Chapter Four
    The CPC Chu County Committee and Government were situated in the center of Chu County, with the iconic building being the square citadel-like structure at the entrance. This four-story building, Square Tower, was considered a high-rise in Chu County. The bottom floor was empty, serving as a passageway for a walkin and out of the County Committee and Government. Therefore, information rooms were located on one side of the passageway, while the security department was on the other, such a layout to a hair.

    The bottom of the Square Tower was empty, and the building itself was rectangular, which singled the shape of the entire building out from the rest by its singular magic of personality. And more, the building walls were overlaid by stratum upon a stratum of uniformly thin, elongated grey bricks, each of whose rims or gaps were rumored to have extremely been recessed by a mortar of glutinous rice juice mixed with lime, instead of the cement commonly used in modern building construction. In short, one could see that this building looked positively senile.

    Rainy, blowy or sunny, a five-starred red flag was always flying on top of the Square Tower, once a glimpse of which had a very shrewd idea to the location of the Chu County Committee and Government.

    The gate of the Chu County Committee and Government faced south, while the Square Tower oriented north and south. There was a wide cement road leading into the government office compound from the Square Tower, dividing the entire compound into two parts. Along the east side, several flat-roofed buildings were lined up, of green bricks and black tiles with an old-time feel. Important departments such as Organization, Discipline Inspection, Publicity, and others belonging to the County Committee were all located in these single-story houses. Further inside, there was a courtyard circummured stately, being the political centre of Chu County and housing the offices of the County Committee Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and other County Committee leaders.

    On the west side of the cement road stood a large two-story building, which appeared quite voluminous. Near the front entrance of the ground floor, there was a rectangular wooden sign that read “Secretariate division.” Those who had visited this division knew that it was a subordinate of the Chu County Government Office, rather than that of any other sections. The entire building was subject to the Chu County Government Office, where the administrative leaders of Chu County were at their desks. There were some bungalows, with fore-and-aft arrangements for the county government’s main departments such as Planning, Economics, Finance, and Trade.

    Such a clear layout suggested a benefit of a convenient way for outsiders. Looking for the County Committee and its affiliated departments, just to the east section; and for the County Government and its affiliated departments, to the west section. Of course, not all was legible enough. Even though the cafeteria and shower room belonged to the government’s logistics department, they were both located in the east section.

    Chu County was a large county with a population of over one million, for which there were quite a few coming to the county committee and county government offices for business every day. At the entrance of Square Tower, men flitted and bustled in and out of it. Inside the government compound, those who entered from outside and those who worked inside hurrying in and out all seemed to be in a rush, giving the impression of quick paces and running-up busyness.

    In this government compound of preoccupations, there were those who were watching a raree-show these days.

    “Whose goose is this? Take it back quickly——”


    “Whose goose is this? Take it back quickly——”


    In the government compound, an old man and a boy were seen walking in tandem. The old held a H-H-H-onking white goose in one hand and a basket of eggs in the other. They hollered their walk along the cement path, and occasionally went offeast or west sweeps, as if looking for the owner of the goose.

    This scene was not in harmony with the fast-paced operation of the county- level government. Usually, the propaganda office and security department of Square Tower would intervene to prevent any disruption of the normal order in the government compound. However, the old man and the boy were hard to compass. The old man was quite learned, none other than old Chen, the keeper of the county committee office, and the boy was even more a marked character——the son of the Secretary Liu of the County Committee. Clearly, they were acting on orders. From whom? Of course, from Secretary Liu.

    At first, the people who were watching this were confused about what old Chen and little Liu Yong were doing. But soon they were able to grope way on a very smaller scale.

    It turned out that this was what Liu Chengyin had asked his son to help him with on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. He asked his son to handle the task of returning the gifts they had received of the white goose and eggs. Liu Chengyin wanted old Chen to take his son and return the gifts to the giver. The problem was that old Chen was the one who brought the gifts into the Liu family’s house, and only he knew the giver. Secretary Liu and his wife didn’t even see the giver and were not familiar with him. Little Liu Yong saw the giver but didn’t recognize him.

