area, the young girls and boys enjoyed the scenery of the forest along the way while listening to the commentary from the tour guide. The tour guide explained that Kanas, in Mongolian, means “beautiful and rich, mysterious and unfathomable.” And indeed, this highland lake nestled deep within the Altai Mountains and dense forests lived up to its name. First, it treated them to a heavy snowfall, then abruptly stopped, and who knew what other conditions might arise later – truly, it was hard to predict.

    On their first visit to Kanas Lake, the sight of the lush spruce and fir trees, along with the lake that resembled a pale jade, left the young girls and boys overwhelmed. Their eyes weren’t enough to take it all in; everything seemed novel, and their cameras snapped away tirelessly. Those who hadn’t brought cameras had to rely on their smartphones, substituting them for their lack of proper equipment. Such a beautiful view deserved to be captured – it would be a shame to miss it.

    Within the lake area, the renowned “Three Bays” were almost a must-see for tourists. In Liu Yong’s opinion, while Wolong Bay and Shenxian Bay each had their own charm, they couldn’t compare to the splendor of Moon Bay. It truly seemed as if God’s hand had drawn a crescent-shaped line in Kanas Lake, like a curved moon nestled within the lush woods of the canyon – it was truly enchanting. And then looking at the lake’s mirror-like surface, there were even two enormous footprints, vivid and lifelike, which was quite remarkable. Some people speculated that the inspiration for the “giant footprint” in the sky during the 2008 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony might have come from this. However, it’s unconfirmed. The tales spun from these two “giant footprints” only added to the mystique of Kanas Lake.

    They were also excited about going rafting on Kanas Lake, and this thrilled the young girls and boys even more. However, just as everyone changed into the tight- fitting suits for rafting, the weather took a turn for the worse. The wind picked up significantly, and it started to rain. Liu Yong, whose face had just cleared up, now began to doubt whether this was truly the right time. The unpredictable weather, switching between snow and rain, was quite frustrating for everyone.

    Despite that, guided by two skilled helmsmen, the young girls and boys set off in the rain on their kayaks. Surprisingly, once they were in the kayaks and following the commands of the helmsmen – “one, two, one, two” – paddling their oars ceaselessly, their bodies warmed up, they didn’t feel the cold, and they were full of energy. The kayaks spun and maneuvered through the rapids, and as they paddled vigorously, the group instinctively chanted “one, two, one, two.” At some point, without needing the helmsmen’s commands, everyone started shouting in unison, in rhythm and with strength. As they navigated through challenging rapids, shouts would erupt, followed by hearty laughter.

    However, as the laughter continued, screams erupted again. The kayaks had reached a section with a significant water drop, where swirling eddies made it difficult to control the direction. It was a bit scary – capsizing was a real concern. Faced with the girls’ screams, the boys who had gradually gotten used to the waters of Kanas Lake took the opportunity to play around. They raised their small wooden paddles high and brought them down forcefully, creating splashes of water. In this moment, TianYueyue had already sought refuge in Liu Yong’s embrace.

    As the kayaks swiftly passed under a small wooden bridge, the group fell momentarily silent, only to erupt in excitement once again. They saw a rainbow arch appear before them, leaving everyone in disbelief as they dared not consider whether it was real or not.

    Long time no see, rainbow. I truly can’t recall your appearance, nor can I remember the last time I saw you. It’s unexpected to come all the way to this distant place and encounter you – a genuine surprise. Liu Yong was moved by the sight of the rainbow before him.

    One end suspended over the lake surface, the other spanning across the mountain peak – that curve, those colors, were incredibly magical and beautiful. At that moment, a companion spontaneously sang out, “Without experiencing storms, how can we see rainbows? No one can succeed without effort.” The young girls and boys left a snapshot of exuberant excitement and jubilation from their rafting experience as a memento for Kanas Lake.

    On the way back, unexpectedly, Tian Yueyue exclaimed, “Look, snow-capped peaks!” Outside the car window, the vast mountain peaks were covered in glistening white snow, creating a pure and endless expanse. This sight once again filled the entire car with excitement.

