Chapter Five
    “The Highlight of Mass Cultural Activities in Moon City Welcoming the  17th Party Congress” — The large-scale concert “Joyful Journey through China · Coming to Moon City” has achieved tremendous success.

    This is the first large-scale plaza performance in Moon City after it upgraded  to a “major city.” There were around thirty to forty thousand people in attendance,  making it a truly grand spectacle. Numerous celebrity stars were dancing, jumping,  singing, and shouting with full enthusiasm, creating a passionate and exhilarating  atmosphere. The tens of thousands of spectators held “Joyful Journey through China” glow sticks and clapped along, following the rhythm of the live show. They waved  and danced, with tens of thousands of glow sticks swaying from side to side, creating  a spectacular and awe-inspiring scene. Suddenly, a wave of applause erupted, the  sound of clapping resonating throughout the audience. It turns out that a singer had  appeared among the audience, shaking hands with everyone while singing, and then  made their way onto the stage. It was a true “close encounter” with the stars, giving  the citizens of Moon City an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

    At this moment, on the stage’s lighting rig, several “fire dragons” whizzed through the night sky with a sharp hiss, leaving behind trails of cold sparks; fireworks bloomed around the stage, shining brilliantly, and firecrackers resounded. The atmosphere at the scene reached its climax with enthusiastic cheers, shouts, and leaps, creating a continuous wave of excitement. The entire concert turned into a massive sea of joy, where exuberance, shouts, and leaps echoed one after another.

    Indeed, collaborating with the CCTV program “Joyful Journey through China,” the entire concert showcased a top-tier ensemble of performers, stunning stage  design, impressive lighting and sound effects. While it’s hard to definitively say it’s  the best in Moon City’s history, it’s undoubtedly an unprecedented achievement. The  people were beaming with joy and left the concert fully satisfied, realizing that their  ticket purchases were truly worthwhile.

    The city leadership commended Qin Xiaoyue and praised the efforts of the Moon City Evening News. The entire concert’s publicity planning for Moon City, featuring three highlights of civilized construction presented in the form of “business cards,” demonstrated innovative creativity. The three “business cards” for the three aspects of civilization were meticulously crafted and precise, and when presented on a high-end platform like CCTV, it gained substantial influence and prominence nationwide. The city leadership regarded this as a top-tier success in “external promotion” that deserves thorough analysis and reflection.

    The leaders from both the “eastern” and “western” sectors of the city requested Qin Xiaoyue to come to their offices, listen to reports, provide guidance, and offered full encouragement and recognition. The unanimous conclusion among the leaders was that Qin Xiaoyue is exceptional. Despite the multimillion-dollar production costs of the concert, she managed to resolve all of them through market-based operations without seeking a single cent from the city. What’s remarkable is that this market-based approach also generated several million in advertising revenue and cash income. Impressed by this achievement, the city’s leaders couldn’t recall any other unit or leader in Moon City who has accomplished such a feat. In the era of the “Cultural Revolution,” Qin Xiaoyue might have been hailed as someone who “launched a satellite.” Nowadays, the phrase “launching a satellite” is outdated, and a more fashionable expression is “breaking new ground.” In essence, whether it’s “launching a satellite” or “breaking new ground,” the concept is similar—just different terminology to convey the same idea.

    Moreover, thanks to this grand concert, Qin Xiaoyue and her Evening News also gained both fame and fortune. The residents of Moon City were captivated by the allure of the Moon City Evening News, leading to a significant surge in subscription numbers. Suddenly, the Moon City Evening News, along with its charismatic female executive, became the hot topic of conversation for Moon City residents during their casual chats and meals.

    Liu Yong has become the unsung hero behind the scenes of the “Joyful China Tour · Enter Moon City” large-scale concert, the highlight of the “Moon City Welcomes the 17th Party Congress Mass Cultural Activities.”

