Chapter Seven
    The “May 1st  Welcome Olympic Games Grand Concert” in Moon City finally took place as scheduled at the Moon City Sports Center.

    With over 30,000 spectators, the scene was akin to a sea of people, where flags of the country and Olympic flags waved, creating a magnificent and grand spectacle.

    In order to satisfy the organizers, the Moon City Government, Mayor Wen, and the over 30,000 ticket-holding audience, Liu Yong spared no expense and brought in two prominent hosts to ensure the success of the event. He invited the veteran male news anchor from CCTV, Anchor Zhang, and the renowned female news anchor from Phoenix Satellite TV, Anchor Xu. The two anchors co-hosted this grand concert. Both Anchor Zhang and Anchor Xu enjoy a high level of fame and have a vast fan base. The moment they stepped onto the stage and greeted the audience with a simple “Good evening, friends from Moon City,” the entire venue was in an uproar, and the applause was deafening.

    This stage is truly enormous and dazzling. The two anchors have worked hard. Descending from the elevated platform on the second level, they greeted the audience directly in front of the stage first, then quickly moved to the left and right sides to greet those viewers. They almost seemed to be lightly jogging. These two anchors are undoubtedly at the top of their field, dedicated and professional. They aimed to ensure that the audience on both sides didn’t feel left out for too long, all while maintaining their stage presence and image.

    While greeting the audience at the right side of the stage, a minor mishap occurred. The beautiful anchor from Phoenix Satellite TV, Xu, with her long peach- colored dress trailing behind her, got snagged on something, causing her to struggle to move gracefully. This sudden snag made Xu blush and feel a bit embarrassed. Just as she was caught in a dilemma, the gentlemanly Anchor Zhang stepped in. With a few swift steps, he came forward and rescued Xu from her predicament. Anchor Zhang added a touch of humor to the situation, playfully attributing Xu’s unexpected snag to the “enthusiasm” of the city. He wittily remarked to Xu that it seemed not only the audience in Moon City was enthusiastic, but every single element of the city, down to the stage itself, wanted to get closer to her.

    With a few words, Xu gracefully escaped the awkward situation and responded with a joyful smile, nodding in agreement. This exchange triggered a wave of hearty laughter from the audience below. The performance began with a rendition of “China Red” by Lü Wei. Instantly, the various lights positioned across the stage’s lighting rig illuminated, creating a spectacular display of colors – vibrant, dazzling, and dreamlike. The audience was captivated, transported into a enchanting realm, cheering with excitement and their hearts brimming with joy.

    As Lü Wei sang, “Red, red, red covers every sky; red, red, red tinges every smile; in everyone’s heart, there’s a beautiful dream, that radiant red is the China Red,” three “fire dragons” suddenly shot out from the sky right in front of the stage like arrows released from a bowstring. They soared with a roaring sound and darted towards the stage. On the lighting rig above the stage, fireworks ignited, fireworks blossomed, and firecrackers roared. The entire arena erupted in excitement. The concert began by stirring up the audience’s emotions, igniting passion and fervor within each person. Everyone was caught up in the “joy” of the moment.

    Indeed, this was not just an ordinary concert, but a themed event centered around welcoming the Olympics. When six or seven Olympic champions waved the Olympic flags among the audience, proudly marched onto the stage, and joined Wang Zhengzheng in singing Beyond Dreams, almost the entire audience rose to their feet. The planning of the entire concert was distinctly different from a typical show, and the atmosphere was truly remarkable.

    Beyond dreams, let’s soar together,

    You and Ineed to face it sincerely.

    Let life savor this moment,

    Let time remember this occasion.

    Beyond dreams, let’s soar together,

    You and Ineed to face it sincerely.

    Let life savor this moment,

    Let time remember this occasion.

