Chapter Thirteen
    “The Moon on the Willow Tips” — The song and dance performance by Liu Yong and TianYueyue did not take place as scheduled.

    Although the previous promotional posters were plastered all over the streets,  and the electronic display screens of major shopping malls in Moon City were  flashing with scrolling text, the show was left with “Willow” and without “Moon.” One of the main performers of the special performance, Tian Yueyue, decided to  withdraw at the last moment.

    When Wu Mengyue and Liu Yong initially came together, their intentions were quite clear to each other. They certainly knew that such a relationship between two individuals had nothing to do with emotions and was not just a reflection of the current societal trend of “not seeking eternity, but seeking the present moment.”

    In the early 21st  century, Chinese society seemed to exhibit a certain “richness” in terms of gender relations. Among unmarried men and women, there were constant  appearances of “triangular” relationships and “diamond-shaped” intersections.  Among married individuals, the presence of “third parties” and “fourth parties” became increasingly common, giving a sense of “peach blossoms on the branch,  spring vibes in the air.” Those pursuing emotions found themselves, on one hand,  becoming more “practical,” forming bonds when compatible and cutting ties when  not; on the other hand, their pursuits became more “diverse,” with “red faces” and  “blue faces” frequently appearing in their lives. However, the love of young people  and the emotions between spouses seemed to become fragmented. The more the  “richness” in relationships, the more they appeared “incomplete.” The emotional  world of the people became both “rich” and “desolate.”

    However, the feelings of jealousy and revenge are almost innate in any woman. It’s just that some people “hide” them deep inside and they are not easily revealed, while others may not exactly “hide” them and they often surface. Objectively speaking, when it comes to jealousy and revenge, Wu Mengyue’s feelings were still relatively deeply hidden. However, on the night when Liu Yong faced his initially tense relationship with his father and the complex relationship with the woman, he went from feeling anxious and uneasy to later, in front of another woman, hastily and impulsively declaring a marital relationship in front of his father. He transitioned from one extreme to another.

    Of course, Wu Mengyue couldn’t tolerate Liu Yong’s disregard for her feelings like that. She didn’t expect that Liu Yong would overlook her to such an extent. All those moments of intimacy they shared, didn’t you, Liu Yong, feel any hint of pleasure? The meticulously planned song and dance performance, which I put so much effort and resources into, you are aware of that, don’t you have a hint of gratitude towards me, Wu Mengyue? And yet, in front of your father, you openly commit yourself to that other woman. Have you forgotten the true purpose of inviting your father to this banquet?

    Liu Yong, oh Liu Yong, why did you ignite the flames of jealousy within my heart? All of this is of your own making. You, Liu Yong, heartless as you are, have no one but yourself to blame for my lack of loyalty. Have you ever considered what would happen if Tian Yueyue were to find out about our affair? And not just any affair, but one that has been going on for so long and so deep. What kind of reaction do you think she would have? Could the two of you still be as affectionate, sweet, and close as you are now?

    Wu Mengyue took action after all.

    How could Tian Yueyue possibly believe that the man she loves would betray her?

    During their three years at the Jinling Art College, how deeply in love they were, how harmoniously they intertwined, and how enviable it all was. Tian Yueyue had believed that her whole life would be intertwined with this man, inseparable. They planned to declare their love to the world through a joint singing and dancing performance. She and Liu Yong put their hearts and souls into program arrangement, selection, and rehearsal. They meticulously planned, practiced, and harmonized everything. She aimed for perfection, wanting to present a flawless image to their families, Liu Yong’s family, their teachers, and classmates. She wanted their loved ones, teachers, and peers to witness their perfect union. She wanted them all to see that these two young people were meant for each other and destined for a happy marriage. She wanted to move them and elicit sincere blessings from the depths of their hearts.

    However, all this beauty turned into nothingness in an instant.

    Between her and Liu Yong, there seemed to be only a mirage, everything was illusory. The companionship in the rehearsal hall, the walks on the campus, the laughter at the dining table, the longing during brief separations, the tenderness during their trip to Xinjiang, the moments of knowing and loving each other, the times they stood by each other—had none of it ever happened? The sweet kisses, the comforting embraces, the intoxicating intimacy—were they all nonexistent?

    How could it be like this? How could it be like this?