    However, that night, Tian Yueyue developed a headache and fever. Liu Yong had no choice but to fulfill his role as a “companion” and take care of his beloved girl. He bought medicine, fetched water, and prepared food for her. Both he and Tian Yueyue had to temporarily separate from the group.

    To help Tian Yueyue sweat out the cold and dispel the chills, Liu Yong took great care. He preheated the room and bathtub, allowing steam to rise and warmth to fill the air before inviting her to soak in the tub. Under his tender care, Tian Yueyue lay in the warm bath, feeling her body relax as her energy flowed freely. Not only that, Liu Yong also prepared a bowl of specially seasoned braised beef noodles for her – spicy and hot. The noodleshop owner had added a few special herbs, claiming that this bowl of noodles could warm the stomach and dispel cold, with quite miraculous effects.

    As Liu Yong fed the lovingly prepared noodles to Tian Yueyue, she couldn’t contain herself any longer and lunged into the embrace of her beloved young man. Liu Yong felt the presence of that tender being, and it was as if he had been jolted by electricity, causing a momentary void in his mind. The two jade rabbits that existed between them also seemed to awaken from their slumber, hopping about and eagerly trying to nestle into Liu Yong’s arms.

    “Yong, want me. You want me,” Tian Yueyue blushed and whispered with utmost charm, planting kisses on her beloved young man’s earlobe.

    This shy plea was like a magical spell that instantly ensnared Liu Yong, leaving him unable to resist or escape its hold.

    Following the aura released by his beloved, Liu Yong entered another mysterious lake. Unlike the distinctiveness of Kanas Lake, this place felt as warm as spring, with gentle ripples on the water’s surface, immaculate twin peaks, and a hidden paradise of its own.

    Liu Yong couldn’t extricate himself. This unprecedented life experience filled him with youthful vigor, enchantment, and blissful intoxication, as if he was floating in a state of divine ecstasy, merging seamlessly. Within the mystical expanse of this ethereal lake, he transformed himself into a scorching magma, flowing into the tender gorge. From then on, Liu Yong and Tian Yueyue, intertwined inextricably. Their lives became intertwined, unable to be separated. In the fusion of their beings, these two young souls underwent a profound elevation.

    Returning from the unique atmosphere of Xinjiang to the normal campus life, Lao Ying felt a bit out of sorts, as if he had become “separated” from his beloved Yue Yue. So, Lao Ying turned his inner feelings into a text message for Yue Yue.

    Yue Yue, do you still remember the grasslands of July?

    The off-road vehicle carrying you, drawing winding curves on the grassland, as if it wants to transform itself into a master of lines. With the undulating terrain, the master’s lines change, becoming even more unrestrained. Along with the vehicle’s bumps, you exclaimed in wonder—

    “Oh—, oh—,” sound without words, the face filled with excitement, filled with joy, filled with innocence, making people see a mischievous child, a child who has been on a roller coaster.

    “Please be careful,” the friend driving the car reminded in rich Xinjiang dialect, maintaining proper politeness. However, it’s evident that the hands that dance and prance to your songs, perhaps, can’t fully grasp the experience. “So exhilarating, even more than a roller coaster.” Before your words could settle, the speeding off-road vehicle rushed towards the next steep slope, and you “fell” into it, your voice suddenly disappeared. This time, you “fell” into my embrace. How about it, Yueyue, my embrace is still wide, warm, and worth your affection, right?

    Yueyue, do you still remember those nameless flowers covering the mountains and fields?

    “So vibrant, so colorful, I want to take photos.” As you stepped onto the grassland, you were drawn to the sea of flowers that stretched before you. Under the sunlight, the grassland was adorned with shades of red, yellow,purple, and blue, creating a lively and extraordinary scene, much like a vast  starry sky. At times you leaned sideways, at times you sat cross-legged, at times  you lay down, and at times you stood tall. Amidst the sprawling fields of flowers,  you transformed yourself into a cheerful little bird one moment and an elegant  butterfly the next.”Actually, they should have names. Look at this small red  flower.” You mischievously plucked a drop-like crimson flower and held it up  to me. “What’s its name?” I inquired. “I won’t tell you. It has a name, though.” Faced with my questioning, your cheeks grew even rosier.