    Guided by Wang Zhengzheng’s powerful and resounding voice, several Olympic champions and tens of thousands of live audience members practically formed a grand chorus, harmonizing in perfect unison. Onstage, the Olympic champions held the Olympic flags high, fluttering in the wind. Below the stage, tens of thousands of national and Olympic flags waved incessantly, echoing the scene above. People felt the solemnity and sanctity of the impending Olympics.

    Finally, the highly anticipated superstar takes the stage.

    There was a slight commotion near the stage entrance, with many young people standing on their seats, holding cameras and phones in hand, eager to capture a live version of “Andy Lau.” The audience waving “Andy Lau” star headshots became highly animated, vigorously raising fluorescent signs and swaying while shouting, “Andy Lau!” “Andy Lau!” “Andy Lau!” A young girl even came on stage to present flowers to “Andy Lau.” Wow, the flower offerings were enthusiastic, not just one. Another girl boldly seized the opportunity and embraced “Andy Lau,” going as far as giving him a passionate kiss. The kiss was so genuine that “Andy Lau” had no choice but to sing with the imprint of her lips on his cheek.

    The order in the audience area began to falter as a group of young people squeezed their way towards the front of the stage, eager to get up close and personal with “Andy Lau.” They wanted a “close encounter” with him.

    “Andy Lau, I loveyou!”

    “Andy Lau, I loveyou!”

    “Andy Lau, I loveyou!”

    The girls’ shouts echoed one after another, forming a wave of sound that swept  across the entire venue, almost drowning out the singing of “Andy Lau” himself. The  atmosphere in the venue became incredibly intense. Whether they were “Andy Lau” enthusiasts or fans, they were dancing, shouting at the top of their lungs, completely  captivated and swept up in a frenzy.

    At this moment, one person didn’t join the excited crowd in cheering and shouting, but instead let out a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief as if a heavy burden had been lifted. A suspended heart could finally be set at ease. This person was none other than Qin Xiaoyue, the Chief Editor of the Moon City Evening News, seated in the VIP area.

    Just hours before the performance, Liu Yong had told her that “Andy Lau” would be absent from tonight’s concert. How could they manage this situation? How  could they fulfill Mayor Wen’s demand for “nothing to go wrong”? With “Andy  Lau” not coming, this was a significant setback. In that moment, Qin Xiaoyue’s  emotions got the better of her, and she confronted Liu Yong firmly, even using strong  language. Though she felt a bit of regret afterward, seeing “Andy Lau” take the stage  as promised and electrify the audience, creating a climactic moment, she realized  that her firm stance and strong words were worth it. A weight was lifted off her heart.

    Of course, she also felt a bit of affection for Liu Yong, this “bad boy.”  She wanted to give him a taste of “revenge” for pushing her to take such a firm stance and use strong words. After all, who made him provoke her into being tough and resolute?

    Under immense pressure and garnering widespread attention, the “May 1st Olympic Welcoming Grand Concert” of Moon City finally came to an end on the evening of May 1, 2008.

    The concert was undoubtedly safe. Although during the performance, some zealous fans had minor clashes with security personnel due to their enthusiasm for certain celebrity stars, there were no significant security incidents throughout the entire event. Not a single audience member suffered any accidental injuries, and no large-scale incidents occurred. This left Wen Lianggong, seated in the VIP guest position, very satisfied. In his view, the entire concert could be described as having “orderly arrangements.”