    Tian Yueyue burst into tears. She couldn’t accept everything that Wu Mengyue was stating. The depth of Yungyue’s love for her was so real and intense. She firmly believed in this, without any doubt. She, TianYueyue, was also willing to entrust her life to this young man named Liu Yong. She loved him, and was willing to journey through life with him. But why, Liu Yong, did you engage in a physical relationship with another woman? My goodness, it’s not just a physical relationship, but it has been ongoing and intimate up to now. Have you ever considered where I, Tian Yueyue, stand when you’re with that woman? Have you thought about our love?

    Liu Yong, Liu Yong, you actually came up with such a ridiculous excuse for your shameful betrayal. You said it was a necessary compromise for the sake of our careers and for the successful execution of the “Moonlight over the Willows” special performance.

    Oh my heavens, could it be that I, Tian Yueyue, was wrong? Perhaps in this world, there is no such thing as pure and genuine love, and everything is just my own wishful thinking, my naive and foolish idea. Maybe there isn’t a single man worthy of trust, and no man is willing to standby me with true devotion, let alone talk about a lifetime commitment.

    Yueyue, my dear, you know that I truly love you. My love for you comes from the bottom of my heart. You are the woman I truly love, Yueyue. You should know how deep my feelings for you are.

    Yueyue, I know that I was wrong. I shouldn’t have, under any circumstances, gotten involved with another woman after falling in love with you. But you really have to believe me, I fell into a trap set by the cunning woman, Wu Mengyue. It was only recently that I realized she set a cunning trap for me, starting from the moment we met at the KTV. She was monitoring my every move in Moon City, and then she devised a plan to lure me in. I admit, she’s skilled at seduction, and I fell for her charm. Please don’t call me shameless; men are like curious cats, when an irresistible temptation is placed before them, it’s hard to resist the urge to indulge.

    Yueyue, I really haven’t lied to you. The reason I got close to her was solely to ensure the success of our song and dance performance before we graduate. It requires a 1 million yuan investment, and if I weren’t with her, where would I get that kind of money? However, only today did I realize that her investment of 1 million yuan in us, Wu Mengyue also had her own motives. But honestly, I still don’t quite understand why she thought it was worth spending 1 million yuan just to get closer to my father. So, Moon, to be honest, there are times when I’m still a bit touched by Wu Mengyue. In an era where money rules everything, a woman willing to spend that kind of money on us is quite rare. However, Yueyue, I swear to you, I have never loved her. In my heart, you are the only person I love, my beloved.

    Yueyue, based on the love we’ve shared over these 3 years, can you forgive me this time? Considering that I got close to Wu Mengyue for the sake of our “Moon Rises over the Willow” song and dance performance, can you forgive me this time? Taking into account that I fell into the trap set by Wu Mengyue, a cunning woman, can you forgive me this time?

    Yueyue, my dear, I beg you, I plead with you, forgive me, spare me, please don’t leave me.

    At the South Station of the Moon City, amidst the bustling crowd of people coming and going at the long-distance bus terminal, under the public gaze, Liu Yong intercepted Tian Yueyue, who was preparing to leave alone. He knew that after Wu Mengyue revealed the nature of their relationship to Tian Yueyue, she must have been struck by how much it hurt. She must harbor feelings of resentment and sadness towards him, but more than anything, she must be feeling heartbroken and disappointed. From the depths of his heart, Liu Yong truly didn’t want to lose Tian Yueyue, such a good girl.

    And so, dear readers, it is in the spotlight of the Moon City South Station that you witness a young couple, with tears streaming down their faces, pouring out their hearts to each other. You see the tall and handsome young man kneeling earnestly before the petite and lovely girl. You witness the girl’s heart-wrenching and heartbroken tears.

    The love story of Liu Yong and Tian Yueyue spread widely throughout the Moon City. In the process of this dissemination, an unsavory character was added to the mix: Wu Mengyue.

    Unlike the sudden appearance of numerous “creditors” overnight years ago, this time, Wu Mengyue became a “third party” that Moon City residents would discuss eagerly during their leisure time. Wu Mengyue wouldn’t face the awkwardness and embarrassment of numerous “creditors” coming to collect debts. This time, she only owed a debt of conscience to one person in matters of the heart. Even though Tian Yueyue didn’t have much involvement with her, after Wu Mengyue revealed her misconduct with Liu Yong, Tian Yueyue chose to leave with a broken heart. However, Wu Mengyue knew that the debt she owed Tian Yueyue would remain unresolved for a lifetime. She would carry this debt of conscience with her, throughout her life.

