Chapter Six
    “Let Beijing Hear the Blessings and Cheers from the People of Moon City!”-

    The press conference for the “May 1st  Welcome Olympic Games Grand Concert” was held in a grand manner at the Moon City Reception Center.

    The Moon City Reception Center is situated by the Moon City Lake in the old city area of Moon City. The scattered buildings are concealed by tall trees, and from an external view, there is no conspicuous luxury or grandeur commonly seen in upscale hotels. Especially the entrance of the reception center, it is ordinary to the extreme. Two cubic column-shaped structures with small pavilions made of glazed tiles at the top corners, each pavilion equipped with light tubes. As nightfalls, they emit a soft and faint yellow light, providing illumination.

    Between the two pavilions is a very common automatic sliding door. When the staff presses the button, the electronic display on the door flashes with four words, “Welcome to visit.” In fact, vehicles entering the reception center must have permits; ordinary vehicles and citizens are not “welcomed” at the reception center. Who knows, an important leader might stay here someday. Can security work betaken lightly? Since it can’t betaken lightly, regular management must be strict. In this regard, the citizens of Moon City can understand. They won’t think that the local government is exercising privilege.

    In today’s world, urban image construction has been elevated to an extremely  important position. For a city to increase its citizens’ happiness index, the primary  focus is still on economic development. With economic growth, citizens’ incomes  can be improved. Thus, there is an inherent connection between a city’s “economy” and its citizens’ “income.” However, economic development requires certain  conditions; it’s not just a matter of wanting to develop and being able to do so. In  this regard, the city’s image becomes crucial. Undoubtedly, a city with a positive  image enjoys a higher reputation externally, attracts more foreign investment, and  naturally contributes to the city’s economic development. From this perspective,Moon City Reception Center is also a part of enhancing Moon City’s urban image, a “image project” if you will. It’s necessary to have upscale and luxurious interior facilities. When political figures, business magnates, and celebrities from various fields choose to stay at the reception center and leave with a positive impression, that’s a good thing. At least, it leaves a favorable first impression of Moon City. This “first impression” is incredibly significant. Without a good first impression, everything else might as well be over. Where would a “second impression” or a “third impression” come from?

    At some point, this “image project” and “shoddy construction project” became  like twin brothers, unjustifiably bound together by the media, and were harshly  condemned as two dogs drowning in water. To be frank, there is a misunderstanding  here, and it’s unfair to the “image project.” As for the “shoddy construction  project,” it’s not excessive to harshly criticize it as “drowning dogs,” and the media  elites giving it a good “beating” might even help alleviate public grievances and  resentment. However, when the “image project” is also tied to it, and both are  subjected to the same “scorn” and “beatings,” it seems like the “image project” has  become the modern-day “Dou E” (an innocent victim). The importance of “image” for a city has been briefly explained earlier and requires no further elaboration. A  genuine “image project,” one that truly lives up to its name and uplifts the city’s  image, is undeniably beneficial. What’s concerning is the counterfeit and superficial  “image projects,” which can be harmful to both individuals and the city, turning  into birds of a feather with the “shoddy construction projects.” Whether through  “condemnation” or a “harsh beating,” it’s hoped that media elites won’t hold back.

    Let’s cut to the chase. Dear readers, please keep your attention on the Guest Reception Hall. Starting from the entrance of the hall, there’s a long tree-lined path, with both trees and bamboo intermingling. The lush trees and swaying bamboo create a sense of tranquility and depth, evoking a feeling of anticipation.

    The fact that the press conference for the “May 1st Welcome Olympics Grand Concert” in Moon City is being held at such a venue clearly indicates Mayor Wen’s high regard for this event. As the municipal government is both the organizer and the theme of the event is welcoming the Olympics, it has received full recognition and strong support from the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee. Therefore, when Qin Xiaoyue proposed to Mayor Wen to hold a press conference, he fully agreed. He emphasized that for a press conference to truly reflect the stature of the municipal government, it should be able to attract key figures from Beijing to attend. This means it cannot beheld casually in just any hotel. Mayor Wen explicitly instructed that the press conference should beheld at the highest-tier venue in Moon City, the Guest Reception Hall.