    The concert was undoubtedly a success. Not only did it shine in various aspects such as stage design, lighting, creative planning, and celebrity performances, captivating the audience’s eyes and creating a feeling of overwhelming beauty, but what truly made this concert unique and distinctive was the display and embodiment of the Olympic theme. The enthusiastic participation of several Olympic champions, their interactions with the celebrities and the audience, the rendition of melodies that embody the spirit of “higher, faster, stronger,” and the dancing of the Olympic flag with the five rings emblem all stirred the emotions of the tens of thousands of spectators, making the concert a spectacular hit. While Wen Lianggong couldn’t fully immerse himself in this atmosphere, he still felt satisfied. A few times, he couldn’t help but squeeze Qin Xiaoyue’s hand beside him. However, Qin Xiaoyue’s delicate, tender hands couldn’t bear the unintended “force” of a man lost in the moment. Yet, as the live performance unfolded with great intensity and the VIP  guests were all watching, Qin Xiaoyue couldn’t make a big scene. She had to endure  it somehow. She whispered to Mayor Wen, creating a somewhat “side effect” that gave the impression to other officials and guests that there was some form of “intimacy” between them. In truth, Qin Xiaoyue had no intention of dwelling on any  past “intimacy.” She was simply being honest with the Mayor, letting him know that  he had accidentally hurt her hand and asking him to be gentle. It’s no wonder people  say not to take what you see at face value, as appearances can be deceiving, and  what you see isn’t necessarily the reality, nor is it what you imagine.

    Perhaps some may wonder how Qin Xiaoyue ended up sitting right next to Mayor Wen. After all, the seating arrangement in the VIP section was personally overseen by Mayor Wen himself. It’s not common for the Party Secretary to attend such events in person, and Mayor Wen, in his capacity as both the Mayor and the highest-ranking representative of the organizers, naturally should have occupied the “VIP Seat Number One.” If there were external VIP guests, the most they could expect was the “VIP Seat Number Two.” However, Mayor Wen designated the “VIP Seat Number Three” for Qin Xiaoyue. Qin Xiaoyue naturally hesitated to accept this arrangement. She understood the Mayor’s good intentions, but taking a seat in the “VIP Seat Number Three” seemed inappropriate. “What’s inappropriate? I think it’s perfectly fitting. I represent the organizers, and you represent the hosts. It’s only natural for us to sit together,” Mayor Wen’s words were grand and impeccable. Qin Xiaoyue had no choice but to respectfully acquiesce and take her seat next to Mayor Wen.

    Qin Xiaoyue realized that sitting next to Mayor Wen, dealing with her own hand being constantly “squeezed” was becoming unbearable. She couldn’t voice her discomfort, and she certainly couldn’t keep “whispering” either. Doing so might lead others to think less of her. In their eyes, what would Qin Xiaoyue become if she kept behaving that way? In reality, that was not the image Qin Xiaoyue wanted to project. Of course, she did want to become someone’s “special person,” but the object of her desires was different. As a result, Qin Xiaoyue had to find excuses to check the progress of the event, observe the scene, or visit the restroom, all in an effort to sit less closely to Mayor Wen.

    As Qin Xiaoyue continued to move around, she noticed that although the sky was clear and the sapphire-like canopy above was brilliant, the crescent moon appeared somewhat glaring. Qin Xiaoyue, who always hoped for perfection in everything, felt a slight sense of dissatisfaction in her heart.

    The concert was undoubtedly a resounding success. The organizers, including the Moon City Municipal Government and the hosting unit Moon City Evening News, received unanimous praise and acclaim from all quarters, especially from the vast audience. Moreover, the most significant achievement of this concert was the unprecedented success of the “new force” and the commercial operation of the Moon City Evening News. The total revenue reached 36 million, an increase of over 10 million from the previous year’s “Joyful Journey through China · Entering Moon City” grand performance.

    Qin Xiaoyue and Liu Yong jointly decided to provide a consolation bonus of 1,000 yuan to all the personnel involved in the preparation of this concert, the staff of the “New Force,” and all the employees of the Moon City Evening News, expressing their gratitude for the hard work everyone contributed to the success of the concert. Of course, at a time like this, Qin Xiaoyue wouldn’t forget the “hero” who worked diligently to attract investment for this concert. In fact, the person she most wanted to show her appreciation to was just one person—Liu Yong.

    While Wen Lianggong, Qin Xiaoyue, and Liu Yong were all immersed in the joy and relief of the successful concert, Liu Yong was taken away by the public security authorities.

    Someone reported to the provincial Department of Culture that during the “May 1st Olympic-themed Grand Concert” in Moon City, the superstar “Andy Lau” was fake, an impersonation from a talent show, and not the real artist.