    For him, the rewards are not just about fulfilling contracts and sharing profits. Of course, in business terms, money is naturally a part of it. Over the past few months, he has dedicated his brainpower, physical effort, and financial resources,and he deserves what he’s earned. Just to secure a “Jay Chou,” Liu Yong has paid an “unspeakable” price. But what can you do? “Jay Chou” is more than just an idol for young people; in the hearts of most teenagers, he’s an “icon.” With him on board, boxoffice success and investment attraction are fundamentally assured. However, how could you simply “invite” an international superstar like him? Spending money, using money as leverage? That’s quite humorous; for an international superstar, do you think they care about the commission from a single performance?

    At this moment,with such a big name involved, what matters most isn’t money. Of course, money isn’t entirely unimportant, as without it, there’s simply not much to discuss. What’s more crucial here is relationships, is connections. Does the Moon City Evening News have those kinds of connections? Can they reach out to “Jay Chou”? Even if Qin Xiaoyue is a beauty with talent, would she be effective in front of “Jay Chou”? No, it won’t work, none of them would be effective. Only he, Liu Yong, stepping in, willing to put in the effort, traveling to Beijing time and time again, seeking out his friends and contacts in the entertainment industry there.

    Spending money is necessary. In this world, it confirms that saying, “Money isn’t everything, but without money, nothing is possible.” Without money, who would be willing to “push the grindstone” for you? The problem is, for Liu Yong, sometimes it’s more than just “spending money.” Who made you so handsome, so tall and charming? Well then, sacrifice yourself a little. It’s hard to put into words, but this kind of thing can be quite distasteful. It’s true that Liu Yong is the dream lover of many women. But he’s only interested in those young girls, preferably the “naive” ones. He has never turned himself into an indiscriminate “Pigsy,” drooling over every “female.” Otherwise, he wouldn’t be Liu Yong anymore. Moreover, ever since he got busy with the large-scale concert for Moon City Evening New, Liu Yong has changed. He made a “three-lifetime” promise to Sister Qin. He obtained unprecedented satisfaction from her gentle realm; he gained glory and pride from traversing her not-so-vast hills; he found tranquility and serenity after docking in her harbor of happiness, where he no longer set sail.

    Of course, Liu Yong’s gains go beyond that. Due to the enormous success of the  “City Welcomes the 17th National People’s Congress Mass Cultural Event Highlight” - “Joyful Journey Through China · Entering Moon City” large-scale concert, Liu  Chengyin became aware of the contributions his son had made, which led to a  change in his perception of Liu Yong. He became less averse to the path Liu Yong had chosen for himself, almost as if he tacitly approved. Since the grandfather’s aspiration for family honor and glory couldn’t be realized, it was now placed upon the “next generation.” Liu Chengyin had long since made up his mind that when Liu Yong started a family and had children, he wouldn’t stand idly by anymore. He wouldn’t allow Su Hua’s indulgence and would instead implement a strict and scientific upbringing plan. The old-fashioned concept of nurturing talent, “A mulberry tree must be pruned from a young age,” though simple, still holds value and is worth remembering.

    The improvement in Liu Chengyin’s perception of his son played a decisive role in helping Liu Yong overcome difficulties later on. However, this is a topic for another time and will not be discussed for now.

    Due to the tremendous success of the “Joyful Journey through China Comes to Moon City” large-scale concert, which was the highlight of the city’s celebration for the 17th  Party Congress, a strategic partnership was formed between Liu Yong’s “New Power” and Qin Xiaoyue’s leadership at the Moon City Evening News. As a result, the collaboration between these two entities expanded significantly in various dimensions and levels. Furthermore, the relationship between the two individuals grew increasingly close and intimate over time.

    On a certain night, when Liu Yong shared with Qin Xiaoyue the inspiration he gained from the simulated Olympic torch relay event in Moon City, while lying on the bed that was once bathed in moonlight, Qin Xiaoyue almost didn’t need any time to think. She readily agreed to collaborate once again with the “New Power” to organize a large-scale concert to welcome the Olympics.