    The Grand Hotel of the Moon City could no longer operate. The number of people coming to dine there dwindled, while those who came to catch a glimpse of Wu Mengyue’s appearance increased. Even some shady characters started showing up. Now, in the mouths and hearts of the Moon City residents, Wu Mengyue had become a promiscuous woman, a shameless one at that. Living her days surrounded by contemptuous remarks, hiding like a rat, how could she possibly endure? Wu Mengyue hadn’t realized that she had truly failed in her attempts and ended up losing more than she bargained for in the affair between Liu Yong and TianYueyue.

    “The Moon Rises Above the Willow Tips” – the song and dance performance by Liu Yong and Tian Yueyue, had clearly fallen apart. The upfront fees for the preliminary planning team, the deposit for inviting “Sun Goddess” as a guest performer – tens of thousands of dollars were all gone in an instant, and Wu Mengyue hadn’t even heard a sound. Not only that, due to Liu Yong and Tian Yueyue’s affair, she couldn’t survive in Moon City anymore. What it means for words to be fearsome, and for spit to drown someone – this time, Wu Mengyue had experienced it firsthand. With no other choice, she had to leave.

    Compared to the departure of years ago, this time, even though there were no financial debts to worry about and she didn’t have to fear being pursued by “creditors,” the pressure Wu Mengyue felt in her heart was not any smaller than the departure years ago. She was more afraid of exposure in public than before. She understood that her dream of establishing a powerful kingdom of wealth in Moon City was now impossible to achieve. After leaving this time, she would never return.

    The city had brought her so much suffering, and she needed to bid a final farewell to the Moon City.

    Wu Mengyue locked herself alone in the place within Moon City Grand Hotel where she had once shared so much joy with Liu Yong. With an empty glass of red wine facing the moon, she poured out her thoughts to no one in particular. What’s the point of living? Why are we alive? Wu Mengyue leaned against the window, lost in thought. The deep blue of the night was as smooth as silk, not at all like her gloomy mood. Only the waning moon hung coldly in the sky, suddenly shattering her heart. Could it be that even the moon in the sky has its own discontent? Why is it that we rarely see it as a full moon?

    A few silent tears fell into the glass held in Wu Mengyue’s hand.

    The affairs between Liu Yong, Tian Yueyue, and Wu Mengyue have become widely known in the city of Moon City, causing quite a stir. Now, it’s making Liu Chengyin, Liu Yong’s father, feel embarrassed. If his son makes him lose face, how could he possibly maintain a good demeanor? Liu Chengyin’s anger is soaring, and the situation has become extremely tense.

    Liu Yong, you rascal, you little scoundrel, you haven’t even grown your first beard, and yet you dare to be so reckless in your romantic affairs! Since you’ve fallen in love with that Suzhou girl named Tian Yueyue, why can’t you just love and treat her sincerely? Instead, you’ve also involved yourself with the female owner of Moon City Grand Hotel. It’s truly disgraceful. You, you little scoundrel, don’t you realize who that Wu Mengyue is? Do you think you can handle her? You’re completely clueless about the consequences of your actions. You’replaying with fire without realizing it. You, this little troublemaker, if I don’t straighten you out, who knows what embarrassing situation you’ll end up creating. You’ve made me lose all face because of your actions.

    Originally, there was a slight shift in Liu’s perception of his son. After all these years of diligent political work, the journey on the “official career” path was filled with uncertainties, and achieving one’s wishes was a rare occurrence. Grandfather’s expectations had always been deeply buried in Liu’s heart, hoping that his son would also enter the “official career” and fulfill the family’s legacy. After his recent suspension from duty, Liu felt that it might not be a bad idea for his son to not pursue the “official career.” “Engaging in the arts” might not be a bad thing. It could mean less political maneuvering, fewer ups and downs, and a more visible future. People live their lives like a fleeting season. Not getting involved in politics and not pursuing an official career doesn’t necessarily mean that one cannot lead an extraordinary life. Besides, this young boy Liu Yong seems to have a charm that appeals to girls. He’s even dating a girl from Suzhou, who seems petite and adorable. Liu, this “soon-to-be father-in-law,” liked her from the moment he laid eyes on her. Thinking about how they both graduated from the same college, share common interests and goals,and will live, work, and learn together in the future, it seems they will be happy and content. This way, there would be no need for Liu Chengyin and Su Hua to worry about him anymore.