    This left Wen Lianggong and Qin Xiaoyue in baffled astonishment. Just as the  fake official sealand forged approval letter incident from the Organizing Committee  had subsided, another case of impersonation emerged with the fake “Andy Lau.” How could it be that after dealing with the forgery of the official sealand approval  letter, a counterfeit “Andy Lau” appeared? While the fake official sealand forged  approval letter may not have any direct connection to the organizing entities—the  Moon City Evening News and Moon City “New Power” Entertainment Company—  in this new case of impersonation, these two entities were indeed the victims.  However, the appearance of a fake “Andy Lau” at the “May  1st  Olympic-themed  Grand Concert” stage seems to implicate the Moon City “New Power” Entertainment  Company, and more specifically, Starring Star Entertainment and its owner, Liu Yong.

    During the process of organizing the “May 1st Olympic-themed Grand Concert,” there was a dynamic balance between cooperation and differences between Qin  Xiaoyue and Liu Yong. Their collaboration was not only effective but also seemed  to reach a remarkable level. They seemed to be in perfect harmony, with an  understanding that went beyond words. However, in hindsight, their collaboration  may have been a bit excessive, and the balance between cooperation and differences,  particularly on Liu Yong’s part, seems to have shifted in the wrong direction.

    The entire lineup of singers and related performers for the concert was arranged and managed solely by Liu Yong and his “New Power” team. Before the concert, Liu Yong had mentioned to Qin Xiaoyue that one of the “Four Heavenly Kings,” known as “Andy Lau,” would be unable to participate in the “May 1st Olympic-themed Grand Concert” in Moon City due to an unforeseen reason that couldn’t be disclosed to the public. At that time, Qin Xiaoyue did not consider sparing any sentiment or giving face to Liu Yong. To put it plainly, she neither held back due to emotions nor saved any face. She firmly expressed her stance to Liu Yong without leaving him any room to maneuver.

    At this moment, Qin Xiaoyue felt a bit frustrated with Liu Yong. How could you, Liu Yong, engage in such deceptive tactics and try to deceive everyone? If you had honestly informed me of the true situation from the beginning, we could have brainstormed strategies together, figured out how to explain it to the audience, and taken appropriate measures in a timely manner. If “Andy Lau” couldn’t make it to the concert in Moon City, we should have offered refunds to those who purchased tickets for his performance. Simultaneously, we could have quickly organized an emergency replacement with an artist of similar caliber to salvage the situation. We should have worked hard to maintain the quality and standard of the concert, aiming for the understanding and forgiveness of the vast audience.

    Now, we’re facing a big problem. You, Liu Yong, actually arranged for a fake “Andy Lau” who was merely an impersonator, essentially staging a “imitation show.” How can we possibly explain this to over 30,000 audience members? And how are we going to explain this to Mayor Wen and the city government? Why would someone as usually clever and resourceful as you, Liu Yong, make such a basic mistake? Could it be that your brain has been filled with “H2O”? If your brain has indeed turned into “H2O,” that’s one thing, but now you’ve also put me, Qin Xiaoyue, in a difficult situation.

    In the end, it’s all about being “all talk, no action.” Now that you’ve been  taken away by the public security department, don’t expect any “good outcomes” awaiting you. You’ll have to rely on your old man to “rescue” you. It’s not that I,  Qin Xiaoyue, lack compassion or loyalty, but you should never mess with the public  security department or get involved with them. Let me say something not so pleasant  – those individuals who wear the “police emblem” and carry the “police badge” are  experts at finding the “weak spots” and extracting valuable information. They have a  repertoire of unconventional tactics and strategies, and no matter how skilled you are  at counter-surveillance, you can’t outsmart their creative and innovative methods.  No matter how hard you “resist,” there will only be one outcome – “spill the beans.”