    As it turns out, the press conference was hosted by Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Government and Director of the Municipal Political and Legal Affairs Office, Wu Shimang. The allocation of officials by leaders is indeed a sophisticated art. Take Wu Shimang for instance, as Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Government, he serves alongside several other colleagues for Deputy Mayor Mei Xia, who is in charge of science, education, and culture. However, as Director of the Municipal Political and Legal Affairs Office, his department falls under the “political and legal” category, and there is another set of personnel serving the deputy mayor in charge of political and legal affairs, including a Deputy Secretary-General, Deputy Director of the Office, heads of departments, and accompanying secretaries. The personnel arrangement for Wu Shimang seems a bit peculiar and not entirely straightforward. However, those who are in the know might find it both odd and not odd at the same time. If the leaders have made such an arrangement, there must be a reason for it. After all, one would think that leaders are well aware that there’s no need for two Deputy Secretary-Generals for one “category.” If they are aware of this and still arranged things as they are, then this intricacy is not something outsiders should question.

    Deputy Mayor Mei Xia, who is in charge of science, education, and culture at the Municipal Government, attended the press conference as an invited guest. Representatives from provincial media stationed in Moon City, as well as local media including radio stations, television stations, daily newspapers, evening newspapers, and websites, were briefed on the progress of preparations for the “May 1st  Moon City Olympic-themed Grand Concert.” A prominent figure from the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee’s opening ceremony directing team, Director Huang, made a special trip from Beijing to Moon City to participate in the press conference. He read aloud the official approval letter from the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee to the Moon City Municipal Government regarding the hosting of the “May 1st  Moon City Olympic-themed Grand Concert.” Furthermore, Director Huang introduced the overall concept of the concert and provided details about the lineup of performers to the media reporters present.

    This time, it’s quite remarkable that Director Huang could come to Moon City to attend the press conference. According to Director Huang’s disclosure, he is also a significant director within the Olympic Opening Ceremony directing team. As per the requirements of the chief director, they are conducting closed operations. To put it bluntly, it means they have no personal freedom. The demands for the opening ceremony performance are exceptionally high, and that goes without saying. The confidentiality requirements for creative aspects of the opening ceremony are even higher, to the extent that no one involved in the directing team is allowed to reveal anything to the outside world. Otherwise, it could lead to a “political incident,” the consequences of which no one can afford to bear. In such circumstances, conducting closed operations ensures safety and security. As the chief director puts it, this approach is not only responsible for the endeavor itself but also for the well-being of each team member.

    Perhaps some might wonder, given the strict measures in place, how could Director Huang be allowed to leave Beijing? This is where I need to introduce another heavyweight figure seated on the podium, Tangshan, the General Manager of the Beijing “Dadao Feige” Performing Arts Group. It’s often said that Tangshan has a remarkable network and influence, and this operation has truly allowed Liu Yong to witness Tangshan’s “methods” and experience his “influence.”

    Tangshan, though not a director, exudes a similar grandeur to Director Huang. His hair is tied in a half-long braid, draped casually behind his head, giving him a free-spirited appearance. He wears gold-rimmed glasses on his well-defined square face, shining brightly, reflecting the owner’s nobility and refinement. Tangshan’s visit to Moon City is something for which Qin Xiaoyue must thank Liu Yong. Liu Yong did his homework thoroughly in Beijing, and thanks must go to Meng Gu for her efforts in front of Tangshan. This led to Tangshan’s presence in Moon City. It was precisely because of Tangshan’s presence that Director Huang was able to make an exception and leave Beijing. In simple terms, Director Huang’s participation in Moon City’s “May 1st  Olympic-themed Grand Concert” as the Chief Director was entirely due to Tangshan’s influence. When Director Huang presented the “Approval Letter” from the Olympic Organizing Committee to the media, all cameras focused on the bright red official seal of the Organizing Committee.

    The preparations for Moon City’s “May 1st  Olympic-themed Grand Concert” are moving forward smoothly and in an orderly manner.Yong’s “New Force” and Qian Tao’s advertising center are working separately, and the momentum for ticket sales and advertising sponsorship is impressive. In the year 2008, the year of the Olympics, it’s surprising that even the distant Moon City, thousands of miles away, is able to have a slice of the Beijing “Olympic cake.” This brings joy to both Qin Xiaoyue and Yong. After all, it was Yong’s idea, his vision, and it has received a positive response from Qin Jie and the approval of Moon City’s upper echelons. It’s about to bear fruit. In Yong’s plan, this is just the first piece of his “Olympic cake.” He intends to use this cooperation with “Da Tang Fei Ge” to organize more “Olympic-themed concerts” in the province. By then, as he slices through the “Olympic cake” and counts the red “Mao Zedongs,” it will undoubtedly be quite satisfying.