    Little did Liu Chengyin know that Liu Yong, this little rascal, had an audacious nature. He actually had an inappropriate relationship with the female owner of the Moon City Hotel and even had the audacity to meddle in his father’s affairs by suggesting a connection between him and Wu Mengyue. He’s truly a mix of a scoundrel and a fool.

    Inside the small building of the Liu family in Phoenix Manor, Liu Chengyin was like a roaring lion, unleashing his anger and fury. Liu Yong, who was taller than his father, had no choice but to bow his head and endure the scolding, without any room for retort. In the face of such a situation, neither the doting of Liu Chunyu and Yang Xuehua, nor the protection of his son by Su Hua, had any effect. They found themselves unable to even listen to the reprimand, retreating to their respective rooms, waiting for the head of the family, Liu Chengyin, to announce the punishment he had in store for Liu Yong.

    At this moment, inside Liu Chengyin’s study, the atmosphere was thick with tension.

    Oh, Liu Yong, I’m so tempted to give you a good slap right now. You really should start using your brain. How could you not see through the trap set by that woman, Wu Mengyue, from the very beginning? You’ve been played around by her all this time, and just talking about it makes me feel embarrassed for you. Now, I’m giving you a chance to make up for your mistakes.

    I heard that Tian Yueyue has already expressed her intention to break up with you. Your mother also shared some things about both of you with me. At this time, you should sincerely apologize to the young lady, even if it means kneeling before her, begging for her forgiveness, and promising that you will never make such mistakes again and will never do anything to hurt her feelings. In short, no matter what method you use, you must make the young lady change her mind. If you can’t accomplish this, then don’t come back to see me. You’re already in your twenties, so you should act like a responsible man with integrity and commitment.

    No matter how strong the anger in Liu Chengyin’s heart was, his son had turned into a bubble at this moment. Even if you, as the father, couldn’t hit back or respond with harsh words, what more could you do to him? At this moment, Liu Yong seemed to have become obedient, completely changing his usual confrontational stance with his father. Ironically, this change in attitude from Liu Yong actually prevented Liu Chengyin’s anger from flaring up again.

    When Liu Chengyin opened the study door and entered the living room, he suddenly felt a scratchy sensation in his throat, as if smoke had risen from it. It was then that he realized he had been lecturing his son for quite a while, almost as if delivering a formal presentation at a conference, yet he hadn’t even taken a sip of water. So, he called out to Su Hua, his wife, and asked her to pour him a cup of tea.

    Liu Chunyu and Yang Xuehua, the elderly couple, heard their son’s call and hurried out of their own rooms. They were also concerned about the possible consequences of punishment for their grandson, who had made a mistake. When the three of them came out, they didn’t see Liu Yong and instantly became anxious. Almost in unison, they turned to Liu Chengyin and asked, “What did you do to Liu Yong?”

    Liu Yong couldn’t find TianYueyue at the Jinling Art College.

    Feeling disheartened, he returned to the rented house he shared with Tian Yueyue. He couldn’t figure out where Tian Yueyue might have gone. His thoughts were in disarray, making it impossible for him to make any logical judgments. Suddenly, he noticed a letter left behind by TianYueyue on the bed.

    Hastily, Liu Yong opened the letter, eager to know what Tian Yueyue had written to him.

    Liu Yong, by the time you read this letter, I have already left the small abode where our love once thrived, left the college, and left you behind, heading to a distant southern land. Liu Yong, please do not continue searching, for the Yueyue that once loved you deeply has already died. She no longer exists in this world.

    You know, leaving you was incredibly difficult and heart-wrenching. But the depth of the hurt you’ve caused me is so profound that I can’t find a reason to stay by your side. Tell me, how can I convince myself? Tell me, give me a reason to forgive you.