    Inside the “Phoenix Court” building of the Liu family, Yang Xuehua was sobbing as she talked to her son. She was saying that no matter what, they must find a way to bring the “eldest grandson” back from the public security department. They couldn’t just let the public security handle the situation as they pleased.

    Although Su Hua didn’t cry aloud like her mother-in-law, she also had a teary-eyed appearance. While her mother-in-law was pleading with her husband to intercede on behalf of Liu Yong, she was there to support and urge Liu Chengyin to set aside his pride and communicate with the public security department. No matter what, they shouldn’t make things too difficult for Liu Yong. After all, he’s young and made a foolish mistake, so he should be given a chance to make amends. Whatever punishment is appropriate, let it be. We’ll accept it. Su Hua had some degree of attention to the entertainment industry, given Liu Yong’s involvement in it. In her impression,when actors encountered issues, they were mostly subjected to financial penalties, and rarely faced criminal charges. At this point, with the public security department imposing a penalty, they could only reluctantly accept it and hope that money could mitigate the situation.

    As a grandfather, Liu Chunyu was naturally worried. His grandson had been taken away by the public security department, and he had no idea about the severity of the situation. He was uncertain. This grandson of his hadn’t followed the “official path” like his son did, and he hadn’t taken up the “relay baton” of the Liu family’s honor and legacy. Liu Anran, his late father, hadn’t found solace in the afterlife. As a son, Liu Chunyu couldn’t express his dissatisfaction. However, no matter what, Liu Yong was his grandson. The relationship between him and Liu Yong, though not as remarkable as the one between his late father Liu Anran and his son Liu Chengyin, which had garnered admiration from the entire village, held significance. Under the influence of his late father, Liu Chengyin had achieved great success, becoming the county party secretary shortly after graduating from university. He had brought glory and honor to the Liu family’s ancestors. In Liu Yong’s generation, he seemed to have a complex philosophy of “consuming life and rejecting the sublime,” which was too profound for Liu Chunyu to comprehend.

    To be honest, Liu Yong always dresses quite stylishly. He tucks a coffee-colored leather bag under his arm, and wherever he goes, there are three or five young people following him. He’s often accompanied by flashy-looking girls. Dealing with those singing and dancing folks all day, Liu Chunyu can’t really stand it. But despite his disapproval, Liu Yong is still his grandson after all. They say that different generations have different habits, right? Although it’s rare for Liu Yong to come back to “Fenghuang Garden” for a meal and a heart-to-heart chat with his grandfather, whenever he does come back, Liu Chunyu and his wife, Yang Xuehua, will still be busy attending to him. They’ll prepare several of Liu Yong’s favorite dishes, making sure he enjoys his meal and visits home more often. Looking at their tall and well- mannered grandson, the elderly couple’s happiness and joy far outweigh the hidden regrets and disappointments deep in their hearts. Their regrets and disappointments about Liu Yong are usually hidden like “Yu Zecheng,” lurking beneath the surface. But on the days when they offer incense and pay respects to Liu Anran, those hidden feelings of “Yu Zecheng” come to the forefront. Afterward, they console themselves with the saying “Children and grandchildren bring their own blessings,” and they push those emerged feelings of “Yu Zecheng” back into hiding, once again lurking beneath the surface.

    Now, with Liu Yong being taken away by the public security authorities, Liu Chunyu is undoubtedly feeling anxious up in heaven. He’s probably beside himself with worry. Liu Chunyu is also trying to convince his son to set aside his position as Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, give face to the public security authorities, and downplay the situation surrounding Liu Yong. He hopes to turn a big issue into a small one and resolve the matter smoothly. He cannot afford to let anything happen to Liu Yong. To be honest, he and his wife are getting older, living day by day, and they’re still waiting to hold their great-grandchild. He believes that his in-laws, who are far away in Qingjiang, likely share similar thoughts with him and his wife.

    The whole family has placed their hopes on him, Liu Chengyin.

    Liu Chengyin has harbored a multitude of discontent towards his son, Liu Yong, for a long time.