    Therefore, old Chen became the key person who could return the white goose and eggs.

    When Secretary Liu called old Chen to his office (not at Secretary Liu’s house in the government compound but in the office, which meant it was a matter of business), old Chen trembled and could be only all hepped up about apologies. He was foolish to have sympathized with a stranger from the countryside who he didn’t even know. The person who gave the gifts had no special intentions other than to thank Secretary Liu for speaking up for the farmers and helping them solve some practical difficulties. Of course, old Chen didn’t intend to accept the gifts at first, but he couldn’t persuade the giver to leave and was instead softened by his repeated requests. The giver didn’t have any demands for Secretary Liu, and he came all the way from the countryside just to express gratitude. Moreover, the gifts were only a basket of eggs from his own hens and a white goose he had raised by himself at home. If he really wanted to give gifts to the County Committee Secretary, these things would be hardly presentable. When the giver spoke earnestly but little Liu Yong was particularly vigilant at the gate and won’t open it, old Chen had to come up with the excuse of asking a friend to deliver vegetables in order to persuade little Liu Yong to accept the gifts. Otherwise, little Liu Yong would not have easily allowed him in and kept the white goose and eggs.

    Regarding old Chen’s behaviour, Secretary Liu had to criticize him. Old Chen was mentally prepared for this, but at this point, further criticism was useless. Secretary Liu casually instructed old Chen to return the gift. Liu Yong was also at fault for not being vigilant enough. So Liu Chengyin made them two return the gift together.

    Old Chen had thought that he could explain himself and have Secretary Liu forgive him, and that this gift-giving incident could be gone. Many leaders would say the same thing: “Take care in the future and don’t let it happen again.” Old Chen had served not only Secretary Liu but also other leaders in the county government office. This was not the first time he had encountered such a situation. Generally, leaders would be understanding and say, “Take care in the future and don’t let it happen again.” However, Secretary Liu did not say such words to old Chen. When Secretary Liu asked old Chen to return the gift, his heartfelt like it was being bitten by ants. It wasn’t a physical pain, but rather a fine spray of rueful throes. This time, old Chen was going to lose face before his leaders, colleagues, and family. This cat of Secretary Liu were not braced by old Chen. Nonetheless, it could be seen as old Chen paying the price for his selfishness that Secretary Liu had never anticipated.

    These days, old Chen had just been swarming within the government courtyard with Little Liu Yong. With the incessant honking of the big white goose, many people were gossiping:

    “Oh my goodness, Secretary Liu is too strict. He even returned the gift of a goose.”

    “That’s right, they don’t even know who gave the gift. How is old Chen supposed to return it?”

    “Oh dear, bad enough for old Chen, but now the kid follows him around like to be mailed up in shame, quite a purgatory.”

    Chu County was not very big, and the sound of the goose in the county party and government’s courtyard quickly spread from one person to another, which was ringing the town.

    People in the streets and alleys, over tea and meals, were all talking about who exactly gave Secretary Liu of the County Committee this big white goose. There was more praise for Secretary Liu. These ordinary folks rarely had the chance to interact with the county committee secretary, mostly only seeing him on local TV programs, hearing him speak or report on TV, or observing his actions during grassroots inspections. But now, things were different. Someone sent a big white goose (the eggs couldn’t make a sound, so they were ignored by the public) to Secretary Liu’s house for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he insisted on returning it. It came truly to a tangible feeling. To believe otherwise, better go to the county committee or government office courtyard to see that big white goose was still “honking” there.

    “Just a goose, why not accept it? Secretary Liu is too incorruptible.”