    I once loved you so deeply, and yet you hurt me so profoundly. I am truly in pain, so much pain. Even now, I can’t comprehend why. What was wrong with me? Was I not worthy of your appreciation? Can you please tell me? Why did you betray me so easily?

    I have left, taking away the beauty we once shared. I hope I can still leave you with some beautiful memories. I also sincerely hope that you find someone who loves you more than I did. I wish you all the best.

    A woman you hurt so, so deep

    Liu Yong truly felt like crying without tears. He knew that the possibility of finding Tian Yueyue again in this lifetime was incredibly slim. This meant that he couldn’t fulfill the task his father had given him, and the daughter-in-law his father wanted was gone. What kind of punishment awaited him was still a mystery, locked within his father’s mind.

    The affairs of the Liu family were like a tangled mess, difficult to cut through and even harder to straighten out. This was causing a headache for Liu Chengyin.

    But just at this moment, some good news came from the Provincial Committee’s investigation team. After a thorough and serious investigation, the Provincial Committee’s investigation team had reached a final conclusion regarding the mass incident in Shuangxing Town. They believed that the Shuangxing Town incident was orchestrated by individuals with ulterior motives, manipulating the local population, which was unaware of the true circumstances, in an attempt to disrupt the overall deployment of urban and rural integration efforts in Moon City. As the leader in charge of this work, Comrade Liu Chengyin had been meticulous and practical in his approach. Whether it was the selection of pilot towns in various cities and districts or the final determination of the overall city and district plans, every decision had been reached after thorough deliberation. It was precisely because the progress of the pilot projects in various cities and districts had been ideal that Comrade Liu Chengyin decided to expand the initiative citywide, ultimately settling on a total of 90 merged towns after the citywide integration. How could there be leaders who believed this was “rushed”?

    After careful and thorough investigations, repeated visits, and extensive consultations with various sources, as well as hearing the genuine opinions of the public, the Provincial Committee’s investigation team formally met with the CPC Moon City Committee. Taking all perspectives into consideration, they made the decision to reinstate Comrade Liu Chengyin as the Deputy Secretary of the CPC Moon City Committee.

    Liu Chengyin was unaware of how the situation had turned around and the clouds had seemingly lifted. His old political ally, Su Youliang, who had decades of political experience, sensed the gravity and complexity behind his son-in-law’s suspension for a second time. Su Youliang was certain that there were individuals attempting to clear the way for the next round of leadership changes in the CPC Moon City Committee and government. At this moment, although Liu Chengyin was much more politically mature compared to his days as a county party secretary, he lacked the protective guidance he once received from the former Secretary Shen Dachuan. He found himself once again at the center of a storm orchestrated by those with ulterior motives. The issue of “rushing” in the new rural development was not just a minor matter. The new rural development was a significant decision and deployment of the central government. If you, Liu Chengyin, had made mistakes in implementing these crucial decisions, it could hardly be considered a minor issue.

    Su Youliang felt that he couldn’t standby this time. So, he called his “disciple” and asked them to inquire about the merger of towns and townships in Moon City,  if possible. He hoped that the organization could evaluate Liu Chengyin’s work  objectively. Of course, Liu Chengyin was not only the Deputy Secretary of the  Moon City Committee, the overall leader of this project, but also Su Youliang’s well-  connected son-in-law.

    It’s fortunate that one of Su Lao’s (Old Su’s) “disciples,” who used to work in the Organization Department of the Qingjiang City Committee, has been transferred from a neighboring province to an important leadership position within the province. This provides an opportunity to investigate the situation involving Old Su’s well- connected son-in-law.

    The re-conducted investigation indeed confirmed that Liu Chengyin’s work was not “rash.” The city as a whole had the necessary conditions for the overall implementation of this aspect of the work. Merely mentioning during the Standing Committee meeting that the opinions of the leading comrades were not fully expressed and did not completely align with the actual situation. At that time, some comrades were unwilling to express their own opinions and subsequently disagreed with the final decision of the Standing Committee. This seemed somewhat unreasonable.

    Now it’s Liu Chengyin’s turn to speak. He repeatedly tells the members of the team that even at this stage, they can still voice their thoughts, allowing him to better organize the progress of this work. The facts will prove that merging over 200 towns and townships in the city into 90 is more conducive to the comprehensive construction of a higher level of prosperity.