    With the success of the first event, everything became easier and the operational model was already in place. As a result, the entire team of the “New Power” and the Evening News Advertising Company quickly got involved in ticketing and commercial operations. Since the large-scale concert was themed around welcoming the Olympics, obtaining the approval letter from the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games became crucial. This significant task undoubtedly fell on Liu Yong’s shoulders. To be honest, in the entertainment industry, neither Qin Xiaoyue nor the Evening News team had any connections or knowledge about how to navigate the process, let alone secure the approval letter from the Olympic Organizing Committee.

    Liu Yong naturally stepped up to the task without hesitation. In the Beijing entertainment industry, he had a few close “buddies” and exceptional “sisters” with strong connections. It shouldn’t have been too difficult for him to establish  contact with the Beijing Organizing Committee. After all, in the year 2008, the year  of the Beijing Olympics, wouldn’t those of them who were active in the Beijing  entertainment scene want to cash in on the Olympics and make a fortune? Unless  they were abstaining from worldly desires and acting selflessly, there was no money  they wouldn’t dare to earn. With the Olympic Games being such a substantial  opportunity and a lucrative venture, how could they not want a piece of that “cake”?

    Sure enough, a Beijing-based entertainment group called “Da Tang Fei Ge” readily agreed to Liu Yong’s request and promised to help obtain the approval letter  from the Organizing Committee. To be honest, Liu Yong’s relationship with “Da  Tang Fei Ge” was not particularly solid. He only knew their marketing manager,  Meng Ge, who seemed to be a girl from Sichuan, outgoing and bold with a touch of spiciness. She was decisive and capable, with a hint of boldness. After a few years of interaction, she left a good impression on Liu Yong. Saying it was good was merely  accurate; it didn’t quite reach the level of satisfaction. This girl was quite crafty. She  had never introduced her big boss, “Tang Shan,” to Liu Yong. Being active in the  entertainment industry, Liu Yong had long heard that Tang Shan was a person with  extraordinary connections in Beijing. Not only could he manage top-tier celebrities  from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, but he also had the power to secure approvals  and navigate government departments in Beijing. In the circles, stories about Tang  Shan abounded, and one of his well-known catchphrases was “everything depends  on one’s strength.” Money was a form of strength, and connections were another.

    Now, Meng Ge clearly informed Liu Yong that Mr. Tang has expressed that  “Da Tang Fei Ge” is willing to help obtain the approval letter from the Olympic  Organizing Committee. This makes it possible for Liu Yong to meet Mr. Tang,  the “big shot.” Of course, obtaining this “approval letter” from “Da Tang Fei Ge” comes with conditions. It can’t be obtained for free, and there are prerequisites.  The idea of not obtaining it for free is understandable. Mr. Tang is not an “Olympic  volunteer,” and he doesn’t have an obligation to provide you, Liu Yong, with  voluntary assistance. Mr. Tang is straightforward, and the price is 800,000. No need  for negotiations. Never degrade yourself to the level of a market vendor. Engaging in  the performing arts is inherently refined. Interacting with top-tier singers, performing  artists, renowned musicians, and famous performers of today, one should aspire to become more refined. In the performing arts, resolutely refuse to act like a small tradesperson. This is another famous saying of Mr. Tang’s. Therefore, there is no room for negotiation with “Da Tang Fei Ge.” Mr. Tang always sets a fixed price. 800,000 yuan, and Liu Yong cannot negotiate even a bit.

    In addition to this, “Da Tang Fei Ge” has one prerequisite that needs to be fulfilled. That is, the local government needs to send an invitation letter to the Olympic Organizing Committee. Only in this way can the approval letter from the Olympic Organizing Committee be obtained legitimately. Otherwise, how could a “Welcome Olympic Games” themed concert be arranged so easily? Just saying it’s for Moon City wouldn’t make it happen.