    “No, no, as the saying goes, ‘Do not let the small good deed go undone, and do not think any vice trivial, and so practice it. ’”

    The discussions of the citizens in the streets and alleys, over tea and meals, continued……

    After the Mid-Autumn Festival, Secretary Liu Chengyin spent several days inspecting the county’s key state-owned enterprises with his secretary, Jin Aiguo. Just coming out from the fertilizer plant of Zhou Jinmin, Secretary Liu was quite pleased. His aim for this round of inspections was to assess how well the county’s established enterprises had achieved their targets this year and to gauge their development potential for next year. Then he could discuss with Magistrate Liang on the total target for the county’s industrial economy next year. Zhou Jinmin did well. With Secretary Liu’s repeated guidance, the output value of the target issued by the county this year would exceed by CNY 1.5 million alone. This was CNY 1 million more than the original planned growth for the fertilizer plant. In Chu County, an underdeveloped industrial economy county, CNY 1 million was enough to make a firminto a key enterprise. In Chu County, there were some factories with annual output values of hundreds of thousands, but factories with output values of several million or even in the tens of millions were pitifully inadequate.

    Originally, when Director Zhou cleared matters, he said that they could be quite good enough to complete the targets issued by the county this year. Secretary Liu was naturally not satisfied. The fertilizer plant was a pacesetter among the county’s state-owned key enterprises, and it was a gold-lettered signboard. How could it just meet the targets? When Secretary Liu listened to Zhou Jinmin’s report in the boardroom of the factory, he didn’t speak, just holding the teacup and taking tea at a leisurely pace. The other vice factory directors didn’t dare to make any sound when they saw the way Secretary Liu acted.

    Upon it, Jin Aiguo quickly closed his notebook and first added some hot water to Secretary Liu’s teacup. Then, while adding water for Director Zhou, he threw a suggestive wink to him. Only then did Zhou Jinmin speak up again: “To be frank with Secretary Liu, the factory had discussed in advance concealing the 500,000 completed targets and keeping them for next year to lighten the pressure a little. We were worried that if we exceeded the targets this year, next year’s targets would be even higher, and the pressure would be greater.”

    “Director Zhou is really shrewd. So, you are afraid of being pushed too hard in the next year,” Secretary Liu lightly tapped on the boardroom table and stood up. “On this point, please rest assured, comrades from the fertilizer plant. The county party committee will never push you too hard and set unrealistic goals. But you must be practical. If you surpass the target this year, you must report it truthfully. This is an achievement that you and your men have worked hard to earn. How can you hide it? As for the targets issued by the county next year, that’s another matter.” In better spirits, Secretary Liu pointed at Zhou Jinmin. “Comrade Jinmin, too shrewd is not good. Tell us, how many programs did you and the leaders come up with to deal with this inspection?”

    “We subordinates are doing our best to do our work well and not let you down. Since you’ve said it like this, I, Zhou Jinmin, will spill our guts. In the remaining months, we will redouble our efforts and exceed the county target by another one million,——not a big problem,” Zhou Jinmin also stood up from his seat, his emotions running high as well. To Jin Aiguo, it seemed like he was about to thump his chest in pride.

    “Okay, if that’s true. You, Zhou Jinmin, will be the great contributor to our industrial economy in Chu County!” Liu Chengyin reached out his hand to Zhou Jinmin.

    “Little Jin, it seems that this Zhou director is really remarkable.” Liu Chengyin returned triumphantly from the fertilizer factory by the high spirits.

    “That’s right. Director Zhou leads a large factory of thousands of men in the fertilizer factory, with an annual output value of millions of CNY, and plays an important role in the county.” As a secretary of the county committee secretary, Jin Aiguo was happy to be able to help Secretary Liu a little at a certain time. Today, that wink slipped to Zhou Jinmin in the boardroom made a world of difference.

    As they happily pushed their bicycles towards the entrance of the government compound, they heard a few “honk, honk……”from afar.

    Jin Aiguo noticed that Liu Chengyin’s eyebrows were furrowed imperceptibly.Later, Liu Chengyin told Jin Aiguo, “Go tell old Chen to send the goose and eggs to the government dining room. He and Liu Yong have been punished to hang around the compound the past few days, they should have learned their lesson.”

    “That’s for sure. I believe old Chen won’t make such a mistake again,” said Jin Aiguo as he jumped onto his bike upon receiving the secretary’s instructions and headed off in search of old Chen, made to follow the honking.