    This time, Yong felt a greater sense of achievement than during the “Joyous 17th  Party Congress.” Of course, this is largely due to the seamless cooperation and tacit understanding he has developed with Sister Qin throughout the entire process of organizing the Olympic welcoming concert. It’s truly a delightful experience. He is more than willing to open bottle after bottle of red wine from his wine cabinet, celebrating the smooth progress of the Olympic welcoming concert, the breakthrough in ticket sales, and the surpassing of expectations in advertising sponsorship. He celebrates the wonderful moments between him and his sister. From the bottom of his heart, he appreciates those HongKong actresses who pioneered the “sister-brother romance.” Without their “demonstration,” it would have been much harder for Yong to feel so at ease in front of Sister Qin.

    Of course, when it comes to the advertising sponsorship exceeding the expected target this time, it’s thanks to a “hero” that emerged.

    Mayor Wen Lianggong personally made several phone calls to relevant companies, and these calls were all connected in front of Qin Xiaoyue. As the head of the city, being so dedicated to an event, not only fulfilling her “requests” but also handling them immediately in her presence, made Qin Xiaoyue feel somewhat uneasy deep down. In fact, this is precisely the effect Mayor Wen wanted. He wanted to be Qin Xiaoyue’s “hero.”

    So, after Mayor Wen Lianggong made a critical phone call in front of Qin Xiaoyue at a certain hotel, she didn’t say a word. In recent years, after collaborating with CCTV a few times as a print media, Qin Xiaoyue had also established a certain network of contacts. For this “May  1st Welcome Olympics Grand Concert,” the broadcasting platform was still set on CCTV. Therefore, she paid attention to and  had a sense for any advertisement related to CCTV. “To gain, you must give up,” Qin Xiaoyue thought, feeling that this statement was absolutely correct. When she  thought about it, she realized that there were hardly any instances in the world where  opportunities just fell into one’s lap. If you want to “gain,” if you want to have  something, then you must be willing to “give up.” Otherwise, what’s the point of talking about a “wise life, appreciating the act of giving up”?

    The good thing is that Qin Xiaoyue knew when to “give up” in one situation and when to “gain” in another, without blindly giving up or constantly sacrificing. Moreover, she had gained quite a lot from Liu Yong, which also comforted her to some extent. The nights with the crescent moon hanging in the sky left her with beautiful memories and warmth that she often cherished. Indeed, life cannot always be perfect. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, so does life. How often can there be a full moon? Life is like floating clouds that drift by. Is imperfection not a form of beauty? Nowadays, it’s needless to say for someone like Qin Xiaoyue, a determined woman making her way in the world, that she has to face certain worldly matters without compromising. Even those who seem to have great influence, can their lives truly be flawless? Probably not. However, the broken and imperfect side is not easily revealed. Who doesn’t have scars in their hearts? Who doesn’t have regrets? Who doesn’t have a crescent moon in their heart?

    The progress of this large-scale concert seems too smooth. During a break, when Qian Tao and Brother Liu shared a couple of drinks, there was a hint of disbelief.

    Brother Liu, you’ve really done a fantastic job with this project. Combining ticket sales and advertising sponsorship, it’s reached a total of 36 million yuan. Wow, that’s an impressive achievement! It’s even surpassed our newspaper’s total advertising revenue for the entire year. Compared to the previous year’s “Joyful Journey Through China • Into Moon City,” it’s exceeded by over ten million. You’re truly remarkable. And, over the past two years, Brother Liu, it seems like the more “big events” you organize, the more you benefit from them yourself. Am I right? With half a bottle of white wine in his belly, Qian Tao became quite chatty. Normally, Qian Tao rarely speaks much and keeps his mouth shut. But at this moment, he wanted to uncover some of Brother Liu’s secrets, to get a sense of what’s going on behind the scenes. To be honest, both of them are around the same age and hold the title of “manager,” yet Brother Liu seems to have all the success and influence, while Qian Tao can only follow along. This situation makes Qian Tao feel a bit dissatisfied. Take advertising sponsorship for example; it used to be Qian Tao’s specialty, but now, due to President Qin’s direct involvement, many clients have turned to Brother Liu. Even though there’s an agreement between the “New Power” and our newspaper’s advertising department, and it doesn’t matter who gets the advertising deals, everyone has their pride and reputation to uphold. I can’t just become a mere decoration, can I?