    Manager Liu, do you understand what General Tang means? Little Meng Ge is currently at a coffee shop in Meidiya, coordinating the relevant details with you. Her pair of expressive eyes are blinking incessantly at this moment, as if she’s worried that you might not catch her slightly “Sichuan-flavored” Mandarin clearly.

    Can’t hold back the wolf for the sake of the child. With 800,000, Liu Yong gritted his teeth and accepted. It’s not a big deal; he can work harder in event operations and make up for it from another aspect. However, obtaining an invitation letter from the local government is beyond his capability. He’s aware that the twists and turns in the “Joyful Journey Across China - Coming to Moon City” grand concert were precisely due to issues with the Municipal Party Committee and the City Government. In the end, Qin Xiaoyue managed to pull through safely, and the outcome was a happy one for all. However, at that time, both the “East” and the “West” sides were not supportive. Will the attitudes of the “East” and “West” sides change a year later?

    Liu Yong had no choice but to pass this matter to his “Sister Qin,” Qin Xiaoyue.

    In Mayor Wen’s office, Qin Xiaoyue was earnestly presenting her concept for organizing the “Welcoming the Olympic Games Theme Concert.”

    Qin Xiaoyue had a serious expression on her face, occasionally tucking her longhair behind her ears. Perhaps she was so engrossed in her report, she didn’t even notice when the door to the mayor’s office was closed.

    “Xiaoyue Chief, take a sip of water and speak slowly,” Wen Lianggong said as he stood up from his chair behind the office desk. He adjusted the tea cup in front of Qin Xiaoyue. Last year’s “Welcome the  17th  National Congress” had placed a heavy burden on Qin Xiaoyue due to a decision made by Mayor Wen himself. The reshuffling of two deputy mayors had led to all the responsibilities of organizing the tens of thousands of people event falling onto the shoulders of Qin Xiaoyue, a young woman. The coordination of the concert involved various departments, making the workload quite extensive. Mayor Wen was well aware of the intricacies and challenges involved. As the saying goes, one doesn’t realize the difficulties until they’ve experienced them. He recalled when the “Heart-to-Heart” Art Troupe was dispatched to entertain the “Million Farmers.” That event, with an audience of only a few thousand people, was for public welfare, yet it took several months of work for both the county and city governments. Wen Lianggong himself had been involved on-site for several weeks. Reflecting on this, he realized that without being on-site, without being directly involved in coordination, if any problems arose, especially safety-related ones, it would be a matter of life and death. No one could bear such responsibility, and it would be difficult to explain to higher-ups, especially the “higher-ups” back in Beijing. Achieving a successful event was no easy task at all.

    However, not only did Qin Xiaoyue have to organize a concert with tens of thousands of attendees, but she also had to manage the costs of millions of dollars for the performance. The pressure on her was far from light. Wen Lianggong had initially admired Qin Xiaoyue, who was known for her beauty and talent. He never expected that his personal dissatisfaction would result in such immense pressure on her. Looking back, Wen Lianggong felt a sense of remorse. However, as the mayor of the city, he couldn’t just take back what he had said without considering the consequences. Moreover, his comments were not directed at the Moon City Evening News, nor were they aimed at Qin Xiaoyue personally. In all honesty, which man doesn’t have a bit of a weakness for delicate and charming women in his heart?

    At this moment, Wen Lianggong felt that he could extend a helping hand to Qin Xiaoyue.

    Seeing Mayor Wen stand up, Qin Xiaoyue felt that it might be inappropriate for her to remain seated. So, she pushed her chair back and started to stand up. However, Wen Lianggong took a few steps and reached her side, gently patting her shoulder to signal her to stay seated. Meanwhile, he gestured with his arm as he explained his understanding of the 2008 Beijing Olympics to her.