    “Uncle, you’re offended for me. Here, let me pour out a glass to you.”

    “It’s nothing, really. I had to swallow my pride and linger around the government a few days, but at least I didn’t have your gift returned, and take refuge from humiliation before the villagers in Qijia Village.”

    At Chen Dapeng’s home in Qijia Village, Yangshan Township on the outskirts of the city, a dinner was laid. Chen Dapeng stood up to pour a drink for old Chen, sitting and drinking there with a smug expression.

    To be honest, old Chen truly deserved to have a few good drinks. These days, he had been leading little Liu Yong around the government like a headless fly, aimlessly wandering from east to west, shouting and calling out even though he knew the goose in his hands cannot be returned. It wouldn’t be so bad if there weren’t hundreds of people in the government offices who all knew old Chen. Whenever he ran into someone he knew, they inevitably asked what was going on, and old Chen had to explain with a smile on his face how he took it upon himself to receive a gift from a stranger for Secretary Liu, and how Secretary Liu ordered him to return the gift.

    But in reality, old Chen knew that an anonymous gift couldn’t be returned. Secretary Liu punished him. But punishing an old comrade like old Chen alone did not feel right to him. So he had also brought his own son into it, punishing them both. In this way, there was nothing disagreeable about it.

    Secretary Liu could never have imagined that this big white goose could actually be returned. The stranger who delivered the goose to his door was actually a sort of shirttail nephew of old Chen, Chen Dapeng. Who is Chen Dapeng?——The deputy director of the village committee in Qijia Village, Yangshan Township. Some time before, Secretary Liu rode his bike to Qijia Village and chatted with some of the villagers. They raised many issues, which Secretary Liu appreciated and affirmed. Among these villagers was Chen Dapeng, who, as the deputy director of the village committee, had many complaints about the current director of the village committee and believed he was capable of replacing him.

    After Secretary Liu’s visit to Qijia Village, Chen Dapeng immediately told his distant uncle, old Chen, who worked in the county government offices. Let’s face it, working in the county government offices was a big deal in the eyes of villagers, especially those who had been farming for generations. It was seen as a blessing from past lives. Moreover, old Chen had been working in the county government offices for decades. Chen Dapeng felt proud to have such a distant uncle and naturally hoped to use his help to remove the word “deputy” from his position.

    Chen Dapeng and old Chen discussed and decided to give a gift to Secretary  Liu during the Mid-Autumn Festival, as a way of laying the groundwork for future  endeavors. Some may wonder why a deputy director of the village committee  would give a gift to the county committee secretary in hopes of being promoted.  Wasn’t that using a sledgehammer to crack a nut? After all, how could the county  committee secretary really help a village official for a promotion? When old Chen  suggested this idea to Chen Dapeng, he had this kind of doubts. However, old Chen  slowly explained to his distant nephew that the goal was not to directly ask Secretary  Liu for a promotion, but to create an impression in the village and town: “Chen  Dapeng is really skookum, able to donate Secretary Liu.” This was something that  many people in Chu County aspired to do but couldn’t achieve. Once Chen Dapeng  accomplished this, the higher-ups in Yangshan Township will naturally take notice  of him. Who knew how many people would want to establish a relationship with  Secretary Liu between him? Then, why would he still worry about the word “deputy” in his position?

    Of course, Old Chen knew that Secretary Liu was sensitive to gifts. Young leaders should strive for progress and hold themselves to high standards, and it was not difficult to understand. So, old Chen had his nephew prepare only a basket of eggs and a big white goose from their own farm, to express the gratitude of an ordinary farmer to the county committee secretary. This is because when Secretary Liu visited Qijia Village, he actually solved some of the villagers’ problems, made the agricultural technician’s services more timely, and improved the supply of pesticides and fertilizers from the township supply and marketing cooperative compared to the summer.

    In old Chen’s opinion, neither eggs nor a big white goose were precious, and with the added pretext of thanking Secretary Liu, there was a high likelihood that  

    Secretary Liu would accept the gift.