    What really gets under Qian Tao’s skin, though he’d never admit it, is that Brother Liu seems to have a natural charm with women, even to the point where he’s managed to catch the attention of their beautiful lady boss. This fact irks Qian Tao to no end. Moreover, he’s always trailing behind Brother Liu, and at most, he might play some minor tricks when entertaining clients at a KTV, trying to get a little attention from those “princesses.” Compared to Brother Liu’s more substantial achievements, it feels childish and insignificant. Just thinking about it makes him blush, feel embarrassed, and lose face.

    It’s not that Qian Tao has a dark heart, he just wishes that this “Olympic Concert” could have a bit of excitement like the successful “Joyful Journey Through China” event. He hopes that Brother Liu won’t always have everything going his way and feeling so triumphant. It would bring some balance to his own feelings. Of course, he doesn’t want anything major to happen either, considering the collaboration between the two companies. They’re in it together, like two crickets on the same string, sharing the benefits and bearing the risks.

    People often say, “It’s not about fearing the inability to do it, but fearing not thinking of it.” Qian Tao’s internal calculations were indeed on point, and he managed to hit the mark. The “Olympic Concert” encountered a problem, a significant one.

    A “priority” express letter from the Legal Affairs Department of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG) has arrived at the Municipal Government of Moon City.

    While eagerly anticipating the blazing performance of a grand play, as if being doused with a bucket of cold water from head to toe, his heart turned cold. The once fervent “fire” burning within him, like a rapidly ascending hot air balloon, was soaring higher and higher, growing larger. He even dreamed that when the concert aired on CCTV, the “high-ranking official” from his hometown might see it, perhaps even recalling the handshake they shared at the beginning of the year during the “Two Sessions”. But now, this “bucket of cold water” has extinguished the “fire” within Wen Lianggong’s heart, and the “hot air balloon” cannot take flight anymore.

    The “urgent” letter from the legal affairs department of the Beijing Organizing  Committee for the Olympic Games quickly arrived in Wen Lianggong’s hands.  The department responsible for legal affairs at the Organizing Committee was  very explicit in the “letter,” stating that the “May 1st  Welcome Olympics Grand  Concert” in your city constitutes an illegal activity and has not been confirmed  by the Organizing Committee. The so-called “approval letter from the Organizing  Committee to the City People’s Government of Moon City” is a forged document,  and the Organizing Committee’s “official seal” is also counterfeit. Therefore, in order  to quickly minimize the negative impact of this illegal activity on the “Olympics,” the department responsible for legal affairs at the Organizing Committee has  instructed the Moon City Government to immediately cease all activities related to  the “May 1st  Welcome Olympics Grand Concert,” cancel the concert, and ensure that  no further infringement of Olympic intellectual property rights occurs.

    Wen Lianggong’s mind exploded with a resounding shock. How could such a thing happen? How could the approval letter be forged? Who could be so audacious as to falsely impersonate the Organizing Committee? This shows the extent to which counterfeiting and fraud have spread, and the level of madness it has reached! Even daring to counterfeit the Organizing Committee’s “official seal,” this is not just poking a hornet’s nest, it’s courting disaster, digging one’s own grave! There are truly fearless individuals out there, daring enough to provide the Moon City Government with a fake approval letter. This situation was driving Wen Lianggong to the brink. The “urgent letter” from the legal affairs department of the Beijing Organizing Committee felt like a hot potato in his hands – holding onto it was difficult, letting go was also difficult. At this moment, Wen Lianggong was pacing back and forth in his office.

    After a few laps of pacing, Wen Lianggong splashed his face with cold water  in the office restroom to calm himself down. The initial shock of the “cold water” had extinguished much of the fervor in his heart. While his emotions had cooled,  his mind was racing. Wen Lianggong had been serving as the mayor for seven or  eight years and had never encountered such a situation before. This was not a minor oversight; it had blown up into a major crisis. And wouldn’t you know it, in the past, Beijing was known as the “Imperial Capital,” where the emperor resided. This oversight, this crisis, had indeed reached “imperial” proportions.

    Since the issue at hand involved legal matters, Wen Lianggong immediately thought of Wu Shimang, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Government and the Director of the Municipal Legal Affairs Office. This was a moment when Wu Shimang should be sharing the mayor’s concerns.

    Upon Wu Shimang’s suggestion, Qin Xiaoyue, Liu Yong, Qian Tao, as well as heads of relevant departments such as Culture and Public Security, quickly convened at the Mayor’s office in the Municipal Government building. Soon, an emergency coordination meeting regarding the “May  1st  Welcome Olympic Games Grand Concert” was convened under the personal direction of Mayor Wen, to address the urgent situation.