    In 2008, the long-awaited Olympic year for the entire nation, the Party and the country will undoubtedly attach great importance to the promotion of the Olympics. Hosting an Olympics that satisfies the people and the world is undoubtedly crucial –a fulfillment of a century-long dream. However, in my view, seizing the opportunity of hosting the Olympics to promote its spirit, engage people in the Olympic ideals of “Faster, Higher, Stronger,” and transform it into a spiritual wealth for people of all ethnicities across the country, is equally important. Not only is it significant, but it also holds profound and far-reaching implications. While the Olympic flame will eventually extinguish, the Olympic flag will eventually lower, and the Games will come to an end, the promotion and dissemination of the Olympic spirit, its inheritance and promotion, are enduring endeavors that require our unremitting efforts. For a city like Moon City, with its special political significance, hosting a “Welcome Olympic-themed Concert” in the name of the municipal government during a year of such political significance as 2008, seems necessary and meaningful. Editor Xiaoyue, your keen perception is truly impressive; you’re indeed well- suited for journalism and have a knack for capturing important elements. I will fully support this endeavor. However, I want to be clear from the outset that I won’t provide financial support. You’ll need to rely on your initiative and market-oriented operations. As for other aspects, such as sending invitation letters, ensuring security, coordinating with various departments, and even involving some businesses that might need to contribute, I can make calls on your behalf.

    The Mayor’s words left Qin Xiaoyue incredibly excited and elated. She hadn’t expected Mayor Wen to be so supportive. His eloquent interpretation of the Olympics displayed depth, insight, and foresight. Even more importantly, his endorsement of organizing a “Welcome Olympic-themed Concert” not only under the banner of the municipal government but also with substantial support, including his willingness to make calls to certain businesses, was truly remarkable. It’s worth noting that a call from the Mayor is not something taken lightly. Who wouldn’t carefully consider receiving a call from the Mayor, especially the CEOs of various companies?

    Qin Xiaoyue was perhaps too overwhelmed with excitement. As she stood up to shake the Mayor’s hand, she accidentally knocked over a tea cup on the coffee table. Her previously fair complexion turned instantly flushed, and she quickly retrieved a tissue from her bag to clean up the spill.

    “Blushing suits you, Xiaoyue,” Mayor Wen said with a smile, not paying much attention to the toppled tea cup. He playfully glanced at Qin Xiaoyue and made a light-hearted remark.

    “My apologies for being a bit flustered. Mayor, with your strong support and concern for our newspaper, we will ensure the success of this concert. We will strive to exceed the previous event in terms of overall quality and impact. Please rest assured. Of course, if any challenges arise, Xiaoyue will definitely seek Mayor Wen’s guidance,” Qin Xiaoyue replied earnestly.

    “Well, no need to ask, just let me know your ‘requests’. Let me provide better ‘service’ for our beautiful Chief Editor. After all, they say that leaders are here to serve, right?” After their conversation, it seemed that something had changed between Wen Lianggong and Qin Xiaoyue. Of course, for Qin Xiaoyue, this change meant more benefits. Now, obtaining the invitation letter from the municipal government to the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee was no longer a problem.

    Qin Xiaoyue couldn’t wait and immediately dialed the phone number of Liu Yong, who was far away in Beijing.

    The “Welcome Olympic Theme Concert” received strong support from Mayor Wen, and the Municipal People’s Government of Moon City issued an “Authorization Letter” to the Moon City Evening News, clearly stating that the newspaper was fully responsible for organizing and commercially operating the concert. At the same time, the Moon City Municipal Government also sent an invitation letter to the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG) to host the “Welcome Olympic Theme Concert.”

    With the city government’s “invitation letter” in hand, when facing Meng Ge once again, Liu Yong’s tone became firmer. He expressed to Meng Ge that this time, he must personally meet Tangshan.

    Stay calm and patient. Manager Liu, you can hand over the “invitation letter” to me first, and I will pass it on to General Tang. Let him personally take action to  obtain the approval letter from the Olympic Organizing Committee for you. Our  General Tang has mentioned that this could be considered a “gift” for you, Manager  Liu. What do you think?