    As he carried a basket of eggs and a big white goose, wandering around the county government compound with little Liu Yong, old Chen felt relieved that they hadn’t run into Secretary Liu when they gave their gifts. Otherwise, he would have found himself in an awkward situation while trying to save face in front of his nephew. Just imagine, the gift had already been delivered into the gate, yet Secretary Liu still had to return it. If Secretary was at home back then, he would have simply returned it on the spot. At that time, old Chen couldn’t just standby as his nephew’s wish went unfulfilled. He would have to say some kind words to Secretary Liu on behalf of his nephew. If there were no other options, he would have to reveal that it was his own nephew; otherwise, it wouldn’t make any sense for old Chen to speak up for a stranger. Given the current situation, old Chen estimated that Secretary Liu would not only refuse his request but criticize him severely, and send the gift right back. That would truly be a loss of face.

    Although old Chen had been a bit embarrassed in his few days at the county government compound, in the eyes of the government officials, it was because Secretary Liu’s had strict ethical standards for himself. Not many people were laughing at old Chen. Of course, there were still some who did, mostly those who worked in the government’s logistics department, such as several characters in the government canteen. Perhaps they often saw old Chen running to Secretary Liu’s house, as he was often called upon to help with big and small matters. These people were merely jealous of old Chen who was aware of their feelings.

    Now the situation was different. Even though his nephew’s gift was eventually sent to the canteen, it was accepted. The people in Qijia village wouldn’t know about the “bubble” in the government compound, and even if they did find out the short and long, the story would be stale. So what the villagers saw was that Chen Dapeng had given a big white goose to Secretary Liu’s family for Mid-Autumn Festival when he went to town.

    Old Chen had carefully considered the idea of having Chen Dapeng deliver the goose. While most people would give gifts without wanting others to find out, he hoped for a notice. Carrying a big white goose and a basket of eggs, people would surely see Chen Dapeng when he left the village. However, he couldn’t just rapped to it proactively with someone and say he was going to deliver a gift to Secretary Liu at the county government. But with a goose, it was different. Temperamentally, geese are known for their loud honks to be heard from far away. This would naturally lead people to proactively approach Chen Dapeng and ask where he was taking the big white goose. He would casually reply that his distant uncle asked him to deliver a gift to Secretary Liu for the Mid-Autumn Festival as a gesture to his mind. It seemed ordinary to say, but the listeners would be astonished: “Oh my god, a big deal! Out gifts to the county committee secretary!” Their envies would be palpable.

    For Chen Dapeng, the first goal of a gift to Secretary Liu had been achieved, thanks to the full support of his uncle old Chen. Therefore, it was natural for him to invite old Chen to his house and express his gratitude. Given the special circumstances, there were no other people at the dinner table except for Chen Dapeng’s parents, his wife, and old Chen as the protagonist.

    The atmosphere at the table may not have been lively, but it was filled with warmth and familial love. Old Chen’s drinking frequency was quite high, and it wasn’t long before he became a little tipsy. Holding up his glass, he said to Chen Dapeng, “Your father, my older brother knows, back in the day, educated to distinguish between the good and bad of the Communist Party and the Nationalist Party, would I have only been a keeper for these past few decades?!”

    “Indeed. We’re old now, and this is how our lives have turned out. But Dapeng is only in his thirties. If he has the opportunity to be promoted, his future will be different. Come on, let your older brother raise a toast to you.” Chen Dapeng’s father also raised his glass.

    “Alright, drink.” After several rounds of drinks, old Chen’s words became slurred. He deserved to drink as much as he liked at the home of his zhishao①  tonight. After all, he would rather walkin rings with the big white goose in the county government courtyard than return it. Surely he could drink as much as he liked. Still, deep down he thought that Secretary Liu’s punishment was more severe. That was why old Chen felt his heart bitten by ants when Secretary Liu talked to him about this gift matter in his office. But did he fully understand the harshness of Secretary Liu’s handling of the matter? Not necessarily.