    Despite his current predicament, Wen Lianggong, with his years of experience as the mayor, knew the importance of addressing problems effectively. He began by emphasizing that there was nothing inherently wrong with the city government hosting a large-scale concert centered around welcoming the Olympic Games. The theme of “Letting Beijing Hear the Blessings and Cheers of the People of Moon City” was indeed meaningful. He acknowledged the hard work and achievements of Qin Xiaoyue, her team at the Moon City Evening News, as well as Xiao Liu and his “New Power” team in organizing this event. Wen Lianggong’s unexpected remarks left Qin Xiaoyue and her team pleasantly surprised.

    Qin Xiaoyue, Liu Yong, and Qian Tao were initially taken aback when they heard the news of “counterfeiting.” Their minds went blank for a moment, as if a wisp of blue smoke had escaped from the top of their heads. They felt dumbfounded. They had no idea how this situation would unfold and what consequences each of them would face. As they sat in Mayor Wen’s office, all three of them were on edge, their expressions blank, and their heads lowered as much as possible, waiting for reprimand. They knew in their hearts that being reprimanded was the least of their worries after such an incident. What lay ahead was uncertain at this moment.

    However, Mayor Wen surprisingly did not reprimand them. Instead, he fully acknowledged their work and achievements. This instantly stabilized the emotions of the three individuals and maintained the composure of the attendees. Mayor Wen, of course, understood that no matter what, he couldn’t admit that the municipal government had organized an illegal performance event. If the municipal government was implicated in wrongdoing, wouldn’t he, Wen Lianggong, become the biggest lawbreaker? That would surely cause a major uproar throughout the entire city. Such an unfavorable situation must be prevented from arising at all costs.

    Mayor Wen also pointed out the serious oversights in the process of this event. The fact that even the “approval letter” from the Olympic Organizing Committee turned out to be a forgery clearly indicates a lack of legal awareness among comrades, providing an opportunity for ill-intentioned individuals. Now it appears that not only are the fabricators despicable, but the informants also have ulterior motives. Just a day or two before the concert, they struck a heavy blow, aiming to mock our city’s government, disrupt this grand concert, and provoke over 30,000 citizens of our city who purchased tickets to criticize the city government, the Evening News, me, Wen Lianggong, and even Qin Xiaoyue. In short, they aimed to condemn all the organizations and individuals involved with this concert. Therefore, we must ensure that the counterfeiters face the appropriate sanctions and prevent those with malicious intent from achieving their goals. Under no circumstances can we allow this concert to be halted.

    Wen Lianggong’s resolute and unwavering demeanor at this crucial moment earned him enthusiastic applause from everyone present. Qin Xiaoyue, being a woman, felt a deep sense of gratitude and her eyes welled up with tears. Her tender hands were practically itching to applaud until they turned red and sore.

    And so, the first chapter of this novel begins with the scene that the readers have just witnessed: On the evening of April 29th, 2008, around 8:00 PM, at Nanjing Lukou Airport, four individuals – three men and one woman – appeared to be in a hurry as they moved along the corridor leading to the boarding gate. They were practically rushing, almost jogging, as they were trying to catch the departing flight MU2861.

    Upon successfully ensuring the “May 1st  Welcome Olympic Games Grand Concert” could proceed as planned, Wu Shimang and his group returned to Moon City. They received wholehearted recognition from Mayor Wen. With the bearing of a seasoned general, Mayor Wen even arranged a banquet at the Municipal Government Reception Center to host the four of them.

    “To be able to resolve the crisis in such a short period of time, to gain understanding, forgiveness, and support from the relevant departments and leaders of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, this was truly not an easy feat. I, Wen Lianggong, thank you. On behalf of the municipal government, I express our gratitude to you,” Mayor Wen sincerely raised his glass at the banquet table, toasting Wu Shimang, Qin Xiaoyue, Liu Yong, and Qian Tao.

    “We were just following Mayor Wen’s instructions, honestly reporting the details of the concert to the head of the legal affairs department responsible at the Olympic Organizing Committee. We put in some effort to gain their understanding and support,” the four individuals who had traveled to Beijing stood in a line before Mayor Wen. Wu Shimang raised his glass first, clinking it with the mayor’s, and responded to his gratitude.

    “I’ve heard that you, Xiaoliu, did a very successful job in handling this matter. Your father’s old colleague provided significant assistance, playing a crucial role. That’s commendable. We should set aside another time for me to personally express my gratitude to Secretary Liu,” Wen Lianggong said as he specifically raised his glass to clink with Liu Yong’s.