    Still in a café at Media City, Meng Ge, the marketing manager of “Da Tang Fei Ge,” lightly tapped the rim of her coffee cup with a golden long-handled spoon, producing a pleasant and crisp sound. Departing from her usual fiery demeanor, she calmly and systematically conveyed her plans and thoughts to Liu Yong. Of course, these plans and thoughts were also the plans and thoughts of General Tang from “Da Tang Fei Ge.” It’s just that they were being conveyed to Liu Yong through Meng Ge’s words.

    “So, should I wait in Beijing for Tang General’s ‘meeting gift,’ or should I return to Moon City and wait for your call?” Liu Yong understood that the established process set by Tangshan couldn’t be changed by anyone. After all, Tangshan was a prominent figure in the Beijing entertainment industry, while he himself was just a “small boss” of an entertainment company in a third-tier city.

    “Don’t be hasty; you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry. Dealing with the Olympic Organizing Committee isn’t something anyone can manage. In the Beijing entertainment industry, from what I know, only a few ‘big shots’ like Tang General have the connections to communicate with officials from certain departments under the Olympic Committee and dare to take on your ‘delicate task.’ If it were someone else, they wouldn’t even have a foot in the door.”

    As Meng Ge’s words grew softer, she moved closer to Liu Yong. Eventually, she leaned in and whispered to him. Meng Ge suggested to Liu Yong that he should spend a few more days in Beijing. As partners, she could offer him complimentary companionship and entertainment services. She questioned the constant pursuit of money and the purpose behind it—consumption. Isn’t the trend nowadays all about “consuming life” and being fashionable? She urged Liu Yong to seize the tail end of his youth and engage in this trendy consumption lifestyle. In a few years, when you enter the stage of having a wife and children, do you think you’ll still have the luxury to “consume”? How can you “consume” when you have a family to support? Even if you’re a “man,” strong, and capable, if you can balance your responsibilities with your family, do you think anyone would be willing to accompany you in your “consumption”?

    Meng Ge’s suggestion struck a chord with Liu Yong. He smiled and playfully wrapped his arm around Meng Ge’s waist, asking, “You talk about being partners, but isn’t this more like ‘accompanying’ each other? Nowadays, no matter how you put it, it’s still ‘accompanying’ of all sorts.”

    “Sure, I’m going for it. After all, who made you, Yong Ge, such a sentimental guy!” A Sichuan girl is a Sichuan girl, and before you know it, that spicy spirit comes out.

    Yong could clearly see the spark of desire in Meng Ge’s eyes, as if while  igniting her own flame, she also intended to ignite Yong’s. It’s worth noting that  Yong has always adhered to the motto of “consume life, reject the sublime.”

    Whether it was during his years at the art school or when he first entered the entertainment industry and made his mark, he was the “playful dragon” in “playing with dragons and phoenixes.” How many “phoenixes” he has “consumed,” he never really bothered to keep track. He didn’t study “statistics,” after all, and why bother remembering those numbers – it would be so boring. “Consuming,” just keep on “consuming,” that’s the true joy of Yong’s life.

    Of course, there was a time when he contemplated becoming “sublime” for the sake of a “little bird.” Regrettably, his youthful and naive self took a wrong turn on the path to “sublimity,” ending up on a misguided journey. In the end, the “little bird” flew south and left him behind. Looking back, he found it laughable. How much does a kilogram of “sublimity” cost? What divine entity is this “sublimity”? What good is it? Even those who were considered supremely sublime eventually stepped down from their exalted pedestals, stripped of their “sublime” veneer by the masses. It’s just like a farmer cutting a pumpkin, whether it’s three-sevenths or four- sixths, it all depends on the farmer’s skill with the knife. “Sublimity” has long rolled off to the side, much like a pumpkin.

    Now, dealing with a “little dove” like this,in the eyes of Liu Yong, it’s a piece of cake. Facing Meng Ge’s gaze, Liu Yong tilted his head slightly, grabbed his bag, settled the bill, and left.