    Yueyue, do you still remember the night sky of the grassland?

    What kind of brilliance was that, what kind of splendor, what kind of dazzling radiance, what kind of stirring in the heart. How could the sky be so close? It really seemed like the canopy of heaven was hanging low. And those stars, they were so bright, so numerous, so large, as if you could just run up the hill ahead, stretch out your hand, and pluck one down. There’s a song by Emil Chau (Zhou Huajian) with the lyrics “Pick a star to be your toy.” They say it’s for his daughter. Just think about it, how much a father must love his daughter to think of picking stars as toys for her? To be honest, at that moment I had the impulse to do something for you. Your eyes are so much like the bright stars in the sky, they light up a corner of my heart. It’s you who gave me the feeling of “stirring in the heart.”

    The starlight of that night was bustling, lively, and mischievous. The Milky Way turned into a bustling street in the city, adorned with dazzling lights, bustling with traffic, quite lively. You blinked your bright eyes from time to time, as if signaling to me. In fact, the starlight of that night was also peaceful, beautiful, and affectionate. Everything in the mountains was so silent and still. Despite the multitude of stars, there was still silence. Silent mountains, tranquil sky. As far as the eyes could see, apart from the light leaking from the yurts nearby, there really wasn’t a trace of human presence. The ancients used to say, “I do not know which year tonight is.” You said, “I do not know which night tonight is.”

    Standing so close, quietly standing, gazing at the starry sky, a certain emotion was growing within, the breath emanating from our bodies, like freshly made honey by bees, you gently pry it open, sticky, sweet, countless pairs of “affectionate” hands reaching out to you and me. At that moment, the tightly closed door within us swung open. In our hearts, a shared affection was blooming, warm and gentle, giving rise to a beautiful feeling.

    Yueyue, do you remember that night by Lake Kanas?

    It was you who led me into another warm and secluded lake, giving me an unprecedented physical sensation, a life experience I’ve never had before. When that “softness,” like an electric wave, swept through our bodies, the dormant parts within us awakened. And thus, a youthful awakening, a budding of emotions. The strings resonate, it’s the touch of “youthful awakening” brushing against the lovesick beans on the fragrant grass, triggering a reaction. The faint veil, those crimson dots, become alluring and enchanting. Shyness, it’s the budding emotions of “first love.” We both melted into each other’s intense heat.

    Do you still remember how you felt when my scorching magma surged into your moist canyon? It was you who made my youth bloom, intoxicated me, and carried me away in bliss. That night, we fused together as one, you within me, me within you, unable to be separated again. That night elevated our lives, as they intertwined and sublimated in each other.

    Jealousy seeped into the words of the text message, as felt by Yong.

    Yong’s lengthy explanations naturally resonated with Tian Yueyue. Some of his words made her savor the memories, some ignited her longing, and some remained unforgettable. However, as she read to the end, what puzzled her was the phrase “ 对 短信上文字心存嫉妒 ” (Jealousy seeped into the words of the text message, as felt by Yong) in which Yong expressed jealousy towards the words in the text message. What could this possibly mean?

    Now, it’s Yong’s turn to feel proud and joyful. Yueyue, my clever and perceptive Yueyue, you mean to say you didn’t even realize my little thoughts? Ah, it’s truly a waste of my earnest efforts. You see, these words in the text messages, they got to see you before I did. Of course, I felt jealous of them! With a light press of my finger, “send,” and off they happily, gleefully, some even playfully, rushed towards you, not willing to be delayed even for a second. As for me, I can’t compare to them. I have to wait patiently, “wait patiently for your messages.” Without your consent, without your approval, I can’t even see you. You tell me, can I not be jealous of these words in the text messages?

    With Yueyue already in his embrace, there’s no doubt that at this moment, Yong would make a move. Of course, he also wants those words in the text messages to feel a little jealous of him, to admire him.