    “If it weren’t for Minister Cheng’s mediation, things might not have gone as smoothly as they did,” Qin Xiaoyue chimed in, supporting Mayor Wen’s conversation. She had also heard some rumors about the less-than-harmonious relationship between Vice Secretary Liu and Mayor Wen. Now that Mayor Wen was taking a more magnanimous approach and showing goodwill towards Liu Yong’s father, it was indeed a positive development.

    “The issues that arose in Beijing are mainly my responsibility. Mayor, please  don’t blame Mr. Qin and the others. I will definitely negotiate with ‘Datang Feige’ and make sure they provide an explanation to the municipal government and you,  Mayor Wen.” Liu Yong’s demeanor remained composed, without a hint of arrogance.  He shifted the focus to the problem at hand and took the initiative to shoulder the  responsibility.

    “Let’s not discuss that today. Ensuring the concert takes place as scheduled is what deserves recognition. Moving forward, Mr. Qin, you need to meticulously organize the relevant staff to ensure the concert goes off without a hitch – safe and successful. That’s the most crucial aspect. Of course, I’ll personally oversee security matters and ensure they’re handled by the police department appropriately. Now is not the time to discuss issues or assign blame,” Mayor Wen finally raised his glass to Qin Xiaoyue with a specific gesture.

    “Please rest assured, Mayor Wen. The concert will proceed without any issues. We will give it our all,” Qin Xiaoyue said confidently, habitually flicking her long hair. Her words were resolute, yet her demeanor remained captivating, bringing a smile to Mayor Wen’s face. He then smiled and said, “It’s good to know that I can rely on you. Comrades, it’s time to give it our all and be on high alert. Fortunately, you have experience in organizing large-scale concerts, which does ease my mind a bit. After the successful completion of the concert, I will invite you all to a celebratory drink. Here’s to a toast!” Mayor Wen raised his glass and emptied it in one gulp.

    Less than 10 hours remain until the grand opening of the concert.

    Qin Xiaoyue’s mind was running like a movie reel, repeatedly going over the preparations and key elements of the concert, ensuring that everything was in place as she had promised Mayor Wen – flawless and without any mishaps.

    Liu Yong received a call from Meng Yu, made from the welcoming hotel. As the overall coordinator and scheduler of the concert’s performers, Meng Yu had become the full representative of “Datang Feige.” During the days Liu Yong spent in Beijing awaiting the Olympic Organizing Committee’s “approval letter,” Meng Yu was by his side like a shadow, sometimes boating on the Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace, and other times hiking along the shaded paths of Fragrant Hills. To outsiders, they seemed like a couple in a passionate romance, deeply entwined in a pivotal moment of their relationship. This closeness between them had deepened their collaboration. Liu Yong entrusted the main performers of this concert to “Datang Feige,” entrusting them to MengYu.

    “Datang Feige” is indeed impressive; they managed to secure “Andy Lau,” one of the “Four Heavenly Kings.” This left Liu Yong pleasantly surprised. However, amidst his delight, there was also a hint of regret. After all, a significant amount of “Renminbi” had been spent. Even the smiling Chairman Mao, who graced the currency, was leaving his pocket one note at a time, finding its way into Meng Yu’s wallet with a contented smile.

    But now, with less than 10 hours left before the concert begins, Meng Yu received an unexpected call. They informed him that “Andy Lau” had suddenly encountered an undisclosed situation and would be unable to participate in the concert performance.

    Just as one problem was resolved, another one emerged. “Rescuing” the situation – how could this be done? With “Andy Lau” missing from the concert, it was like pulling out a crucial pillar from the stage. Even if the stage wouldn’t collapse,it would certainly tilt and look awry. With 30,000 tickets sold, how would the audience react to this?

    This news undoubtedly hit Liu Yong hard. He was somewhat at a loss and quickly discussed it with Qin Xiaoyue. No matter how affectionate or entwined they were, faced with such a sudden turn of events, Qin Xiaoyue transformed into a lioness. She roared at her own heroin her heart and left no room for retreat in her words. Liu Yong, you must take responsibility for this matter, and take full responsibility. I don’t care how you resolve it or how you save the situation, but you must “rescue” the stage. Otherwise, your fate won’t be pleasant. It seemed like Qin Xiaoyue was also a bit frustrated, as she unexpectedly used a playful line on Liu Yong.